
1 Scale invariant feature selection Affine transforms why? - PDF document

Why Local Features? Scale and Affine Invariant Interest Point Robust to noise, occlusion and clutter. Detectors Distinctive and repeatable. No explicit segmentation required represent Krystian Mikolajczyk and Cordelia Schm id

  1. Why Local Features? Scale and Affine Invariant Interest Point � Robust to noise, occlusion and clutter. Detectors � Distinctive and repeatable. � No explicit segmentation required – represent Krystian Mikolajczyk and Cordelia Schm id objects (classes). * * Sources: Schmid (CVPR’03), Tuytelaars (ECCV’06). � Invariance to image transformations + robust to illumination changes. � Applications: SLAM, object (class) recognition, matching… 1 2 Some keywords… The scale-adapted SMM � Harris corner detector. � Terms: differentiation scale, integration scale, based on variance of kernel. � Scale sensitive… ⎡ σ σ ⎤ 2 L ( , ) L L ( , ) � Difference-of-Gaussian (DoG). x x μ σ σ = σ σ ⎢ x D x y D ⎥ 2 ( , , ) g ( ) x � Lowe’s paper: approx. to normalized LoG. I D D I σ σ ⎢ 2 ⎥ ⎣ L L ( , ) L ( , ) ⎦ x x x y D y D σ = σ s � Laplacian-of-Gaussian (LoG). D I � Normalized = > Extrema in scale-space. � Ref: Elimination of edge responses in Lowe’s paper using eigen values… � Related to second moment matrix (SMM): second- order derivates of kernel-convolved image. 3 4 Characteristic Scale – scale invariance Characteristic scale selection � Apply local operator at scales: scale where operator best matches local structure. � Multi-scale Harris. � Characteristic scale with Laplacian. � LoG better than scale-adapted Harris. 5 6 1

  2. Scale invariant feature selection Affine transforms – why? � Harris-Laplace (HL) detector: � Viewpoint changes ~ affine transform. � Harris measure, 8-neighborhood IP – larger scale � Scale changes by different amounts. ratio. � Harris, HL not affine invariant. � Iterate using LoG until convergence – smaller � Operate in affine Gaussian scale-space: ellipses as scale ratio. point neighborhoods. � Simplified HL: � Reduce scale diff, find IP, keep those with LoG extremum. � Simplified HL almost as good as HL. detected scale invariant projected region region 7 8 Affine Invariance – linear algebra 101 ☺ Affine Invariance – a picture = μ Σ = μ Σ ( x , ) M M ( x , ) � Basis: Anisotropy is affine-transformed isotropy. L L L R R R High-dim search space. → x A x Σ � Constraints on of Gaussian kernels: � recover affine shape, � reduce to orthogonal transform in normalized frames. 1 1 − − → → x 2 x x 2 x M M L R � Patterns in normalized frames are isotropic with 1 1 respect to SMM. = ( 2 x ) ( 2 x ) M R M R R L L Σ , L Σ � Estimation of - iterative algorithm. R Isotropic neighborhoods related by rotation 9 10 Affine Invariance – how? Affine Transformation detection � Step 1: Detect presence of affine � Eigen values – yes, again! � Ratio of eigen values of SMM: eigen values equal= > transformation. isotropy. λ μ ( ) = min Q λ μ ( ) max � Step 2: Transform IPs to normalized � Once more, a measure of the skew/ stretch. fram es, get to circular point neighborhoods, achieve affine invariance… � Ref: Lowe’s feature rejection based on the r-factor . 11 12 2

  3. Σ , L Σ Algorithm ( ) – iterate until convergence Affine invariant Harris points R � Shape adaptation – normalize window using a � Iterative estimation of localization, scale, function of SMM. neighborhood σ � Select - remember characteristic scale . I σ � Select - equalize eigen values. D � Spatial localization of IP (interest point) – Harris detectors. � Compute SMM and update normalization matrix. Iteration #1 13 14 Affine invariant Harris points Affine invariant Harris points � Iterative estimation of localization, scale, � Iterative estimation of localization, scale, neighborhood neighborhood Iteration #2 Iteration #3, #4, ... 15 16 Notes Affine invariant Harris points � Convergence based on reasonable choice of scales and initial estimates. � Initial estimates of I Ps not affine invariant . � Averaging of similar features. � Only (20-30)% of initial IPs used. � Repeatability criterion. � More robust to large viewpoint changes. � Smallest number of features found . � Largest time complexity . affine Harris Harris-Laplace 17 18 3

  4. Descriptors and Matching Matches – HarAff, large change in viewpoint � Normalized Gaussian gradient descriptors – weak ! � Cause of matching failure – use SIFT descriptors (ref: Moreels + Perona evaluation)… � Matching based on Mahalanobis distance and filters. � Comparable performance under scale changes and localization errors. � Performance much better under significant viewpoint changes. � Next, some ‘lab made’ image results ☺ 33 correct matches 19 20 Matches – SIFT, large change in viewpoint Images – difference in feature selection… 12 correct matches – hmm... 21 22 Images – difference in feature selection… Some SIFT matching – good… 23 24 4

  5. SIFT Matching – not so good… SIFT Matching – not so good… 25 26 SIFT Matching – not so good… SIFT Matching – not so good… 27 28 Some other methods – MSER Some other methods – IBR 29 30 5

  6. Observations… � Local features intuitively appealing – a lot of open That’s all folks ☺ questions still . � Scale, rotation, affine invariance, robust to viewpoint and illumination changes. � Depend on texture in images – absence of texture can make it unreliable. � Can add other features – Color? Texture? Structure? � Can combine with feature-learning approaches? 31 32 6
