1/22/13 ¡ CS200 Algorithms and Data Structures Colorado State University Pa ar rt t 0 0. . O Ov ve er rv vi ie ew w o of f t th he e C Co ou ur rs se e CS 200 Algorithms and Data Structures, Spring, 2013 Sangmi Pallickara (sangmi@cs.colostate.edu) CS200 Algorithms and Data Structures Colorado State University Ab bo ou ut t m me e � Instructor – Dr. Sangmi Lee Pallickara – Email: sangmi at cs dot colostate dot edu – Office hours: TBA, and by appointment – CSB 456 � Research area – Big Data management � Access/Retrieval/Analytics/Metadata/Provenance � Deployment domains – Atmospheric sciences, astronomy, and genomics � Galileo (http://galileo.cs.colostate.edu) – Geospatial data storage system based on distributed hash tables 1/22/13 2 Samgmi Lee Pallickara CS200 Algorithms and Data Structures Colorado State University Of ff fi ic ce e H Ho ou ur rs s � Graduate Teaching Assistant – Satya Abhishek Nistala � Office hour: TBA Location: CSB120 � Email: cs200@cs.colostate.edu – Zewdu Gebeyehu � Office hour: TBA Location: CSB120 � Email: cs200@cs.colostate.edu � Teaching Assistant – Cameron Tolooee � Office hour: TBA Location: TBA � Email: cs200@cs.colostate.edu 1/22/13 Samgmi Lee Pallickara 3 1 ¡
1/22/13 ¡ CS200 Algorithms and Data Structures Colorado State University Co ou ur rs se e M Ma at te er ri ia al ls s a an nd d C Co om mm mu un ni ic ca at ti io on ns s � Course Website: http://www.cs.colostate.edu/~cs200 � RamCT – Grade and Discussion Board only � iClicker � Text books Data Abstraction and Problem Solving with Java, Addison Wesley ; 3 rd Edition Janet Prichard, Frank Carrano ISBN-10: 0132122308 ISBN-13: 978-0132122306 Discrete Mathematics and its applications, McGraw Hill; 7 th edition Kenneth H. Rosen ISBN-10: 0073383090 ISBN-13: 978-0073383095 1/22/13 4 Samgmi Lee Pallickara CS200 Algorithms and Data Structures Colorado State University Ho ow w i is s t th hi is s d di if ff fe er re en nt t f fr ro om m C CS S1 16 60 0/ /1 16 61 1? ? � Larger problems to solve: break down the problem and build software in a step-by-step and incremental manner. � Using understanding of data structures (e.g. tree, linear data structure) to build software. � Using computational complexity to analyze your software. � Team Programming Assignments 1/22/13 5 Samgmi Lee Pallickara CS200 Algorithms and Data Structures Colorado State University Co ou ur rs se e G Go oa al ls s Understanding ¡ Programming ¡ Algorithms ¡ Complexity ¡ analysis ¡ Problem ¡Solving ¡ 1/22/13 Samgmi Lee Pallickara 6 2 ¡
1/22/13 ¡ CS200 Algorithms and Data Structures Colorado State University Yo ou ur r E Ef ff fo or rt t f fo or r T Th hi is s C Co ou ur rs se e Discrete ¡ Java ¡ Mathema�cs ¡ Programming ¡ 1/22/13 7 Samgmi Lee Pallickara CS200 Algorithms and Data Structures Colorado State University Gr ra ad di in ng g i in nf fo or rm ma at ti io on n Midterm1 ¡ Par�cipa�on: ¡5% ¡ Midterm2 ¡ ¡ Midterm ¡1: ¡12% ¡ Quizzes: ¡10% ¡ Midterm ¡2: ¡12% ¡ Final ¡ Wri�en ¡Assignments: ¡15% ¡ Programming ¡ Final: ¡20% ¡ Programming ¡ ¡ Assignments ¡ Assignments: ¡26% ¡ Wri�en ¡Assignments ¡ Quizzes ¡ Par�cipa�on ¡ 1/22/13 8 Samgmi Lee Pallickara CS200 Algorithms and Data Structures Colorado State University Le et tt te er r G Gr ra ad de e P Po oi in nt t R Ra an ng ge e Le�er ¡ Range ¡ A ¡ 90.0 ¡– ¡100 ¡% ¡ B ¡ 80.0 ¡– ¡89.9 ¡% ¡ C ¡ 70.0 ¡– ¡79.9 ¡% ¡ D ¡ 60.0 ¡– ¡69.9 ¡% ¡ F ¡ Below ¡60.0 ¡% ¡ 1/22/13 Samgmi Lee Pallickara 9 3 ¡
1/22/13 ¡ CS200 Algorithms and Data Structures Colorado State University “H Ho ow w a am m I I d do oi in ng g? ?” ” � Your projected score will be posted every other week. (Look for the “weighted total” column in RamCT) – Participation will be added (up to 5 points) at the end of the semester � Visit your RamCT page and check your projected score. � If you are worried, come and talk to me! 1/22/13 10 Samgmi Lee Pallickara CS200 Algorithms and Data Structures Colorado State University Ho ow w t to o c ca al lc cu ul la at te e t th he e P Pr ro oj je ec ct te ed d S Sc co or re e � X: the score that you have gotten so far – If you received 10 in your midterm and 5, 4 in your programming assignments, X is 10+9 = 19. � Y: total score assessed so far – If you took a midterm and submitted 2 programming assignments, Y is 12+10 = 22. � Your projected Score in RamCT will be, X/Y = 0.86 � If you keep this pace until the end of the semester, your score will be 86/100 . (B) 11 1/22/13 Samgmi Lee Pallickara CS200 Algorithms and Data Structures Colorado State University CS S2 20 00 0 C Co ou ur rs se e S St tr ru uc ct tu ur re e � Lectures � Recitations � Quizzes � Midterms (2) and Final Exams � Programming assignments � Written assignments � Your participation 1/22/13 Samgmi Lee Pallickara 12 4 ¡
