
1 2 Genetic Program Genetic Program Parameter 3 Genetic Program - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

1 2 Genetic Program Genetic Program Parameter 3 Genetic Program Genetic Program 4 Softcoding Platform Softcoding Platform Faster More affordable More affordable More predictable 5 Modulating Softcoding Platform g Genetic

  1. 1

  2. 2 Genetic Program Genetic Program Parameter

  3. 3 Genetic Program Genetic Program

  4. 4 Softcoding Platform Softcoding Platform • Faster • More affordable More affordable • More predictable

  5. 5 Modulating Softcoding Platform g Genetic Circuits VS Electronic Circuits

  6. 6 RNA Controller Toolkit RNA Controller Toolkit RNA Controller = Toolkit Toolkit Ligand responsive riboswitch/ribozyme Ligand concentration Translation strength

  7. 7 Softcoding Platform

  8. 8 RBS Calculator RBS Calculator RBS RBS calculator l l = RBS RBS Calculator RBS sequence Translation strength

  9. 9 Softcoding Platform AND AND gate t Vi l Violacein synthetic i th ti Bistable switch i bl i h pathway

  10. 10 RNA Controller Toolkit

  11. 11 RNA Controller Toolkit Criteria Criteria Appropriate range of regulation Modularity Orthogonality Orthogonality

  12. 12 Outline Outline  Harvest from existing RNA controllers  Develop a rational and semi ‐ rational design of ribozyme

  13. Existing RNA Controllers 13 Actuator Aptamer Actuator Aptamer Thiamine Pyrophosphate (TPP) Thi i P h h t (TPP) Th Theophylline Regulated h lli R l t d Regulated Ribozyme Riboswitch Jörg S. Hartig et al. (2009). Artificial Ribozyme Switches Containing Natural Riboswitch Aptamer Domains. Angew. Chem. 121, 2753 ‐ Jörg S. Hartig et al. (2009). Artificial Ribozyme Switches Containing Natural Riboswitch Aptamer Domains. Angew. Chem. 121, 2753 2756 Wolfgang Hillen et al. (2004) A theophylline responsive riboswitch based on helix slipping controls gene expression in vivo . Nucleic Acids Research , 32 , 1610 ‐ 1614

  14. Theophylline Regulated Riboswitch 14 Result Result


  16. TPP Regulated Ribozyme 16 Result GFP T7 eGFP GFP T7 GFP pBAD CI GFP pBAD

  17. A General Method for 17 RNA Controller Construction RNA Controller Construction Design Various aptamers Hammerhead ribozyme Linker domain Various aptamers Hammerhead ribozyme

  18. A General Method for 18 RNA Controller Construction RNA Controller Construction selection TetA +NiCl 2 , Library y OFF selection OFF l ti ‐ Ligand, gene repression +Ligand, gene activation + Tc + Tc ON selection Yohei Yokobayashi et al.(2009) An efficient platform for genetic selection and screening of gene switches in Escherichia coli. Nucleic Acids Research. 37:e39

  19. A General Method for 19 RNA Controller Construction RNA Controller Construction Mock selection result Selected Selected 4 /off ratio 3 Selected on/ 2 Control Control Selected Control 1 1 Contro 0 ol 10 ‐ 1 10 ‐ 2 dilution

  20. A General Method for 20 RNA Controller Construction RNA Controller Construction Activation Sequence(5’->3’) fold Wild TTCATA TTCATA aptamer)..TATGAA t ) TATGAA 2 5 2.5 type 1.1 CCCATA CCCATA aptamer)..TATATG aptamer)..TATATG 4 OFF ON 1.4 CAAATA…(aptamer)..TATCTT 2.5 2.1 CTGATA..(aptamer)..TATGTA 1.5 2.2 ATGATA..(aptamer)..TATTTA 1.5

  21. Tran nslatio on S treng gth 21

  22. 22 RBS Calculator

  23. 23 Translation th Strengt S Strength h S Δ G G on nslatio Particular Particular Tra Sequence Sequence Ligand Concentration

  24. Derivation of Δ G 24 A Thermodynamics based Model A Thermodynamics ‐ based Model     G G G : standby mRNA mRNA rRNA nergy s Free En Gibbs Reaction Process Salis, H.M., Mirsky, E.A., and Voigt, C.A.(2009). Automated design of synthetic ribosome binding sites to control protein expression. Nat.Biotech., 27 :946:952

  25. Derivation of Δ G 25 A Thermodynamics based Model A Thermodynamics ‐ based Model       G G G G G : standby spacing mRNA mRNA rRNA start nergy s Free En Gibbs Reaction Process Salis, H.M., Mirsky, E.A., and Voigt, C.A.(2009). Automated design of synthetic ribosome binding sites to control protein expression. Nat.Biotech., 27 :946:952

  26. The RBS Calculator 26   G  G tot          G G G G G : m RNA m RNA rRNA standby spacing start Ke     G Translation Rate tot Translation Rate Salis, H.M., Mirsky, E.A., and Voigt, C.A.(2009). Automated design of synthetic ribosome binding sites to control protein expression. Nat.Biotech., 27 :946:952

  27. The RBS Calculator 27 Verification of Accuracy Verification of Accuracy RBS AUG Green Fluorescent Protein Output Fluorescence Measurement p

