yea year 5 r 5

YEA YEAR 5 R 5 MEET THE TEACHER Core Values Resilience Year 5 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

YEA YEAR 5 R 5 MEET THE TEACHER Core Values Resilience Year 5 Curriculum Power of Reading Inspire Maths Jigsaw Mottingham Matters Home Learning Children are expected to complete the following every week: Times tables


  2. Core Values Resilience

  3. Year 5 Curriculum • Power of Reading • Inspire Maths • Jigsaw • Mottingham Matters

  4. Home Learning Children are expected to complete the following every week:  Times tables  Spelling  English/Maths Books

  5. PE & PE kits • PE kit expectations – White T-Shirt or a shirt in the colour of their house • External coaches • Daily Mile • Swimming for Year 4

  6. How to help at home…

  7. Reading Journals Read 50 Times Per term and earn a free book!

  8. Behaviour • Traffic lights • House points • Celebration Assembly • Reports

  9. Mottingham Messenger Online Every Monday

  10. Other bits… • Trips • Uniform • Punctuality • Early Morning Bagels • Mottingham Matters

  11. What are our priorities? To develop community engagement by promoting the profile of the school and engaging in local matters which affect us directly

  12. What are our priorities? To improve attendance, closing the gap between the school and national expectations of 96%

  13. What are our priorities? To deepen our culture of respect, self- reflection and responsibility

  14. What are our priorities? To further develop outdoor learning and embed a sense of community & pride

  15. What are our priorities? To use London as our second classroom

  16. What are our priorities? To embed our reviewed curriculum focusing on skills and knowledge


  18. Core Values

  19. Behaviour • Traffic lights • House points • Celebration Assembly • Reports • Phase leaders

  20. Reading Journals

  21. Home Learning • Home learning will be sent out on a Friday • It will include spellings and times tables including matching division facts • Children will also be told which pages of their maths, grammar and comprehension homework books they will need to complete • Homework will be due in on a Friday and children will be given the opportunity to self- assess and ask for any help if needed • Spellings and times tables tests will be on a Friday

  22. PE & PE kits • PE kit expectations • Daily Mile

  23. How to help at home… • Times tables (including division facts) • Spellings • Homework books

  24. Other bits… • Attendance • Punctuality • Uniform • PSHCE – Puberty /Sex and Relationships • Mental health and well being - Place to Talk • Events calendar • SATs • Residential • Mottingham Matters assembly • Mottingham Messenger

  25. What are our priorities? To develop community engagement by promoting the profile of the school and engaging in local matters which affect us directly

  26. What are our priorities? To improve attendance, closing the gap between the school and national expectations of 96%

  27. What are our priorities? To deepen our culture of respect, self- reflection and responsibility

  28. What are our priorities? To further develop outdoor learning and embed a sense of community & pride

  29. What are our priorities? To use London as our second classroom

  30. What are our priorities? To embed our reviewed curriculum focusing on skills and knowledge

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