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11/12/2014 Sustaining Successful Schools: A Socio-Emotional Approach to Managing Change Ganakumaran Subramaniam School of Education TISSL 2013 Leading Learning: A Research Based Approach Without data, you are just another person with an

  1. 11/12/2014 Sustaining Successful Schools: A Socio-Emotional Approach to Managing Change Ganakumaran Subramaniam School of Education TISSL 2013 Leading Learning: A Research Based Approach Without data, you are just another person with an opinion Edward Deming LEADERSHIP FRAMEWORK Leadership Professional Research- Managing Professional Family, School, Sustaining Teams Learning based Change Learning Community School Communities Framework for Partnerships Leadership School Improvement Develop High Develop and Anchor Utilize Design Engage Build Performing sustain school individual and powerful students, leadership professional improvement organizational professional staff, capacity at Leadership Teams learning initiatives change learning families, and the school communities within the management experiences community in and in support of context of a strategies in in support improving corporation school research- support of of school learning levels improvement based school improvemen initiatives framework improvement t initiatives initiatives Based on the work of Dr. Albert Bertani & Joanne Quinn as part of the Indiana State Improvement Grant Leadership Initiative 2005-08 1

  2. 11/12/2014 Sustaining Successful Schools: A Socio-Emotional Approach to Managing Change Goals • To provide an understanding of a need for a people centred approach in leading and managing change • To draw awareness of the need for leaders to consider social and emotional people centred approaches to change management • To highlight some key areas and related questions for change leaders to consider A General Framework • Leadership is about a vision of the future and the ability to energize others to pursue it. • Management is about getting results and doing so efficiently so that a material gain is created. • Administration is about rules and procedures and whether or not they are being followed and how they are executed. It is very important to have clear understanding about these so that we confuse the issues discussed. 2

  3. 11/12/2014 What do your people think of YOU DO YOU KNOW ? OR DO YOU THINK YOU KNOW ? What employees want • Honesty - 90% say they want honesty and integrity. Lies and secrets kill credibility. • Fairness. 89% want fairness and equity among employees, accountable to the same standards. • Trust. More than 86% want to trust — and be trusted. • Respect. 84% want to respect — and be respected. • Responsiveness. 74% want their leader to listen, understand and respond. To respect their knowledge and experience. What employees want • Dependability. 81% say they want to be able to count on their leader when needed. • Collaboration. 77% want to be a part of their leader’s team and be asked to contribute ideas and solutions. • Genuineness. 76% want their leader to be a genuine person. • Appreciation. 74% want their leader to appreciate them for who they are and what they do. 3

  4. 11/12/2014 What Employees Say… Bad Leadership Good Leadership Disrespectful Self-absorbed Visionary Good team builder Belligerent Inconsistent Humorous direction Positive Demeaning Kind Vindictive Ethical Appreciative Moody Results-oriented Ego-maniac Negative Good (vs. process) Prideful communicator Unethical Manipulative Hard worker Incompetent Empathetic Paranoid Discouraging How employees feel… Good Leadership Bad Leadership Empowered Little, small, Unappreciated Enthusiastic demeaned Incompetent Valued Hopeless Rebellious Energized Stupid Withdrawn Hopeful Drained Uncooperative Confident Very Unproductive Stressed Safe Eager to Angry Relaxed sabotage Fearful Mutual admiration Depressed Respected Motivated to excel Most schools have been designed to solve yesterday’s problems , rather than capitalizing on today’s opportunities to effectively confront the issues of tomorrow. Do You Agree? 4

  5. 11/12/2014 That which got us where we are is not very likely to get us where we want to go! Do You Agree? If You Disagree with those two statements… then change in unnecessary . Now what does that say about your own beliefs about change and the conditions that necessitate change! Change is Inevitable, Growth is Optional It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. Darwin 5

