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1/17/17 Feb. 7, 2017 A Precision Tool for Training that Addresses - PDF document

1/17/17 Feb. 7, 2017 A Precision Tool for Training that Addresses Disabilities and Employment in the United States. | 2 DirectCourse Tom Carpenter Product Manager Elsevier/DirectCourse College of Employment Services Product

  1. 1/17/17 Feb. 7, 2017 A Precision Tool for Training that Addresses Disabilities and Employment in the United States. | 2 DirectCourse • Tom Carpenter Product Manager Elsevier/DirectCourse College of Employment Services Product Manager for College of Employment Services eLearning curriculum. | 3 Today’s Agenda • Introduction to Elsevier/DirectCourse • Brief Overview of Need for Training • College of Employment Services (CES) Content Overview • Overview of the Elsevier Performance Manager • Demonstration of CES online curriculum 1

  2. 1/17/17 | 4 WHAT IS AN ELSEVIER ??? • DaVinci Code???? | 5 WHAT IS AN ELSEVIER ??? | 6 ELSEVIER ??? • 400+ year old company 2

  3. 1/17/17 | 7 ELSEVIER ??? • 400+ year old company • Leading global publisher | 8 ELSEVIER ??? • 400+ year old company • Leading global publisher • Educate doctors/nurses | 9 ELSEVIER ??? • 400+ year old company • Leading global publisher • Educate doctors/nurses • 1 st eLearning system with content certified by ASTD standards group 3

  4. 1/17/17 | 10 What we do… • We Improve Outcomes!!! • The Strategy – Leverage our unique, evidence-based content across our solutions to continue to move from a reference base – “ YOU SHOULD READ THIS ” • to a higher value knowledge and competency base - “ YOU NEED TO DO THIS ”. | 11 What We do… • Operating in the science and medical, legal, academic, HCBS and business-to-business sectors, Elsevier provides high quality and flexible information solutions to users, with an increasing emphasis placed on the Internet as a means of delivery. | 12 What We do… • Operating in the science and medical, legal, academic, HCBS and business-to-business sectors, • Elsevier provides high quality and flexible information solutions to users, • an increasing emphasis placed on the Internet as a means of delivery. • It generally takes 18 years before research finds its way into practice!! Elsevier endeavors to shorten that gap. • We value convenience and relevance of research information and have become ENABLERS OF KNOWLEDGE . 4

  5. 1/17/17 | 13 What We do… OUR GOAL To continue to be the most trusted source of knowledge and break through boundaries. | 14 What is DirectCourse? • DirectCourse is a suite of online Workforce Development curricula created to support our mission: • To Enrich , | 15 What is DirectCourse? • DirectCourse is a suite of online curricula created to support our mission: • To Enrich , Educate , 5

  6. 1/17/17 | 16 What is DirectCourse? • DirectCourse is a suite of online curricula created to support our mission: • To Enrich , Educate , Inspire . | 17 What about DirectCourse? • A 2000 Project of National Significance by U.S. Health and Human Services as the College of Direct Support: - Had to make promises | 18 What about DirectCourse? • A 2000 Project of National Significance by U.S. Health and Human Services as the College of Direct Support: - Had to make promises • 2011 expanded curricula • Used in 43 states • 18 statewide contracts • Used in 2 foreign countries 6

  7. 1/17/17 | 19 What about DirectCourse? • A 2000 Project of National Significance by U.S. Health and Human Services as the College of Direct Support: - Had to make promises • 2011 expanded curricula • Used in 41 states • 14 statewide contracts • Used in 2 foreign countries • Approaching 8 million hours of training delivered • 295,300 workforce professionals online | 20 What is DirectCourse? • Question? If the mission is to Enrich , Educate , and Inspire – how do we achieve that? We had to locate the best content- National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, Rehabilitation & Research (NIDILRR) – formerly NIDRR. | 21 How is DirectCourse different? With the mission to Enrich , Educate , and Inspire – Together with our content authors, national advisory boards, national editorial boards, and partners, we are a team comprised of parents and families of people with disabilities, former direct support professionals, and researchers; our content is created for the community, by the community. 7

