yoshinori ito

Yoshinori Ito Director for Road Maintenance Construction Bureau, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

RPUG-PDRG 1st Joint Meeting Keynote Lecture Road Surface Management in Sapporo City -Policy and Practice in the Cold Region- Yoshinori Ito Director for Road Maintenance Construction Bureau, Sapporo City April 19, 2019

  1. RPUG-PDRG 1st Joint Meeting Keynote Lecture Road Surface Management in Sapporo City -Policy and Practice in the Cold Region- Yoshinori Ito Director for Road Maintenance Construction Bureau, Sapporo City April 19, 2019 札幌市建設局

  2. Contents ⚫ Administrative Strategy for M&R of Arterial Roads in Sapporo City ⚫ Winter Road Management in Sapporo City 2 札幌市建設局

  3. Administrative Strategy for M&R of Arterial Roads in Sapporo City 1. Background ◆ Amount of Road Facilities (as of April 1, 2017) City Roads 5,514 km Tunnels 16 Bicycle & Pedestrian Paths Road Lightings >136,000 111 km Road Signs > 46,000 Bridges 1,287 Pedestrian Bridges 42 ・ Increase of ・ 1972 road construction the Winter Olympic Games and development ・ Rapid Growth of Population Road facilities have been aging... repair and reconstruction will be more and more difficult. 3 札幌市建設局

  4. Administrative Strategy for M&R of Arterial Roads in Sapporo City 1. Background Operating Expenses and Length of City Roads (Billion Yen) (億円) ( km ) 140 5,700 14 Operating Expenses (Left axis) 120 5,600 12 Road Length (Right axis) 10 100 5,500 80 5,400 8 60 5,300 6 40 4 5,200 20 5,100 2 0 0 5,000 4 札幌市建設局

  5. Administrative Strategy for M&R of Arterial Roads in Sapporo City 2. Policy Fundamental Administration Policy on Road Management (established in 2010.3 ) [Project Planning for Facility Management] ・ Road Bridges ・ Large Scale Tunnels ・ Large Scale Culverts and Sheds ・ Pedestrian Bridges ・ Pavements ( establis lished in in 2012.3 .3, , re revis ised in in 2018.3 .3 ) ・ Others 5 札幌市建設局

  6. Administrative Strategy for M&R of Arterial Roads in Sapporo City 3. Fundamental Policies Setting management criteria based on road 1. characters (e.g. traffic volume) Securing driving safety with maintenance 2. activities considering the environmental characteristics of snow and cold region Minimizing life cycle costs with adequate repair 3. treatments in an appropriate phase Sustaining amendment of the plan based on 4. present road conditions surveyed quantitatively 6 札幌市建設局

  7. Administrative Strategy for M&R of Arterial Roads in Sapporo City 4. Planning Flow Road Network Definition Present Condition Survey Grouping of the Targets Determination of maintenance Criteria Deterioration Prediction and LCC Analysis Site Identification and Medium-term Simulation Repair Method Selection 7 札幌市建設局

  8. Administrative Strategy for M&R of Arterial Roads in Sapporo City 5. Road Network Definition Targets Arterial Roads (≒ 460 km) +Emergency Routes (≒ 110 km) ≒ 570 km Legend Arterial Roads Emergency Routes (other than Arterial Roads) National Highways 8 札幌市建設局

  9. Administrative Strategy for M&R of Arterial Roads in Sapporo City 6. Present Condition Survey (periodical) • Quantitative inspection by a survey vehicle every three years • Employing four indices: “Crack Ratio” , “Rut Depth” , “Unevenness σ ” , and “IRI” Surface Condition Survey Vehicle 9 札幌市建設局

  10. Administrative Strategy for M&R of Arterial Roads in Sapporo City 7. Determining Maintenance Criteria (Acceptable Threshold of Surface Condition) ■ Determining maintenance criteria by grouping the road network according to the total and truck traffic volume ■ Weighting the criteria based on the traffic volume (High volume roads are more severe than low volume roads) 札幌市建設局 10

  11. Administrative Strategy for M&R of Arterial Roads in Sapporo City 7. Determining Maintenance Criteria Grouping Group (Length, Ratio) Track Traffic: High Track Traffic: Low (One- way ADTT ≥ 1,000) (One-way ADTT < 1,000) Group 1 Group 2 Total Traffic: High 110 km 48 km ( ADT ≥ 20,000) (19.2%) (8.4%) Group 3 Group 4 Total Traffic: Low 61 km 353 km ( ADT < 20,000) (10.7%) (61.7%) Criteria Maintenance Threshold Values Group Crack Ratio Rut Depth Unevenness σ IRI 1 20% 25 mm 5.0 mm 7.1 mm/m 2 3 25% 30 mm 6.0 mm 8.5 mm/m 4 札幌市建設局 11

  12. Administrative Strategy for M&R of Arterial Roads in Sapporo City 7. Determining Maintenance Criteria A schematic Illustration of 20% Crack Crack Ratio Two longitudinal cracks on a lane An image example of 20-40 mm rutting Rut Depth 12 札幌市建設局

