whole system approach to

Whole System Approach to Obesity Louise Williams, PHE North West - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Whole System Approach to Obesity Louise Williams, PHE North West Healthy & Wellbeing Team Louise.Williams@phe.gov.uk What is a Whole System Approach? A Whole Systems Approach responds to complexity through an ongoing, dynamic and flexible

  1. Whole System Approach to Obesity Louise Williams, PHE North West Healthy & Wellbeing Team Louise.Williams@phe.gov.uk

  2. What is a Whole System Approach? A Whole Systems Approach responds to complexity through an ongoing, dynamic and flexible way of working that enables stakeholders to come together, share an understanding of the reality of the challenge, consider how the system is operating and where there are the greatest opportunities for change . Stakeholders agree actions and decide as a network how to work together in an integrated way to bring about sustainable, long term change. 2 PHE Obesity Update

  3. The Start of a Journey 3 PHE Obesity Update

  4. Obesity as Part of a Wider Complex System 4 PHE Obesity Update

  5. What are the Local Causes of Obesity? Are there any causes that you think are unique to living and working in this area? 5 PHE Obesity Update


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