
1 2 | 3 | Spillway Outlet Pipe Dam Crest - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

1 2 | 3 | Spillway Outlet Pipe Dam Crest Dam Embankment Image Source: Google Earth 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Year 1 and 2 10 | Year 1 and 2 11 | Year 3 April

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  4. Spillway Outlet Pipe Dam Crest Dam Embankment Image Source: Google Earth 4 |

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  10. Year 1 and 2 10 |

  11. Year 1 and 2 11 |

  12. Year 3 April - October 12 |

  13. Year 4 April - June 13 |

  14. Year 4 July - October 14 |

  15. Year 5 April - October 15 |

  16. Year 5 → 16 |

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  21. Image Source: Google Earth 21 |

  22. We are here 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 NEPA / CEQA / Permitting Design *Construction → 2025 60% Design 90% Design 30% Design *Start of construction dependent on permit acquisition. 22 |

  23. CEQA process Public involvement Draft Environmental Impact Report September (EIR) 2018 Public EIR comment period – 45 days for public comment comment meeting Response to comments and EIR revisions October 2018 Spring 2019 Final EIR District Board considers certifying EIR and approving Project 23 |

  24. ► ► Emily Gross EGross@valleywater.org (408) 630-2415 24 |

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