  6. 11/12/2014 Systems don’t resist change, people do, why? • Comfort zone • Need for stability • Need for predictability and routine • Fear of the unknown • Lack of competence or the fear of it • Lack of confidence • Anxiety • Others Change – How, When, What, Why, Who EXISTING SYSTEM EXISTING SYSTEM IS CHANGED TO SUPPORT THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE INNOVATION PEOPLE INNOVATIONS ARE ADJUSTED TO EFFECTIVE INNOVATION FIT THE SYSTEM Leading People to Manage Change ACTION VISION + SKILLS + INCENTIVES + RESOURCES + = CHANGE PLAN ACTION SKILLS INCENTIVES RESOURCES = CONFUSION + + + + PLAN ACTION + + + + VISION INCENTIVES RESOURCES = ANXIETY PLAN ACTION VISION SKILLS RESOURCES + + + + PLAN = GRADUAL CHANGE ACTION VISION SKILLS INCENTIVES + + + + PLAN = FRUSTRA- TION = FALSE VISION SKILLS INCENTIVES RESOURCES + + + STARTS (Hweiman, 2010) 6

  7. 11/12/2014 Leading People to Manage Change As a leader you can only bring about sustainable change practices if you undertake change management in a structured, comprehensive and systematic manner. The matrix above is just one way to make sure that critical components have been addressed Managing Change with Social and Emotional Intelligence Changing face of leadership • Qualities traditionally associated with leadership — such as intelligence, toughness, determination, and vision — are insufficient to support leadership. • Effective leaders are distinguished by a high degree of emotional intelligence, which includes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skill. 7

  8. 11/12/2014 Definition • Emotional Intelligence - refers to the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves and for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships. (Goleman, 1998, 2005) • Social Intelligence is the ability to determine the requirement for leadership in a particular situation and select an appropriate response. Behavioural flexibility, to meet situational requirements. (Yuki, 2006, Goleman 2005) Leadership Intelligence Intellectual Social -Emotional Social and Emotional Intelligence Self Self Social Social Awareness Management Awareness Skills Emotional self Emotional self Empathy Inspirational awareness control Organisational Influence Accurate self Transparency awareness Developing assessment Adaptability Service others Self confidence Achievement Change catalyst Initiative Conflict management Optimism Building bonds Teamwork and collaboration Goleman 1996, 2005 8

  9. 11/12/2014 Components of Social - Emotional Intelligence Self Others Self-Awareness/ Social Awareness/ Awareness Assessment Empathy Relationship-Building/ Self-Control/ Teamwork Managemen t Adaptability Source: Daniel Goleman, Primal Leadership and other materials Social & Emotional Intelligence Leadership • Self-Awareness • Purpose • Social Awareness • Presence • Self Management • Practice • Relationship • People & Partners Management Purpose • What is my goal? • Who am I when I am my best self? • What prevents me from being that person 100% of the time? • Am I the subject of my own desires or the object of others’? • How do I self-sabotage and take myself out of the game? • Do I inspire those around me to stay in the game? 9

  10. 11/12/2014 Presence • How do others perceive and experience me? • Is my presence consistent with my purpose/goal? • What is my personal brand? – Is it relevant? – Is it unique? – Is it consistent? Practice • What gaps currently exist between my purpose/goal and my presence? • What behaviors do I need to demonstrate in order to develop the presence that will facilitate my purpose? • What commitments am I willing to make on a daily, weekly, monthly basis? Partners / People • Who will I rely on to hold and deliver my goal, to get behind me and move me toward my purpose? • Am I reliant on a few or many? • Am I willing to demonstrate vulnerability in order to share and pursue my purpose? • Am I comfortable with social and emotional engagement? • Where and when do I need to emotionally detach and let go? 10

  11. 11/12/2014 What Research Says Self-Regulation & Leadership Effectiveness An socially and emotionally intelligent person is always monitoring his/her actions and also the acts of others according to the norms and values of the organizations, so that he/she could get better outcomes. Self awareness & Leadership Effectiveness: • Leaders who have a high degree of self awareness have been found to have positive impact as effective leaders compared to those who are unaware of themselves. • Leaders who are able to understand the emotions and abilities of their followers works with more zeal and can effectively persuade followers to produce the desired results 11


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