11/9/2018 MWDOC’s Current an MWDOC’s Current and F d Future W ture Water Use Ef r Use Efficiency Ef ciency Efforts s Joe Berg, Director of WUE Steve Hedges, WUE Supervisor Municipal Water District of Orange County November 13, 2018 Discussion Topics 1 Why W Water Use r Use E Efficiency? ciency? 2 Current Current W Water Use Use Efficiency E ciency Efforts 3 Water Use Use Ef Efficiency cy -2 Years -2 Y ars Out- Out- 4 Wa Water U Use Efficiency - 5 - 5 to 1 10 Y Years Out- 2 WUE Planning 1
11/9/2018 Orange County 2017-18 Usage by Source Why Water Use Efficiency? 1 MWDOC MWDOC’s Miss s Missio ion e… and t and to p promot ote e wa water • Our missi Our mission on is is to pr provide… use ef use efficiency for all r all of Orange of Orange Coun County . 2 Still Still th the e Least Ex Least Expe pensiv nsive W e Water Alt r Alterna rnativ ive 3 Suppor Support R Retail W tail Water A r Agencies es in th in their eir Ef Efforts t s to Com Comply with Stat with State e Mand Mandat ates es • Count unty-Wide -Wide I Implem plementat entation on of Programs rams • Metr Me tropo opolit itan R Resour sources • Grant Fund Grant F ndin ing 4 MWDOC Visibility MWDOC Visibili ty in th in the e Comm Communi unity • Promo Pr omotes All All of of MWDOC MWDOC’s Ef Efforts 5 Cons Conservatio tion Ethic Ethic • Promo omotes es th the Su e Sustai staina nabili bility ty of Sou of Southern rn Calif. Calif. 3 WUE Planning MWDOC’s Urban Why Water Use Efficiency? Future OC Water Use Water Use & SB7x7 2.0 3.5 (cont.) Targets 3.45 1.6 3.4 3.35 Million People 6 1.2 3.3 Long- Long-Term erm Comm Commitme itment t to Supply Supply R Reliabili liability MAF 3.25 • MET’s IRP MET’ IRP 0.8 3.2 • WUE Master WUE Mas er Pl Plan 3.15 • Ur Urban ban Water M Mana nagement P gement Plan an 0.4 3.1 3.05 • Long- ng-Term P erm Planning nning 0.0 3 • Emergenc gency R y Response onse 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 7 Water Use Population Stat State Mand e Mandat ate e Com Compliance • SB7x7 SB7x7-Water Cons Conser ervatio tion Act of Act of 200 2009 AB 1668 AB 1 668 and SB and SB 606 606 • 8 Reliability S Re Study • Long- Long-Term Su erm Supply pply a and Demand d Demand Forecastin casting • Demand Pr Demand Proje ojectio tion Scenar Scenarios 4 WUE Planning 2
11/9/2018 Water Use Efficiency Today 1 Water U r Use E Efficiency ciency Staff Joe Berg • Fiv Five FTEs FTEs Director of WUE • Three I ree Interns rns • Cu Current Sta rrent Staffing fing Plan Ca lan Calls f lls for r No In Increase crease Excluding W uding Water r Loss C Contr ntrol • 2 Water U r Use E Efficiency ciency Expendit penditures ures Beth Fahl Rachel Waite Steve Hedges Rachel Davis Senior WUE WUE Analyst I WUE WUE Analyst II Analyst Supervisor Lat Latest Fi Five Y Year Tota tals WUE Interns WUE B E Budget, S dget, Staf affing, a ng, and Programs rams - Choice ice $4,22 220,0 0,000* 00* Rebates P s Paid id to Ora Orange County Rat ge County Rate P Payers rs $54,70 $54,700,000* Grant Ac t Acquisit quisitio ion F n Funds s for P Programs ms $4,30 303,0 3,000 *Over the *Ov the las last 5-y 5-year ars MWDOC MWDOC Agenci Agencies ha have reali realized a a 13 to 1 1 benefi benefit Jonathan Sam Alexis Meier Fetter Correa 5 WUE Planning Water Use Efficiency Today Typical Program Evolution (cont.) 3 MWDOC MWDOC’s Ne s New w Pr Progr ogram Ev m Evolutio ion • Initi itial As Assessment sessment of N New Water Sa r Savings vings Oppor Opportuni unity 1. Initial • Pr Proo oof of Con of Concept Assessment of • Quan Quantify fy W Water Sa Savin vings New Program • Pilo lot I t Implementatio plementation – – Small S ll Scale ale Refine I ne Implementation plementation • 2. Pilot • Re-e -evalu luate W