your student s educational journey to college definition

Your Students Educational Journey To College Definition of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Your Students Educational Journey To College Definition of College The word college is generic term that applies to: 2 year colleges & universities 4 year colleges & universities Technical

  1. ������ Your Student’s Educational Journey To College

  2. Definition of “College” The word “college” is generic term that applies to: –2 year colleges & universities –4 year colleges & universities –Technical or trade schools –Vocational schools & career centers

  3. � otivate � Your student to explore career interests – Ohio Career Information System (OCIS) � Your student’s involvement in school and community activities � Your student to take challenging courses and to maintain, to the best of the student’s ability, a high grade point average

  4. � ssist � Your student by keeping track of awards, honors, achievements � By creating an academic plan for all four years in high school with the assistance of your student’s guidance counselor

  5. � repare � For the next four years of high school by following the roadmap � A financial plan for college (It’s not too early!!) – Look into college savings plans – Research high school options that could reduce the cost of your student’s college education and build them into your financial plan

  6. High School Roadmap to College Senior Year “Applications Postsecondary for college, Junior Year scholarships Education “Visit College and FAFSA” Campuses” Sophomore Year Freshman Year “Get Involved” “Explore Careers”

  7. Financial Aid is… … intended to supplement what parents and students can contribute. … not only grants and scholarships but loans as well. … from federal, state, college and outside sources. … not keeping up with the rising costs of a postsecondary education.

  8. Saving for College It is a good idea to talk to a financial planner when determining what savings plan is best for you. � College Savings Plans (529 Plans) � UGMA/UTMA Custodial Accounts � U. S. Treasury Savings Bonds � Credit card rebate and loyalty programs � Coverdell Education Savings Accounts � Home Equity Line of Credit Compare savings options at

  9. Exploring College Costs Lakeland Kent State John Carroll Community University University College Current Lake County: $2,917 Direct $17,826 $40,860 Geauga County: (Billable) $3,525 Cost* (16 credit hours) Average Financial Aid $9,067 $25,865 Not reported Award* (including loans) Average Out- $0 of-Pocket (if student borrows $8,759 $14,995 full Stafford Loan Expense eligibility) *From the College Board

  10. Myth Vs. Fact Myth: My student is going to receive a full ride through an athletic or academic scholarship. Fact: The average athletic scholarship is $10,409* and only 19% of academic grant recipients received amounts that covered at least half of their tuition and fees.** * Pennington, Bill. (2008, March 10)Expectations Lose to Reality of Sports Scholarships. The New York Times ** Price, Derek. Davis, Ryan. (June 2006) Institutional Grants and Baccalaureate Degree Attainment

  11. Reducing the Cost 1. Earning college credit while still in high school Advanced Placement Classes (AP) � Post Secondary Enrollment Option � (PSEO) College Tech Prep/Vocational Ed � Your high school’s guidance counselor can help you regarding the criteria for students to participate in these programs

  12. Reducing the Cost 2. Start at a Branch Campus – Costs may be reduced – Course selection may be limited Start at a Community College 3. – 28% of LEAF participants from 2010 attended Lakeland Community College – Tuition is lower than 4 year schools – No room and board to pay – Careful planning is required – Courses may not easily transfer

  13. Increasing the Cost � Remedial College Classes – High school coursework taken at a college before college coursework can begin. – Remedial classes do not count towards a student’s degree, but the classes cost as much as a regular college class � 43% of Ohio Students require remediation in college* � Prevent remediation by: – Taking the core requirements – Taking challenging courses *Ohio Board of Regents

  14. Resources OCIS: Financial Literacy: username: ChardonHS password: ohiocis03 Financial Aid Information: Bureau of Labor & Statistics Career Information for Kids: Fin Aid: Ohio Mentor: Department of Education: College Savings Plans (529 Plans): LEAF:

  15. Questions? Andrea Tracy (440) 358-8045

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