Sep 02, 2022 •208 likes •267 views
1) 65 y.o. F with fatigue and known LBBB
1) 65 y.o F with known LBBB - baseline
2) 86 F with CP/SOB and pacer
2) 86 F with CP/SOB and pacer – Prior ECG
5/23/14 Goals: Widen Your Understanding of the Wide QRS! 1. Describe an approach to diagnosis of LBBB 2. Describe the predictive value of New LBBB 3. Describe the ST segment changes that are diagnostic of AMI in LBBB Case 1 McCabe et al.
291 views • 9 slides
AMI in LBBB Jeffrey Tabas, MD Professor of Emergency Medicine UCSF School of Medicine Goals: Widen Your Understanding of the Wide QRS! 1. Describe an approach to diagnosis of LBBB 2. Describe the predictive value of New LBBB 3. Describe
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Overview CRT in the non-LBBB patient When to Consider LV lead Placement in the Non-LBBB IVCD Patient ? What is the real issue here? Jag Singh MD DPhil FHRS Is the concern secondary to Associate Chief, Cardiology Division patient
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Feed the Hunger, Not the Fatigue: Eating for Adrenal Fatigue You are what you eat, and that's especially true of folks diagnosed with adrenal fatigue. Diet has a huge impact on adrenal fatigue. In patients with severe adrenal fatigue (AF), diet
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ICAO / IATA / IFALPA Asia-Pacific FRMS Seminar Bangkok - 2012 Dr Michelle Millar, Technical Officer (Human Performance), ICAO Measuring Fatigue Overview Definition of fatigue What fatigue measures measure Current methods for
707 views • 22 slides
Fatigue Management: Cheaper than Therapy Fatigue Management Cheaper than Therapy Types o Ty of Fa Fatigue Mike Har ke Harnett ett Pres esident ident Solar laris F Fatigue tigue Management Management 1. T 1. Task sk Relat lated
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Fatigue at Work Dr Alan Black Learning Points The main factors that cause fatigue How fatigue affects an individual How to avoid
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Seafarer fatigue 0 17 March 2015 Seafarer fatigue Causes and mitigation A presentation for the Nautical Institute Hong Kong branch Donal Keaney 17 March 2015 What is fatigue? A state of feeling tired, weary, or sleepy that results from
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Post-Stroke Fatigue DR. JACQUELINE FOLEY, MD, FRCPC Post-Stroke Fatigue -Fatigue is a common and often debilitating sequela of both hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke -Globally there are 33 million stroke survivors and at least 1/2 experience
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Updates on Myalgic Encephomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) Activities Social Security Administration Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Advisory Committee June 20, 2018 Michael J. Goldstein Office of Disability Policy Action Items From
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Fatigue Management Procedure Your organization NEEDS a fatigue management procedure Procedure Absolutes: Clear Work Day, Work Hour, and rest period limits Exceptions: Job Critical Can employees perform the work safely
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FATIGUE MECHANISMS IN P/M COMPONENTS Worcester Polytechnic Institute April 28-29, 2004 Diana Lados & Diran Apelian M orris B oorky P owder M etallurgy R esearch C enter OUTLINE I. Impact of Porosity on Fatigue and Fatigue Crack Growth
752 views • 40 slides
t n e m u c o Fatigue management for supervisors D y c a g e L g n i n r a e L 1 t n e m u c o Definition D y c a g e L g n i n r a e L t n e m Fatigue u c o A state of impaired mental and/or
849 views • 57 slides
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Thermo- -Mechanical Fatigue of Cast Mechanical Fatigue of Cast Thermo 319 Aluminum Alloys 319 Aluminum Alloys Huseyin Sehitoglu, 1 Carlos C. Engler-Pinto Jr. 2 , Hans J. Maier 3 ,Tracy J. Foglesong 4
715 views • 33 slides
Fatigue of Wind Blade Laminates: Fatigue of Wind Blade Laminates: Effects of Resin and Fabric Structure Details Details David Miller, Daniel D. Samborsky and John F. Mandell M Montana State University t St t U i it MCARE 2012 Outline
588 views • 34 slides
666 views • 25 slides
Improving the Fatigue Resistance of Thermite Railroad Rail Weldments F. V. Lawrence Y-R. Chen J. P. Cyre 1 Outline ! Fatigue problems with thermite welds ! Improving the rail head ! Improving the rail web and base 2 Metallic Fatigue ACELA
875 views • 64 slides
Fatigue Overview Andrew Ning There are four scenarios we have discussed for analyzing fatigue: 1. Fully reversed simple loading (i.e., mean zero) 2. Fluctuating simple loading 3. Combined simple loading 4. Complex loading The first three are
313 views • 4 slides
Defining, Measuring, and Predicting Fatigue Gregory Belenky, M.D. Sleep and Performance Research Center Washington State University Fatigue Operationally Defined Fatigue is operationally defined Subjectively by self- report,
554 views • 16 slides
Sleep, Depression, and Fatigue 12/8/06 Sleep, Depression, and Fatigue 1 Does Excessive Sleep Cause Insomnia, Depression and Fatigue? Thank you for inviting me. I hope this title is sufficiently provocative. For many people, this
295 views • 27 slides
FATIGUE MECHANISMS IN P/M COMPONENTS Worcester Polytechnic Institute October 27-28, 2004 Diana Lados & Diran Apelian M orris B oorky P owder M etallurgy R esearch C enter OUTLINE I. Impact of Porosity and Microstructure on Fatigue
904 views • 42 slides
The science behind FRMS : the causes of fatigue Philippe Cabon, PhD Evaluation AERES Projet de recherche 1 du LATI From intuition to science Fatigue is not only a scientific concept, it is used in the daily life and it is a subjective
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30 Years of the EIS The 80s 1973 - 1983 The Durability & Fatigue Group can trace its roots back to September 1973 and the first Fatigue Group Conference was held in 1974 at City University, London. In 1983 the group celebrated
1.1k views • 81 slides
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome among international students THE EFFECT OF PERFECTIONISM ON CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME AMONG INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS Chronic Fatigue Syndrome among international students Nilufar Alizada*, Karen Maher Health and Life
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