
1 What motivates you? Motivation Survey Achievement Interpersonal - PDF document

Announcements CSE 403 This week: Lecture 7 Motivation Is software different? Risks analysis Motivation Reading Assignment Mythical Man Month, Chapters 7-9 Project What makes a successful Successful software teams

  1. Announcements CSE 403 � This week: Lecture 7 � Motivation � Is software different? � Risks analysis Motivation � Reading Assignment � Mythical Man Month, Chapters 7-9 � Project What makes a successful Successful software teams team? � Studies show a 10 to 1 difference in � Shared, elevating vision � Mutual trust or goal productivity of programmers � Interdependence � Team identity among team members � Equal differences observed in � Results driven structure � Effective communication productivity of teams � Competent team � Sense of autonomy � Substantial differences observed in members � Sense of empowerment performances of teams even when the � Commitment to the � Small team size strength of the programmers is team � High level of enjoyment equivalent Team building Motivation � Team members derive satisfaction from � Motivation is undoubtedly the single the team’s accomplishments greatest influence on how well people perform. Most productivity studies � Important to both have found that motivation has a � Reward the team’s success stronger influence on productivity than � Maintain individual accountability any other factor. (Boehm 1981) 1

  2. What motivates you? Motivation Survey Achievement Interpersonal relationships, superior Recognition Interpersonal relationships, Work itself peers Advancement Technical-supervision Salary opportunities Possibility for growth Company policies Interpersonal relationships, Working conditions subordinate Personal life Status Job security Responsibility Top five motivation factors for developers (Boehm) Top five motivation factors � Achievement � Personal life � Ownership � Technical-supervision opportunity � Goal setting � Possibility for Growth � Assign each developer to be technical lead � Work itself for some particular product area � Skill variety � Task identity � Task significance � Autonomy � Job feedback Think about the following RJA’s example � Graduate School: Analysis of Algorithms qualifying � Identify an episode in your life where exam. Very challenging course followed by a week you were exceptionally motivated and long take home exam. the motivation led to high performance. � Motivational factors: � Achievement – significant technical challenge It could be school or work related. � Direct recognition – feedback on the work from experts � What factors motivated you? � Work itself � Non-factors: � Public recognition (status) � Passing the exam (advancement) � Learning something useful (personal growth) 2

  3. How not to manage: Morale killers Student Project Teams � Management manipulation � I’ve observed a high success rate � Excessive scheduling pressure � But failures happen . . . � Lack of appreciation for team member’s efforts � Inappropriate involvement of technically inept management � Not involving team members in decisions that affect them � Productivity barriers � Low quality � Heavy handed motivation campaigns � Frequent changes in direction 3


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