  8. 1/17/17 | 22 How is DirectCourse different? Our STRATEGY - Lead the way in advancing (HCBS) and (LTSS) by creating, delivering and maintaining the highest quality eLearning content possible. t | 23 DirectCourse Curricula • University of Minnesota, Research and Training Center • Collaboration pioneered online training for intellectual & developmental disabilities workforce. • CDS is the gold standard for workforce training to support persons with intellectual/developmental disabilities in HCBS environments. • Defined Direct Support Professional job | 24 DirectCourse Curricula? • University of California San Francisco, Community Living Policy Center • Online training for workforce supporting older adults and people with physical disabilities • UCSF research predates the Olmstead Act 8

  9. 1/17/17 | 25 DirectCourse Curricula? • Temple University, Collaborative for Community Inclusion • Online training for workforce supporting persons with mental and psychiatric disabilities and mental health | 26 DirectCourse Curricula? • University of Massachusetts, Boston, Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) • Internationally recognized for their research and policy for employing persons with disabilities • Online training built around national competencies (APSE) | 27 Mission Mission of CES To educate professionals who assist people with disabilities and other challenges to obtain rewarding jobs; while enriching their career prospects and inspiring them to improve the effectiveness of the services they provide. 9

  10. 1/17/17 | 28 Mission CES is about employment and the value it brings to individuals . As expectations of and national standards for employment personnel increase, a new set of required skills is emerging. Life is better for individuals with disabilities when the people who provide these critical supports in community settings are given proper tools. | 29 CES Qualities Consistency with professional standards of APSE certification Elsevier DirectCourse has a national partnership with APSE for DirectCourse training | 30 National Focus on Training and CES • Increase expectation and professionalism of employment staff- APSE competencies • Employment First commitment • Department of Justice expectations re: integrated setting • Increased expectations of youth transitioning or integrated educational settings 10

  11. 1/17/17 | 31 CES Qualities • Validated Content • National Board of Editors (topical/training experts) • National Board of Advisors • Adherence to Adult Learning Principles • Integrated probes & tests for understanding • Self-paced with easy in/out and bookmarking • Prompts, supports and resources for advanced training • Video based delivery with integrated case studies | 32 CES Qualities • Focus on “Real Work” • Accessible 24-7-365; anywhere with computer access- and very soon anywhere with a smart phone. • Permanent and transportable record of training • Real-work examples and illustrations throughout • Multimedia Solutions • Consistency in delivery format • Individualized for the learner • Flexibility in time and place (on demand) • More interesting and engaging | 33 Employment First • Employment First (first option) • It requires a state provider system run by highly committed, rigorously trained staff . Within the Federal Government, there’s a great deal of interest around disability and employment, with resources available to states to examine community employment options. • A number of efforts focused on staff development and systemic change are addressing the new employment priorities, both nationally and on the individual state level. 11

  12. 1/17/17 | 34 Partners in Employment (PIE) technical assistance center • PIE states and technical assistance center at ICI • Report called Investing in Our Future: Youth, Employment and Post-Secondary Opportunities, ICI researchers noted that 57% of I/DD councils nationwide planned to dedicate internal staff time toward addressing youth employment. • A focus of the PIE project: to scrutinize transition issues – or what happens when young people with disabilities move on from high school to the real world. • The goal is that they are engaged in competitive work for a prevailing wage in their communities. | 35 The CES curriculum • Integrated web based curriculum • Self-directed courses connect professionals to national competencies • Provides a clear path while celebrating the roles professionals play in society • One idea in mind - everyone deserves to live a rich rewarding life • Every lesson designed to give employment professionals the knowledge, skills, and values to help them thrive • Curriculum offered as a package, so you and staff will have full access to every lesson throughout the year. | 36 The CES curriculum The College of Employment Services links directly with all other disability workforce curricula in DirectCourse. The College of Employment Services currently contains 53 hours of training content. 12


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