
1 12 habitat patches in the terrai are being reconnected after - PDF document

The Coyote Valley Linkage in the Corridor analysis is being used in Context of the Central Coast conservation efforts around the world, and is proving an effective restoration tool as Jim Thorne well. Golden- Headed Lion Tamarin Corridor

  1. The Coyote Valley Linkage in the • Corridor analysis is being used in Context of the Central Coast conservation efforts around the world, and is proving an effective restoration tool as Jim Thorne well. Golden- Headed Lion Tamarin Corridor analysis being used to identify where to do restoration in this system. 1

  2. 12 habitat patches in the terrai are being reconnected after corridor analysis. Multiple species are targeted, including rhino, tiger, sloth bears Study Region Land Ownership and • Central Coast Mountains are Status mostly undeveloped, except in scattered pockets • Inner Coast Ranges are primarily in private ownership- large ranches • About 75% of study area is in • San Francisco and Monterey Bay private land regions are heavily developed • Ventana, Dick Smith and San • northern Transverse Ranges are Rafael Wilderness areas primarily in public ownership- largely NF wilderness • Pinnacles National Monument • Agriculture predominant in valley • Network of open space around Bay bottoms Area significant for biodiversity, due to high species richness and • Vineyard expansion threatens endemism near Bay undeveloped oak woodlands in foothills • Inner Coast Ranges are primarily in private ownership- large ranches 2

  3. Primary Goals of a Reserve System Threats to biodiversity and proposed solutions • Represent all native habitat types across their natural range of variation Threats Solutions • Maintain viable populations of all native Reduced habitat species in natural patterns of distribution and Large sized reserves abundance Altered Ecosystem Restoration of native Composition and plants and animals • Maintain ecological and evolutionary Structure processes (disturbance, predation, Corridors, linked reserves hydrological regimes) that maintain Fragmented Habitat biodiversity Reintroduction of Ecosystem Dysfunction disturbance, watershed • Design the system to be responsive to long- (loss of process) restoration term change (climate change) Focal Species- Conservation Planners’ How to approach such a large and multi- Buzzwords scaled task? Choose species that live in different habitat types • Focal species and the Wildlands approach: and fill different ecological functions Cores, Corridors, Umbrella species . • Focal species: Umbrella Mountain Lion, San Joaquin Kit Fox, Flagship Pronghorn Antelope, Steelhead. Keystone Rare/Endemic • Mountain Lion the primary focus due to its Indicator extensive spatial requirements. • Steelhead database unusual, developed by grass roots in combination with government employees. 3

  4. Human Elements Biological Elements Mammal Focal Species Roads Land Population Focal Oak Old Growth Ownership Portfolio Density Species, Distribution Redwood Sites mammals Distribution Land Cover Red Legged Focal Serpentine Frog, Tiger Species, Geology and Salamander Salmonids Endemic Present Plants California Extirpated Transportation Species Urban Plan Expansion Reintroductions Models Vineyard Restore natural Projected Expansion disturbance Habitat Logging Models Restoration regimes Corridor Climate Change Future Restoration Models Pronghorn Mountain Lion San Joaquin Kit Fox Future Human Scenarios Future Biological Scenarios 4

  5. Big Sur Transverse Range Linkage through the Adelaide Country 5

  6. Pajaro River, SC Mtn Choke Point 6

  7. Detail of same Southern Coyote Valley Northern Coyote Valley 7

  8. Ancillary Evidence 8

  9. Interpretation for Conservation Actions. 1. Core areas are mostly on private lands. Conservation Thank you Easements are likely the only effective way to protect these. There is considerable difference in habitat quality from Ranch to ranch. 2. Money for acquisition should be spent on smaller sites Closer to development for protection of endemics and species With low dispersal capabilities. 3. Restoration activities for salmon can also be made to Contribute to landscape connectivity issues, such as Jim Thorne Re-establishing riparian corridors across the Salinas Valley. jhthorne@ucdavis.edu 9

  10. Conclusions for the Central Coast Region Updates 1. Area north of bay area should be included in northern CA. For mammal network design. •CCP project in Santa Barbara working on stream restoration and modeling connectivity at a finer, 2. Bay Area offers important opportunities to integrate more applicable scale Landscape level design with finer scale, parcel driven • Coyote Valley- CA DFG issued opinion on passage, at Conservation planning (FRAP website). least 3 local environmental groups working on issue 3. Parcel level data needed for entire region. • Reports sent to many environmental groups, including several in the SLO area 4. Despite large numbers of people, good opportunities exist For conservation planning. 10


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