what works fund experience

What Works Fund experience Rebecca Graham Money Advice - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Evaluation and Learning: The What Works Fund experience Rebecca Graham Money Advice Service|@FinCapStrategy Juliette Collier Campaign for Learning|@JulietteCfl Dr Laurence Piercy Good Things Foundation|@GoodThingsFDN Stephanie Hayter The Money

  1. Evaluation and Learning: The What Works Fund experience Rebecca Graham Money Advice Service|@FinCapStrategy Juliette Collier Campaign for Learning|@JulietteCfl Dr Laurence Piercy Good Things Foundation|@GoodThingsFDN Stephanie Hayter The Money Charity|@TheMoneyCharity Scott Morrison Money Advice Service|@FinCapStrategy @Fi FinCapStrategy #Talk lkMoney|#Fin inCap17

  2. Evaluation and Learning: The What Works Fund experience Rebecca Graham Research & Evaluation Manager The Money Advice Service (UK) www.fincap.org.uk rebecca.graham@moneyadviceservice.org.uk @Fi FinCapStrategy #Talk lkMoney|#Fin inCap17

  3. Evaluation & Learning: The What Works Fund Financial Capability experience 1. Why evaluation? • Learning • Improving • Evidencing Client ent Nam Name 3

  4. Evaluation & Learning: The What Works Fund Financial Capability experience What is MAS doing about it? VISION A high ighly ly effec effective financial capability sector VI Evid viden ence Hu Hub ACTIVITIES MAS What t IM IMPACT CT Evaluati tion evid vidence & Works Princ rinciple les Too oolkit it in insigh ight Fund Fund Source copy Support 4

  5. Evaluation & Learning: The What Works Fund Financial Capability experience The Toolkit Understand Measure a Learn and your change Share programme Source copy 5

  6. Evaluation & Learning: The What Works Fund Financial Capability Financial Capability experience The What Works Fund: A programme of activity that seeks to increase our understanding of how to improve financial capability across the UK. 6

  7. Evaluation & Learning: The What Works Fund Financial Capability experience What is MAS doing about it? Or Organis isation Life stage Lif Proj oject type Des Descrip iption + + Evaluation The Money Children and Scale up To deliver financial capability workshops in schools Charity young people and colleges across England, Wales and Northern Ireland and test whether the workshops delivered have a significant effect on students’ financial capability when compared with a ‘business as usual’ control, and whether this differs across age ranges. Campaign for Children and Pilot To pilot and evaluate the impact of flexible rent Learning young people payments, savings and use of credit, delivered with social landlords. Good Things Working age Pilot To pilot and evaluate the impact of a new approach Foundation to improving the financial capability of vulnerable people using face-to-face community based support Source copy and digital learning. 7

  8. Campaign for Learning Family Fortunes: Juliette Collier National Director Building Family Financial Campaign for Learning www.campaign-for-learning.org.uk Capability and Resilience jcollier@cflearning.org.uk

  9. Financial Capability Family Fortunes Family Fortunes Model • Preventative approach • Family learning pedagogy • Training for trusted intermediaries • Inclusive model • Project target audience EAL families • Children aged 7-11 • Flexible 10 hour programme Campaign gn for r Learning 2

  10. Financial Capability Family Fortunes Programme Structure • A lesson plan for the session • Resources and activities for parents • Resources and activities for children with parents • Children join parents in session where possible • A ‘Take Away’ home learning activity for families Campaign gn for r Learning 2

  11. Family Fortunes Team Financial Capability Family Fortunes Campaign gn for r Learning 2

  12. Financial Capability Family Fortunes Why Family Fortunes? Campaign gn for r Learning 2

  13. Financial Capability Family Fortunes Theory of Change 24 Campaign for Learning

  14. Financial Capability Family Fortunes Research Overview Research partner: Institute of Education, UCL  Point of delivery evaluations of practitioner training  Pre and post testing (adults and children) built into the programme delivery to evidence any changes in participants’ skills and knowledge  Comparison group  Follow up interviews to identify and understand any behavioural change  Process evaluation, including practitioner interviews to understand strengths and weaknesses of the delivery model and how it might be improved 25 Campaign for Learning

  15. Financial Capability Presentation Title Data Collection: Who, What, When and How Tutor ors Tuto utor r Train inin ing Target Numbers: 60 Point of delivery Evaluation questionnaire Complete: 66 tutors completed training Families FF FF Co Course urse Evalu luati tion on Target Numbers: 300 Inter ervent ention on Gr Group up Weeks 1 and 5 of programme delivery Adult Questionnaire and Child Survey 3 weeks post Semi-structured Interviews 4-6 months post Semi-structured interviews Families Compa pariso son n Non on FF FF Fa Famil mily Learn rnin ing Target Numbers: 300 Weeks 1 and 5 of non-Fncap Adult Questionnaire and On-going pr prog ogra ramme programme delivery Child Survey Group Gr up Proga ogammes Proc ocess Ev Evalu luatio tion Target Numbers:: 30 Throughout project timeline Focus groups, On-going and programme delivery observations, semi- I structured tutor interviews 26 Campaign for Learning

  16. Financial Capability Family Fortunes Practitioner Training Evaluation 88% 88% 8% 8% 31 8% of training participants 88% of training participants 31 programmes delivered rated the FF or set up across England had previously received resources/material as financial capability training ‘excellent.’ 27 Campaign for Learning

  17. Financial Capability Financial Capability Presentation Title "Thank you today has been fantastic and it was great to share ideas and good practice both for this course and in general." "Its great and I can't wait to deliver it." "Everything was so beneficial from today. I can't fault it. Looking forward to delivering the programme." "It was an excellent mix of practical and thoretical - not much to improve!" 28 Campaign for Learning

  18. Financial Capability Family Fortunes Pre and Post Testing Tools 29 Campaign for Learning

  19. Financial Capability Family Fortunes Financial Capability “ The most useful bit was learning about things going on different websites that I didn’t know about; how you can save money, like you can make a chart about the bills what are going out every month and then what money you’ve got left over you can either save it or go out and buy something ” 30 Campaign for Learning

  20. Good Things Foundation & Toynbee Hall Laurence Piercy Supported Researcher Good Things Foundation Transactions laurence.piercy@goodthingsfoundatio n.org

  21. Financial Capability Supported Transactions Q. Are individuals receiving financial capability support better able to transact online if they are also supported to undertake a live transaction online? Client Name 32 Client Name

  22. Financial Capability Supported Transaction 33 Client Name

  23. Financial Capability Supported Transactions A. Yes Client Name 34 Client Name

  24. Financial Capability Supported Transaction 35 Client Name

  25. Financial Capability 36 Client Name

  26. Financial Capability Supported Transactions Surface the transaction Different messaging for different audiences Choice, autonomy, and personal relevance Fear of losing control may be a bigger factor than security 37 Client Name

  27. Good Things Foundation & Toynbee Hall laurence.piercy@goodthingsfoundation.org

  28. Evaluation & Learning: The What Works Fund Financial Capability Financial Capability experience Q&A Ju Julie liette Col Colli lier, Ca Campaig ign for Lea Learning Dr Dr La Laurence Pier iercy, Go Good Thin ings Fou oundation Step ephanie ie Ha Hayter, Th The e Mon oney Ch Charity Scott Morris ison, M Mon oney Advi vice Ser ervice 39

  29. Evaluation & Learning: The What Works Fund Financial Capability Financial Capability experience To hear more about how we can support you to evaluate your financial capability programme, contact us at whatworks@fincap.org.uk 40

  30. Thank you www.fincap.org.uk @FinCapStrategy |#TalkMoney|#FinCap17


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