year 6 sats

Year 6 SATs Prince of Wales Presentation to parents and carers By - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Year 6 SATs Prince of Wales Presentation to parents and carers By Mr Taylor July 2016 Information session The purpose of this meeting is to give you information about the Y6 SATs and what that means for the children at our school. New

  1. Year 6 SATs Prince of Wales Presentation to parents and carers By Mr Taylor July 2016

  2. Information session The purpose of this meeting is to give you information about the Y6 SATs and what that means for the children at our school.

  3. New terminology/name: AGE RELATED EXPECTATIONS LEVELS : Year 1 • • 1c 1b 1a Year 2 • • 2c 2b 2a Year 3 • • 3c 3b 3a Year 4 • • 4c 4b 4a Year 5 • • 5c 5b 5a Year 6 • • 6c

  4. National expectations  Your child will be measured against the new age expected standards.  This is what teachers use to plan and teach lessons.  Details of the expected standards for each year group are contained in the National Curriculum document.  The National Curriculum is available on the web as web pages or you can download the document as a PDF

  5. The tests  SATs = Standardised Assessment Tasks  A statutory requirement nationally  Strictly administered and timed  A series of written tests which are externally marked  Important for your child and for the school

  6. Leading up to SATs  Between now and May 2017, your child’s teacher(s) will be helping them to prepare for the tests. This will include:  Curriculum content covered  Revision lessons  Practice tests  Homework  Revision guides  Additional learning sessions (e.g. before/after school, Saturdays, half term/holiday school)  Regular feedback to your child and to you  Test week arrangements made (e.g. breakfast club)  Further information (e.g. parents evenings, letters, etc)

  7. How your child does in class every day is an important part of assessment and is usually reflected in his/her results. This is another reason for ensuring your child has good attendance and punctuality!

  8. Test week – May 2016 All children will sit the following papers on the following days: Mon 9 th May –  Reading test, paper  Tues 10 th May –   Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation test, paper 1 Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation test, paper 2  Wed 11 th May –  Maths test, paper 1   Maths test, paper 2 Thurs 12 th May –  Maths test, paper 3 

  9. Reading test (Mon 9 th May)  1 hour  Reading booklet and associated answer booklet  3 texts (increasing difficulty)  A focus on comprehension

  10. Reading test examples 1. Having read the text “Gone Fishing” explain why the author used italics? 2. Copy the phrase from the text that tells you Abigail was feeling happy. 3. What happened at the end of the text. Tick ONE:  She went home  She got lost  She lost her belongings  Her belongings were at home

  11. Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation tests (Tues 10 th May)  Paper 1 – short answer paper (45 mins) Focus on knowing and applying grammatical terminology and full range of punctuation  Paper 2 – spelling (approx. 15 mins) Answer booklet to write the spelling in which the teacher will read out in context

  12. Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation test examples Paper 1: Underline the adverb in the following sentence: 1. My sister slowly ate her chips in front of the big, loud television screen. Add the punctuation to this sentence: 2. when the holidays come which i am really looking forward to i am going to germany on an easyjet plane Paper 2: My cousin lives in a ____________ country. 1. On my way home I witnessed an _______________. 2.

  13. 1. knowledge 2. accident 3. beginning 4. permanent 5. unnecessary 6. catalogue 7. biscuits 8. leisure 9. preferred 10. subtle 11. jewellery 12. foreign 13. synchronised 14. desperately 15. vicious

  14. Maths tests (Wed 11 th & Thurs 12 th May) NO CALCULATORS ALLOWED Wed 11 th May: Paper 1 – arithmetic (30 minutes)  Assesses basic mathematical calculations (e.g. addition and subtraction (including fractions), long multiplication and long division) Paper 2 – reasoning (40 mins)  Assesses mathematical fluency, problem solving and reasoning skills. Thurs 12 th May: Paper 3 – reasoning (40 mins)  Assesses mathematical fluency, problem solving and reasoning skills.

  15. Maths test examples Paper 1: 56,784 + 3,416 1. 3/4 of 5,975 2. Papers 2 and 3: M y number is four times as big as my friend’s number 1. which is 32. What will my number be? Multiply the 7 th prime number and the 3rd composite 2. number together. Is the answer prime or composite? Tom has an isosceles triangle. If one angle is 43%, what 3. could the other angles be?

  16. After SATs…. Once the SATs tests are completed, important learning continues. Writing and Science (which are not tested in May), are assessed in June/July. HOW YOUR CHILD DOES IN THEIR WRITING AFFECTS THEIR OVERALL SATs RESULT.

  17. The results! Results of the tests/assessments will be available in July! Your child’s marks will be converted to a scaled score. A scaled score  of 100 is the expected standard. The Government expects that 65% of children will reach the expected  standard. You will receive a written report which will contain your child’s  personal results. This will include a clear statement of whether or not your child met the expected standard. There are many reasons why a child may not meet the expected standard. You will also be given information about how well the whole year  group of children have done and this will be compared to how Year 6 children did nationally last year. In addition to the test results you will also receive a Teacher  Assessment judgements All the results for your child will automatically be passed up to your  child’s secondary school.

  18. DO support your child by : Ensuring your child is in school every day and arrives on time. Absences and lateness  cause gaps in learning. Attending school meetings and events (e.g. Parent’s Evenings, special assemblies,  curriculum meetings, Bring your Parent to School mornings and Coffee mornings Ensuring you know what your child’s next steps are in Reading, Writing,  Grammar/Punctuation/Vocabulary/Spellings, and Maths Working with your child at home on the areas identified  Hearing your child read every day  Regularly talking to your child about his/her learning at school  Meeting regularly with your child’s Class Teacher about how your child is getting on  with his/her learning Taking your child to visit the local library and other local places  Reading and sharing stories in your home language  Ensuring your child completes any homework each week and returns this to school  Reading and responding to letters and messages the school sends home  If you have any questions about your child’s learning, please don’t hesitate to speak to your child’s Class Teacher.

  19. Thank you for listening! Any questions?

  20. Science  Teacher Assessment – Practical Tasks on classroom investigations  Based on all Science work done in KS2  E.g. Electricity/Solids & Gases/Plants/Water/earth & Space  Heavy revision programme in spring  term  Revision Books 20/07/20 Headteacher: 24 16

  21. KEY STAGE 2 9-13 th May  Who? - All children at the end of Y6 moving to Secondary.  What? – English and Maths .  When? - Monday 9th May – Thursday 12 th May 2016  How? - Written tests sent off for external marking. 20/07/20 Headteacher: 25 16


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