workshop kshop ex exper erien ence ce in niger eria ia

Workshop kshop Ex Exper erien ence ce in Niger eria ia The - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Lessons ssons Learne rned d from m a Structured ctured Leve vele led d and Deco codable dable Book- Writing ing Progr ogram am Using ng Bloom m - The Enabli ling ng Writer ers s Workshop kshop Ex Exper erien ence ce in

  1. Lessons ssons Learne rned d from m a Structured ctured Leve vele led d and Deco codable dable Book- Writing ing Progr ogram am Using ng Bloom m - The Enabli ling ng Writer ers s Workshop kshop Ex Exper erien ence ce in Niger eria ia

  2. The Task  To develop high-quality books in Hausa that support reading instruction.  50 decodable texts - simple single-word to short sentence texts for the beginning reader.  150 leveled texts – texts grouped at increasingly difficult levels for the emerging reader – 4 levels  To develop books that depict the cultural context of the lives of the children and are written by authors who live within the children’s community and understand the cultural context.  To develop the capacity of local writers to use the Bloom book writing software for sustainable book development.  To secure the buy-in of relevant government establishments.

  3. Puttin ting g Toget gether her the e Guidin iding g Documents cuments St Structur ure e for the book develop lopmen ment The Gu Guid idin ing g Documen ments s – 2 m major r documen ments ts + grade appropriate sample texts ( About 3000 words) Hausa Phonics scope and sequence 1. Leveling Document 2. Sample texts 3. Needed ed for the Hausa sa Blo loom Se Set up

  4. Stakeho akeholder lder invo volvement vement and d partner tnership ship at the onset et Nigerian Research and Development Council 1. (NERDC). Northern Education Initiative Plus (NEIplus). 2. Reading and Numeracy Activity (RANA – fhi360) 3. New w from existi ting ng and d endo dors rsed ed EW Hausa Phonics scope and sequence - NEIPlus 1. Leveling Document – NEIPlus/Adaptation of URC 2. samples Sample texts – STELLAR/TELA/NEIPlus/RANA 3.

  5. Assembl sembling ing the wr writers ers Writers were drawn as follows: Writers who have worked on other Hausa EGR a. material development projects – NEIPlus and RANA (fhi360) Hausa Language teacher trainers from Colleges b. of Education Community Children Library c. Primary school teachers who participated in the d. AUN?USAID TELA Project Hausa Language experts (Consultants for e. NERDC)

  6. The Wo Works kshops ps – February, uary, March ch & M & May

  7. Wo Works kshop p 1 - 6 to 10 Febru ruary ary 2017 37 write ters rs 3 3 observe ervers rs 116 books oks – Pre – revie iew 95 books oks – Post t review ew 21 books oks discard carded Lesso son s L Learne arned from om Workshop kshop 1 ❖ Conferencing and making sure writers were producing books that would meet set standards proved to be a challenge due to the large number of writers ❖ Story structure needs to be further explained. ❖ Pair/Group stories met requirement more than individual stories

  8. Wo Works kshop p 1: The focus was as follows:  Guiding participants to discuss the core elements of early grade and the importance of books in the reading process.  Providing participants with deeper insight on decodable and leveled books and the role of each in the reading process.  Installing Bloom on the writers’ laptops.  Training on the use of Bloom.  Getting participants to understand the leveling document and how it is used.  Guiding the writers on how to type decodable/leveled stories on Bloom.

  9. Wo Works kshop p 2 - 13 to 17 March ch 2017 10 0 writers iters - auth uthors/c s/co – authors of f book oks s selec ected ted from om work orkshop shop 1 70 0 leveled eled book oks s – Informa formatio ional al/nar /narrat ativ ive Foc ocus of work orkshop shop 2 ❖ Review books from workshop 1 ❖ Write leveled books on themes not sufficiently addressed in workshop 1. Topics from core curriculum subjects – Informational texts ❖ Peace and conflict resolution ; Responsibility; local folktales. ❖

  10. Wo Works kshop p 3 - 8 to 10 May 2017 Focus cus of workshop kshop 3 ❖ Write leveled books on themes not sufficiently addressed previous workshops. ❖ Topics from core curriculum subjects – 6 write ters rs Informational texts 38 leveled eled books ks ❖ Local folktales

  11. Sa Sample le Task sheets ets  Tasks were organized around varied themes and curriculum content ▪ Peace/peaceful coexistence - level 4 ▪ Conflict Resolution - level 3 ▪ Topic from Basic Science and Technology Bk 2 Level : 4