Water Sa Savings vings Implementation Results lts to M MET’s P s PAC f C for r Further De her Development velopment with Host • Agency • Program F ogram Funded nded b by ME MET and/or T and/or Grants Grants • County ty-Wide I -Wide Implem plementation entation 3. Orange • Quantitativ antitative an and d Qualit alitativ ative E e Evaluation f aluation for R Refined ned County‐Wide Water Sa r Savings vings and P and Program I ogram Implementati plementation on Implementation • MET’s P MET’s PAC Accepts Accepts Quantitat Quantitative Water Sa r Savings vings • Program F ogram Funded nded b by ME MET and/or T and/or Grants Grants 4. MET’s Vendor • Program S ogram Shif ifted d to M MET a and d Offered red Region-Wide on-Wide Offering • Implementation plementation T Through ugh ME MET’s V T’s Vendor ndor Exam amples ples Includ Include Smar e Smart Ti t Timers, T , Turf R Remo moval, l, and and Spra Spray t y to Drip ip Pr Progr ograms 6 WUE Planning 3
11/9/2018 Water Use Efficiency Today After Before (cont.) 4 Implemen plementation tation P Programs ms for R Residen dentia ial, C l, CII & I & Public A Agen ency cy Rebat bate Oppor Opportunit ities W. Lambert Road, La Habra Reside sidentia ntial l Comme mmercia ial, Indu Indust stri rial al, Publ Public ic A Agenc ency (SF + (SF + MF MF) Instit In itution utional CII l CII High Hi gh Ef Efficienc ciency Water Sa r Savi vings/Incent ngs/Incentive Water Loss Contr r Loss Control Toilets, To Prog Pr ogram ram, and Leak Detectio and Leak De ction Cl Clothes W othes Wash shers Hi High gh Ef Efficienc ciency T Toile ilets Indoor door Cooling T Cool g Towers Wa Waterless U Urinals Ice Machin Ice Machines es Smart Time Smar t Timers Smart Time Smar t Timers Smart Time Smar t Timer Tu Turf R Removal Turf R Tu Removal Tu Turf R Removal Spra Spray t to Drip Drip Spray t Spra to Drip Drip Spray t Spra to Drip Drip Outdo Outdoor Landsc Landscap ape Design Design Landscap Landsc ape Design Design Landscap Landsc ape Design Design Rain Barrels Rain B rrels Large Rotar Large R tary Nozz Nozzles les Recy cycled cled W Water Educat Education and and Public Outrea Public Outreach ch Qual alified W ified Water Ef r Effici cient Lan ent Landscapes apes (QWEL), WEL), H2O H2O f for r HO HOAs, Co , Community Ev unity Even ents, ts, Ca Californi rnia Friendly La ndly Landscape e Training ning ( (CFL FLT), T T), Turf R Removal T l Training ning 7 WUE Planning Water Use Efficiency Today (cont.) 5 Se Service t ice to O Our r Member mber Agencies cies • Member A mber Agen ency cy Staf Staff f Suppor Support • Program I ram Implementation an ementation and Funding Ac ing Acquisition quisition Re Regional Re Representation • 6 Metrop opolitan Le olitan Lead adership ship • Pr Projec oject A Advi viso sory Com Committees (P (PAC) MWDOC DOC Rep at at Water U r Use E e Efficiency ciency Meet etings ings • • Steer St eer the F the Futu ture re of W of Water Use r Use Ef Effi ficiency in in S. Calif S. Calif. 7 Dr Drought ought Prepare Preparedne ness ss • Water Shor r Shortage C tage Contingency ntingency Plans ans • Outr Outreach 8 Member mbershi ships in s in Organi nization zation • Californ Cali rnia W Water Ef r Effici cien ency cy Par Partnership, CalWEP rship, CalWEP • Alliance f Alliance for r Water Ef r Efficie ciency cy, , AWE • American Ameri an W Water W r Works s As Associa sociation, A AWWA • Associatio ciation n of California W ia Water A Agencies cies, ACWA • Cali Calif. Landsc Landscap ape Cont Contra ractors s Asso Association, CL CLCA CA • Asso Association of of Cali Californ rnia Citi Cities - - Orange range Coun County, A , ACC-OC 8 WUE Planning 4
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