˂ Development of a unified core system ˂ For countries of the Home Credit Group, Air Bank and Sprint in US ˂ Internet bank, customer portals: ˂ www.spravcefinanci.cz ˂ ib.airbank.cz ˂ Unified front-end for web applications ˂ Mobile Apps for Android and iOS ˂ Biometrics ˂ Building and operating data centers ˂ Big data ˂ Using data from social networks in marketing and credit scoring <7>
˂ Participated in the selection process while still a student ˂ Join Fingerprint team as Java Trainee ˂ Wrote diploma thesis for EmbedIT ˂ Finished FI MUNI in Feb. 2016 ˂ I had the opportunity to work with ˂ Biometrics server (ExpressID AFIS 3 from Innovatrics) ˂ Java EE platform (Spring, Hibernate, Oracle Weblogic) ˂ Java client based on Swing, distributed with Java Web Start ˂ Amazing experience ˂ Big challenge - Being part of big changes ˂ Interesting technology ˂ No just testing or bug fixing ˂ Personal responsibility <8>
˂ Master or Bachelor thesis ˂ Contact Petr Adámek ( adamek@fi.muni.cz) ˂ Assessment centre as selection procedure ˂ Usually once a month ˂ Open selection based on experience and potential ˂ Open positions for students/graduates ˂ 24x7 Application Support - Your IT career start-up ? ˂ Oracle/Java Developer ˂ Automation Technical Tester ˂ BI/IT Analyst ˂ Full-Time/Part-Time Tester ˂ More open positions at embedit.cz/career <11>
5 weeks of holiday, Laptop & Mobile 2 sick days Corporate events Legendary team parties Annual bonus Meal Allowances Home office Bonus for loyal employees Contribution Representative work spaces to pension scheme Fully equipped kitchens Business trips to exotic destination <12>
kariera@embedit.cz EmbedITcz Prague Ostrava Brno Spielberk Office Centre PPF Gate Varenska Office Centre <MEET REAL CHALLENGE>