1/22/13 ¡ CS200 Algorithms and Data Structures Colorado State University Le ec ct tu ur re es s Goal : ¡ understanding ¡concepts ¡ � MWF: 2:00PM ~ 2:50PM � Readings – Chapters or examples in the text books � iClicker (~5%) � Quizzes (10+) : no makeup unless you provide advance notice to the instructor – Two lowest scores will be eliminated. � Feedback: mini survey after each part. 1/22/13 13 Samgmi Lee Pallickara CS200 Algorithms and Data Structures Colorado State University Pr ro og gr ra am mm mi in ng g A As ss si ig gn nm me en nt ts s ( (1 1/ /2 2) ) Goal : ¡Applying ¡the ¡concepts ¡to ¡ build ¡real-‑world ¡ examples. ¡ � Programming Assignment 0 ~ 5: – Java programming – Team project (PA 2 ~ 5) � Use the checkin system to submit – Directory name: PA0 ~ PA5 – Late submission: 24 hours with 10 % penalty 1/22/13 14 Samgmi Lee Pallickara CS200 Algorithms and Data Structures Colorado State University Pr ro og gr ra am mm mi in ng g A As ss si ig gn nm me en nt ts s ( (2 2/ /2 2) ) � Assignment 0 – Submit anything using checkin (due on Jan. 29 by noon) � Assignment 1 – Implementing a Double-ended Queue and a Random Queue (due on Feb. 5 by 5:00PM) � Assignment 2 – Building an Autocomplete algorithm � Assignment 3 – Compressing Data using Huffman Coding � Assignment 4 – Building a Word Histogram Using a Hashtable � Assignment 5 – Finding the Shortest Route using Dijkstra's algorithm 1/22/13 Samgmi Lee Pallickara 15 5 ¡
1/22/13 ¡ CS200 Algorithms and Data Structures Colorado State University Wr ri it tt te en n A As ss si ig gn nm me en nt ts s Goal : ¡solving ¡problems ¡using ¡theore�cal ¡concepts ¡ � 5 ¡~ ¡10 ¡problems ¡ � Hand-‑wri�en ¡answers: ¡use ¡separate ¡notes ¡ � Submit ¡at ¡the ¡beginning ¡of ¡the ¡class ¡on ¡the ¡due ¡date ¡ � Late ¡submission: ¡submit ¡at ¡the ¡beginning ¡of ¡the ¡ next ¡class ¡(10% ¡penalty) ¡ 1/22/13 16 Samgmi Lee Pallickara CS200 Algorithms and Data Structures Colorado State University Ex xa am ms s � Two Mid-semester exams (in class) � Final exam (in class) 1/22/13 17 Samgmi Lee Pallickara CS200 Algorithms and Data Structures Colorado State University Ce el ll l p ph ho on ne es s i in n t th he e C Cl la as ss sr ro oo om m? ? � Attention is a limited resource . – Your attention – Your classmates’ attentions – Instructor’s attention � Pay attention to where you pay attention � If you are expecting an emergency call – Sit close to the door and step out. 1/22/13 Samgmi Lee Pallickara 18 6 ¡
1/22/13 ¡ CS200 Algorithms and Data Structures Colorado State University La ap pt to op ps s i in n t th he e C Cl la as ss sr ro oo om m? ? � This class will not require any of laptop usage. � If you need to use laptop for this class (taking notes, etc), please sit in the last row . � Otherwise, I will ask you to turn off your laptop. 1/22/13 19 Samgmi Lee Pallickara CS200 Algorithms and Data Structures Colorado State University Cr ro os ss st ta al lk k i in n t th he e C Cl la as ss sr ro oo om m? ? � You will be asked to discuss with your peers in the class. � Please do not crosstalk – It is very distracting and, yes, I can see you � Again, “Attention is a limited resource.” 1/22/13 20 Samgmi Lee Pallickara CS200 Algorithms and Data Structures Colorado State University Re eg gi is st te er r y yo ou ur r i iC Cl li ic ck ke er r � Information – http://clicker.colostate.edu/ � Registration – https://wsnet.colostate.edu/cwis262/clicker/ registration.aspx � First Use – Next Monday (Jan. 28) � iClicker App – http://www.iclicker.com/Products/webclicker/ 1/22/13 Samgmi Lee Pallickara 21 7 ¡
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