x he xdt5 l

x HE xdt5 L tz x Cti t t l I titsititz titts t's Ez t.tt - PDF document

Fibers of Meps to Non negative Totally Spaces Patricia Hersh North Carolina State University 1903.01420 joint work arXiv See with James Davis Ezra Miller A Key Calculation tittz titz Lt X xzLtz Coo f x 3 t z Il tits x HE xdt5 L tz x

  1. Fibers of Meps to Non negative Totally Spaces Patricia Hersh North Carolina State University 1903.01420 joint work arXiv See with James Davis Ezra Miller

  2. A Key Calculation tittz titz Lt X xzLtz Coo f x 3 t z Il tits x HE xdt5 L tz x Cti t t l I titsititz titts t's Ez t.tt more generally simply laced x Lt xinttdxictzJ xit.lt x Lt'dxifts tf ti tf.FI tittztf tf.tt in similar changes of bases finite type
