
1 5/8/2013 1953 1983 Avian influenza A (H7N9) virus MOLECULAR - PDF document

5/8/2013 1994 2003 1983 Science. 1983 May 20; 220 (4599): 868- 1 5/8/2013 1953 1983 Avian influenza A (H7N9) virus MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Bacteri riol olog ogy Dr. Ian M Mackay Virology Down Under H7N9 News Blog 2 5/8/2013 World

  1. 5/8/2013 1994 2003 1983 Science. 1983 May 20; 220 (4599): 868- 1

  2. 5/8/2013 1953 1983 Avian influenza A (H7N9) virus MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Bacteri riol olog ogy Dr. Ian M Mackay Virology Down Under – H7N9 News Blog 2

  3. 5/8/2013 World Health Organization officials prepare to enter Kagadi Hospital in Uganda on July 28. N Engl J Med April 11 2013 Photograph by Isaac Kasamani, AFP/Getty Images DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1304459 Human Pathogens Emerging or # Species Re-emerging Viruses 208 77 37.0% Bacteria 538 54 10.0% Fungi 317 22 6.9% Protozoa 57 14 24.6% Helminths 287 10 3.5% 1407 177 12.6% Zoonoses 816 130 15.9% Zoonoses 58.0% 73.4% Adapted from: Mark EJ Woolhouse and Sonya Gowtage-Sequeria EID 2005; 11(6):1842-1847 MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cell Line Hampton, Hollander, Miller et al Genome Res 2008 Edward Hicks – The Peacable Kingdom (1826) 3

  4. 5/8/2013 Acknowledgements: Professor Peter Furness. The future of cellular pathology: the next 50 years On the Agenda. The Bulletin of the Royal College of Pathologists. October 2012 Professor Sir John Bell. Redefining disease . The Harveian Oration 2010. Royal College of Physicians 4


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