  13. Administrative Strategy for M&R of Arterial Roads in Sapporo City 8. Deterioration Prediction Prediction Model for Surface Deterioration Development of linear regression models for surface deterioration prediction based on the inventory of survey data Linear Regression Model for Surface Deterioration Prediction Road Class Item Unit Prediction Model Initial Value Crack Ratio % C i+1 =1.065C i +0.845 0.0% Rut Depth mm W i+1 =0.991W i +0.656 0.0 mm Arterial Road Unevenness σ mm σ i+1 =0.999 σ i +0.108 1.0 mm IRI mm/m IRI i+1 =1.012IRI i +0.141 1.5 mm/m * C i , W i , σ i , IRI i indicate values obtained in the surveyed year. i+1 stands for the values in the next year. 札幌市建設局 13

  14. Administrative Strategy for M&R of Arterial Roads in Sapporo City 8. Deterioration Prediction Prediction for Crack Ratio FY2017 Crack Ratio (%) Threshold for Group 3 and 4 管理目標:グループ③、④ Threshold for Group 1 and 2 管理目標:グループ①、② Pavement Service Life (years) 札幌市建設局 14

  15. Administrative Strategy for M&R of Arterial Roads in Sapporo City 9. LCC Analysis Surface Condition (Crack Ratio) 50 23 years- 46 years- Replacement Replacement Crack Ratio (%) 30 yeas- ひび割れ率(%) 18 years- 40 Mill and Mill and 45 yeas- Overlay 36 years- Overlay Mill and Mill and 46 years- 15 yeas- Overlay 28 years- 30 Sealing Overlay Mill and Sealing Overlay Threshold 20 10 years- Sealing 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 Pavement Service Life (years) 供用年数 ( 年 ) LCC = Users’ Expenses + Administrators’ Expenses 100,000 Accumulation Expense (1,000 yen/1,300m 2 ) 累積費用 ( 千円 /1300 ㎡ ) 80,000 46 years- Replacement 60,000 18 years- 45 yeas- Mill and 36 years- 40,000 Mill and Overlay 30 yeas- 23 years- Mill and Overlay 15 yeas- 28 years- Mill and Replacement Overlay Mill and Sealing Overlay 20,000 Overlay 10 years 46 years- Sealing Sealing 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 Pavement Service Life (years) 供用年数 ( 年 ) Preventive Maintenance I Preventive Maintenance II Breakdown Maintenance 札幌市建設局 15

  16. Administrative Strategy for M&R of Arterial Roads in Sapporo City 10. Maintenance and Rehab Method Repair Methods Inject sealants into cracks at crack ratio of 10% • Mill and overlay surfaces and/or binder courses exceeding • maintenance criteria Wearing Course: • Group 1 and 3: Polymer modified Asphalt Type II • Group 2 and 4: Recycled Asphalt • Injection of Sealants Mill and Overlay 札幌市建設局 16

  17. Administrative Strategy for M&R of Arterial Roads in Sapporo City 10. Maintenance and Rehab Method Traffic Load Surface Distress Water Infiltration Identification into Subbase Course Snowmelt Water on Surface Surface Course Binder Course Asphalt Mixture Layer Base Course Granular Subbase Subgrade Potholes occur due to progress of aggregate scattering Surface Course Binder Course Asphalt Mixture Layer Base Course Granular Subbase Subgrade http://www2.ceri.go.jp/jpn/iji/taikyuusei_handbook/form.html 札幌市建設局 17

  18. Administrative Strategy for M&R of Arterial Roads in Sapporo City 10. Maintenance and Rehab Method Injection of Sealants for Crack Repair 札幌市建設局 18

  19. Administrative Strategy for M&R of Arterial Roads in Sapporo City 10. Maintenance and Rehab Method How to repair: Construction Joint Distress L-type Joint Sealing ニチレキ株式会社カタログより 札幌市建設局 19

  20. Administrative Strategy for M&R of Arterial Roads in Sapporo City 11. PDCA Cycle for Sustainable Implementation DO DO PLAN [Maintenance Cycle] Determination of Maintenance Criteria Inspection Deterioration Prediction/LCC Analysis ( Surface Condition Survey ) Repair Method Selection Diagnosis Recording Estimation of Repair Expenses ( Health Assessment) (Database Construction) Treatment (Implementation of Revision of the M&R Plan Maintenance and Rehabilitation) CHECK ACTIO ION Extract the Issues Inspection and Surveying Methods Verification of Maintenance Criteria Impact of Repair Verification of the Deterioration Deterioration Factor Analysis Prediction Models 札幌市建設局 20

  21. Winter Road Management in Sapporo City 1. Snow Removal & Hauling Operation Snow Removal Pushing snow to the side of the road ① Fresh snow plowing - push new-fallen snow aside ② Widening operation - widening the road widths that have been narrowed ③ Surface leveling operation - flatten rough surfaces Hauling ④ Snow hauling - hauling piled snow to disposal sites 札幌市建設局 21

  22. Winter Road Management in Sapporo City 1. Snow Removal ① Fresh Snow plowing Secure road traffic by pushing new-fallen snow to the road side 札幌市建設局 22


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