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Health England Screening and Immunisation Team Swindon Patient - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Overview of the Public Health England Screening and Immunisation Team Swindon Patient Participation Group Helen Trudgeon Screening and Immunisation Co-ordinator Hayley Ware Screening and Immunisation Manager Scope

  1. Overview of the Public Health England Screening and Immunisation Team Swindon Patient Participation Group Helen Trudgeon Screening and Immunisation Co-ordinator Hayley Ware Screening and Immunisation Manager

  2. Scope • Who are we, what do we do and why? • Screening Programmes • Immunisation Programmes • What’s the picture in Swindon? • Targeted work • How can we work together to improve uptake? PHE Screening & Immunisations Team 2

  3. What do we do? • Support the commissioning of consistently resilient, high quality national screening and immunisation programmes. • Provide support & guidance as specified in the section 7a agreement and which are required to ensure that screening and immunisation programmes: •• meet the needs of all eligible people; •• are provided to the highest levels of quality, safety and efficiency; •• meet minimum standards and strive for excellence; •• ensure equity of access and uptake. PHE Screening & Immunisations Team 3

  4. How do we do it? • Embedded with NHS England Local Team: • provide section 7A public health support & advice to NHS colleagues at local level • e.g. answer immunisation queries from primary care, support and facilitate training • monitor performance & support screening and immunisation service providers • e.g. Review uptake data and KPIs. Chair Screening Programme Performance Boards • support quality & service developments • e.g. conduct Health Needs Assessments and Equity Audits • steer & oversee screening and immunisation governance processes PHE Screening & Immunisations Team 4

  5. Who are we? • Screening and immunisation lead: • Consultant in public health providing leadership to the team • Screening and immunisation manager: • Responsible for the operational management of the team. Ensures effective coordination & monitoring of screening and immunisation performance • Screening and immunisation coordinator: • Frontline staff with professional knowledge and skills. Provide direct support and work directly with clinicians & service providers PHE Screening & Immunisations Team Immunisation & screening national delivery 5 framework & local operating model (PHE, 2013)

  6. Why do we do it? • Because Screening and Immunisation works…… PHE Screening & Immunisations Team 6 s/vaccines-work-infographic

  7. Routine Immunisations • PHE Screening & Immunisations Team 7

  8. Screening Programmes • Cancer Screening: • Breast • Bowel • Cervical • Non-Cancer Screening: • AAA • DESP • Antenatal & Newborn PHE Screening & Immunisations Team 8

  9. Annual Cancer Screening Coverage PHE Screening & Immunisations Team Source: LA Assurance S7a Dashboard Oct 18. Public 9 Health Outcomes Framework (PHOF). Feb 18.

  10. Improving Bowel Screening Uptake • Health Equity Audit • Media campaign • Bowel Cancer Awareness training for the SBC Health Ambassadors • Letter from GWH/GP and an information leaflet (aged 60 being invited for the first time) • Pilot flags and follow up by GP surgery • Cancer Research UK • Advice and training for GP surgeries re: FIT (stool test) and screening • Cancer Alliance - Incentive schemes for GPs to increase screening uptake. Practices to choose three areas to work on (i.e. flags on systems for non-responders, letters in own languages etc). (22 of 23 surgeries in Swindon signed up). • • Screening and Immunisation Health Inequalities Specialist Pilot (finishes in March) PHE Screening & Immunisations Team 10

  11. Immunisations Source: LA Assurance S7a Dashboard Oct 18. PHE Screening & Immunisations Team Public Health Outcomes Framework (PHOF). 11 Feb 18.

  12. 0 – 5 yr. old Imms (Jan – Mar 18) 100.0 98.0 96.0 94.0 92.0 90.0 88.0 Swindon 86.0 England 84.0 82.0 80.0 78.0 PHE Screening & Immunisations Team vaccination-evaluated-rapidly-cover-programme-2017-to- 12 2018-quarterly-data

  13. Swindon Imms Group Workshop • June 2018. Key providers across Swindon. • MMR – Use child health hubs to promote child imms (HVs to lead). Homeless families (SWs to support). Supporting parents with LDs (process to flag on system & provide easy read leaflets etc). • Looked After Children – Process to flag on system and follow up appropriately. (Mtg in Dec re: improving data recording process so named nurse for safeguarding/HV can follow up non- attenders). • Learning Disabilities – Further work with families to look at barriers/solutions. Identify & share areas of good practice in special schools. • Traveller families – Liaise with Local Authority contacts. Highlight Hep B pathway in GP surgeries etc. • Flu – Local Authority sending postcards to all families for 2-3 yr olds. Surgeries to flag at risk groups. Local Authority cascading information to Home Schooled Children re: vaccination clinics etc. Information on website. PHE Screening & Immunisations Team 13

  14. MMR uptake • MMR2 at 5 yrs – good indictor of practice level uptake generally. • Examples of good practice in SW – being shared. PHE Screening & Immunisations Team 14

  15. Flu group • SW Team. Weekly uptake review during flu season • Weekly data from practices. Regular data from Schools teams etc. • Flu group contact practices if uptake low etc. to offer support/strategies etc. • This year – CCG support to distribute and coordinate vaccines to be moved to correct areas. Enough vaccines, just not in right areas etc. • Planning all year round (Season end: March. Planning starts again in May). PHE Screening & Immunisations Team 15

  16. Summary • Immunisation uptake generally good in Swindon • Screening rates improving across all three cancer screening programmes • However, still a proportion of individuals not taking up screening or immunisation PHE Screening & Immunisations Team 16

  17. Next steps……. • How can uptake be improved? • What can we do? • How can you help? • How can PPG members work with practices and the local community to encourage take-up of immunisation generally (for all ages) and explain to people what is on offer? PHE Screening & Immunisations Team 17

  18. Thank you Any Questions? PHE Screening & Immunisations Team 18


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