  28. The RBS Calculator 28 Verification of Accuracy Verification of Accuracy

  29. The RBS Calculator 29 → Forward Engineering → Forward Engineering Output Fluorescence Output Fluorescence (Translation Rate) RBS AUG Green Fluorescent Protein

  30. The RBS Calculator 30 → F → Forward Engineering d E i i rna1995, 51nt

  31. 31 AND Gate Module

  32. Architecture of AND gate 32 Input1 Input2 Input 1 supD T7 GFP UAG UAG Input 2 UAG * * | | T7ptag T7ptag RBS RBS

  33. Phase diagram 33 * * | | | | T7 t T7ptag RBS RBS

  34. 34 Step 1 TPP Hammerhead a e ead Ribozyme * * * * | | T7ptag T7ptag RBS RBS

  35. 35 Result of step 1

  36. 36 Step 2 p * * | | | | T7ptag RBS

  37. 37 Result of step 2 ∆ G= 1.33 kJ/mol ∆ G= -0.4873 kJ/mol RBS: RBS: ACACAGGAC GGAGUGG ACACAGGAC GGAGUGG

  38. 38 Bistable Switch Module Bistable Switch Module

  39. 39 Construction of Bistable Switch Construction of Bistable Switch CI CI 434 mRFP mRFP eGFP eGFP P RM P R

  40. 40 Softcoding of Bistable Switch CI mRFP mRFP CI 434 CI 434 eGFP eGFP P RM P R TPP hammerhead ribozyme TPP hammerhead ribozyme +TPP No TPP dG=4.6kJ/mol High TPP conc. dG=7.0kJ/mol Translation strength of CI434

  41. Stochastic Model of Bistable Switch 41

  42. Stochastic Model of Bistable Switch 42 Fit with Softcoding Result

  43. Prediction of a RBS sequence 43 No TPP : dG=4 6kJ/mol No TPP : dG=4.6kJ/mol High TPP conc. : dG=7.0kJ/mol dG=5.3kJ/mol RBS calculator RBS calculator RBS: CGAGACC RBS: CGAGACC

  44. 44 Fi Fine ‐ tuning i bi biosynthetic pathway th ti th

  45. Violacein pathway 45 deoxychromoviridans H H N N N N H H N N H H

  46. Violacein pathway 46 deoxychromoviridans H H N N N N H H N N H H

  47. Design 47 IPA imine L ‐ tryptophan VioA VioB VioB IPA imine dimer dimer VioE VioE P Prodeoxyviolacein d i l i VioD VioD Proviolacein Deoxy ‐ chromoviridans chromoviridans

  48. Design 48 IPA imine dimer dimer VioE Prodeoxyviolacein VioD Proviolacein Deoxy ‐ chromoviridans h i id

  49. Fine ‐ tuning pathway 49 Translation Strength control violacein violacein violacein violacein

  50. Fine ‐ tuning pathway 50 Solvent ‐ TPP TPP 10nM TPP 100nM TPP 1  M TPP 10  M

  51. Fine ‐ tuning pathway 51

  52. 52 Summary

  53. 53 Idea Summary Idea Summary Soft coding Soft-coding Ligand Conc. Translation Strength RBS Sequence

  54. 54 Achievements Achievements • RNA controllers & RBS calculator – New ribozymes with different aptamers – Improved existing ribozymes – Improved Reverse translation strength prediction Improved Reverse translation strength prediction • Three applications – AND gate AND t – Bistable switch – Violacein bio ‐ synthesis

  55. 55 Achievements Achievements • RNA controllers & RBS calculator – New ribozymes with different aptamers – Improved existing ribozymes – Improved Reverse translation strength prediction Improved Reverse translation strength prediction • Three applications – AND gate AND t – Bistable switch – Violacein bio ‐ synthesis

  56. 56 RNA Controllers RNA Controllers

  57. 57 Achievements Achievements • RNA controllers & RBS calculator ✔ New ribozymes with different aptamers ✔ Improved existing ribozymes – Improved Reverse translation strength prediction Improved Reverse translation strength prediction • Three applications – AND gate AND t – Bistable switch – Violacein bio ‐ synthesis

  58. 58 RBS Calculator RBS Calculator RBS RBS AUG AUG Green Fluorescent Protein Green Fluorescent Protein

  59. 59 Achievements Achievements ✔ RNA controllers & RBS calculator ✔ New ribozymes with different aptamers ✔ Improved existing ribozymes ✔ Improved Reverse translation strength prediction ✔ Improved Reverse translation strength prediction • Three applications – AND gate AND t – Bistable switch – Violacein bio ‐ synthesis

  60. 60 Applications Applications CI mRFP CI 434 eGFP P RM P R

  61. 61 Prospect & future plans Prospect & future plans • New generation – Quantitative Q – Predictable – Fast Fast • Improvement – Precise – General General

  62. 62 Parts Parts • Favorite Parts Favorite Parts BBa_K598000 TPP Down ‐ regulated Hammerhead Ribozyme 2.5 with Native RBS+E0040+B0015 BBa_K598001 Theophylline Responsive Riboswitch 1G1 with Engineered RBS+GFP generator BBa_K598002 Bistable Switch Mutant 68 • Parts Sandbox BBa K598003 BBa K598027 BBa_K598003 ‐‐ BBa_K598027

  63. 63 Human Practice Human Practice

  64. 64 Collaboration Collaboration


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