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Y P Transcranial Current Stimulation (tCS) O C T O N O D E - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Y P Transcranial Current Stimulation (tCS) O C T O N O D E Davide Balos Cappon,PhD S Berenson-Allen Centre for Non-invasive Brain Stimulation, A Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA E L dcappon@bidmc.harvard.edu P Boston,

  1. Y P Transcranial Current Stimulation (tCS) O C T O N O D E Davide Balos Cappon,PhD S Berenson-Allen Centre for Non-invasive Brain Stimulation, A Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA E L dcappon@bidmc.harvard.edu P Boston, 06.26.2019

  2. Y tCS devices P O C T O N O D E S A E L P

  3. Y NIC-Device P O ➢ The battery is the core and the control unit of Starstim. Is a battery C operated and it is wirelessly paired with the computer using the Nic T software. 4-pin slot to connect with the electrode cable. O N O ➢ The 4 electrode cable contains 32 D channels for EEG monitoring or for stimulation, and two reference E channels labelled with CMS & DRL. S A E ➢ The neoprene cap is a comfortable L solution to precisely place the P electrodes on the scalp based on the 10-10 system.

  4. Y SET-UP P O 1 Reference electrodes Place cap 2 C T O N O 3 4 Reduce impedence Place electrodes D E S A E L P

  5. Y SET-UP P 1 O C T O N O D ➢ Clean the hard bone behind the ear (Mastoid) with an E alcohol wipe; S A ➢ Place ground electrodes with sticky electrodes (ECG E Electrodes) on Mastoid; CMS on top (horizontal, directly on bone), DRL on bottom (vertical, behind ear L lobe); P

  6. Y SET-UP P O C 2 T O N O ➢ Ensure that cap has channel gauges pre-placed in all D channels before-hand (based on subject specific stimulation montage); E S ➢ Place cap on head of subject; A E ➢ Measure mid-way between the nasion & inion and left tragus & right tragus, and make sure midpoint of skull lines L P up with CZ channel

  7. Y SET-UP P O 3 C T O N ➢ Use cotton-tipped swab and Nu-Prep; clean scalp and push O away hair using an up-down at each electrode location, left- D right motion (making a cross); do not use a circular motion to clean the scalp with Nu-Prep E S ➢ Squeeze signa gel in each electrode channel; fill up ¼ of A channel gauge capacity, make sure gel is in direct contact E with scalp L P

  8. Y SET-UP P 4 O C T O N O D ➢ Twist on electrode onto channel gauges; make sure to twist E electrode on so that it is level and tight; Note: the electrodes do S not click or lock into place, make sure they are secure A E ➢ Box is attached to the neoprene cap using the velcro, and it is connected to the electrode cable using the 10-pin connector. L P

  9. Y NIC-Software P O C T O N O D E S A E L P

  10. Y Parameters for stimulation P O C T O N O D E S A E L P

  11. Y Parameters for stimulation P O C T O N fMRI activation map O D E S tCS solution with 2 electrodes A E L P Multifocal tCS solution with 8 electrodes

  12. Y tACS and Phase Coupling: Working Memory P O Fronto-parietal Phase-lag Band-pass 6 +/- 1 Hz C T O N O D E S A E L P

  13. Y Parameters_selection_NIC-Software P O C T O N O D E S A E L P

  14. Y tACS and Phosphene P Kanai et al., 2008 O Rationale C alpha T O beta gamma N Eye Open/Closed Alpha (Adrian, 1934) O What is frequency sensitivity of tACS evoked Visual Sensation? D tACS Frequency Phosphene Threshold E Design S A Electrodes Inion (+4cm) - Vertex E Current 0-40Hz, 0-1mA, 5s each L Subjects 8 Healthy P

  15. Y tACS and Phosphene P O Kanai et al., 2008 Results C T O N O D • Occipital tACS can evoke phosphene perception E • Efficiency of stimulation is maximal at alpha band (dark) and beta band (light) S A But...is it a cortical phenomenon? E L (Schwiedrzik, 2009), (Schutter, 2010); (Paulus, 2010). P

  16. Y Advance Montages P O C T O N O D E S A E L P

  17. Y Advance Montages P O C T O N O D E S A E L P

  18. Y P O C T O N O D E S Thank you for your attention A E dcappon@bidmc.harvard.edu L P


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