  12. Re Revi view ew for Quali lity ty As Assura suranc nce Monit itoring oring and d Eva valua uatio ion n (ME) ) Team revi view ew - M&E lead with a Hausa native speaker Project intern ❖ Reviewed hard copies of books ❖ Used the book review checklist and Illustrator brief completed by writers. The main focus of the M&E review are: ❖ Content Check ❖ Context Check ❖ Equity Check ❖ Type and Quality Check ❖ Gender and Inclusion Focus

  13. Re Revi view ew for Quali lity ty As Assura suranc nce Wr Writing ng trainer iner revi view ew and d editing ting - Pedagogy lead, select writers, & EW project staff ❖ Reviewed stories on Bloom. The main focus of this review are: ❖ Follow up and revise areas highlighted by M&E review ❖ Carry out level check ❖ Narrative and non-fiction organization check ❖ Content quality check ❖ Picture and page layout check ❖ Edit basic errors of mechanics

  14. Revi view w for Quali lity ty Assura suranc nce Ha Hausa sa Language nguage Exper ert Revi view w - 2 Hausa Professors – Consultants from NERDC ❖ Reviewed hard copies of books that have passed the M&E and Writing Trainer review. The main focus of this review are: ❖ Edit errors in mechanics ❖ Ensure use of acceptable standard Hausa – structure and vocabulary

  15. Lessons ns Learned d fr from Book k Developm pmen ent t Activi vitie ties Maintaining a ratio of 10 or less writers to 1 writing 1. trainer is important to quality book development. Conferencing with writers during the writing task 2. and reviewing books with writers soon after task completion ensures that books meet set standards. Having Bloom and the Hausa shell ready on flash 3. drives and giving each participant a prepared flash drive made it easy for the technical team to install Bloom on writers’ laptops quickly and with no risk of computer virus transfer. A systematic review process is needed to ensure 4. book quality A refresher lesson on elements of a good story can 5. boost narrative quality.

  16. Field Fi ld Testing sting  Field Testing Training and Distribution of Field Testing Kit - 6 th July 2017  Field Testing of books – 10 th to 28 th July 2017 Total Number of Books 200 Written 25% of Total Books 50 (Sample) List of Stages Proportional Number of Books Decodables 10 Level 1 10 Level 2 10 Level 3 10 Level 4 10 TOTAL 50 Participants 20 20 Teachers 2 Directors Quality Assurance 5 schools in Bauchi 5 schools in Sokoto

  17. Pu Purpose rpose of Field ld Testing ing To find out: Whether the levels of text are appropriate 1. for your students Teachers’ opinion about the books, and the 2. most effective ways teachers can use them Pupil opinions about the books, and 3. whether pupils find them interesting and engaging Next steps for revision before publishing 4. and larger use

  18. Fiel eld d Te Testing ting Pr Proces ess s (July uly 10 10 – 28 28, 20 2017 17) Teachers used one book at a time following the process below for each book, using 2-3 days for each book. Introduce book to students, and using it as a 1. read-aloud book. Then use the book with students during 2. regular reading instruction, Make the book available for independent 3. student reading. Repeat this process for each book in field test 4. packet (5 different titles) Complete Teacher Data Form included in pack 5.

  19. Fiel eld d Te Testing ting Monit itoring oring  Director of Quality Assurance – Bauchi & Sokoto SUBEB served as an independent field test monitors and completed Field Test Observation Form  The M & E team monitored all schools, collected completed forms from independent monitors and all teachers, and did the following in 25% of the schools Observed teachers using the field test books 1. during instruction. Interviewed teachers about the books tested. 2. 3. Interviewed a small group of students about 3. their opinions of the books.

  20. Feed ed Ba Back k from Field d Testing ting Feedback edback from Stud udents: ents:  The children liked all the books field tested.  Each child should have a copy during reading lesson  Children have a preference for books with animal characters.  Some words were not familiar.  Some illustrations did not support text comprehension.

  21. Lessons ssons Learned rned from Field d Testing ing Involving the Directors of Quality Assurance 1. from the SUBEB of the 2 states that participated in the field testing had the following effects : a. Teachers were more committed b. Head teachers cooperated with the teachers doing the field testing c. The SUBEBs got interested in the books and EW project d. Daily monitoring of the field testing process was done 2. Students wished they had their own copy of the storybooks for independent reading.

  22. Po Post t Field d Test Revi view The main area of review was illustration: Combining 2 or more SIL images to support 1. content Partnering with a stakeholder for complete 2. illustration of 25 of the 50 decodables


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