What will fuel the auto sector in the next ten years? Jorge Sicilia Group BBVA Chief Economist October 2014
The future of the auto industry in the next 10 years lies in responding to the new sociodemographic needs and focusing on growth in the emerging countries
Long-term dynamics Demographics will determine buying patterns Urban population to 2.5 billion new As population matures double and reach almost and ages, middle-class between 4 billion by 2025, young people are no 2000 and 2025, up to longer predominant leading global activity 60% of total population 4
Long-term dynamics The composition of populations are changing G7 China Latin America 5 Source: UN
Long-term dynamics Over 50 % of the world’s population will live in urban areas “ EAGLEs Economic Outlook. Annual report 2013”, March 2013 Source: UN 6
Long-term dynamics By 2025 there will be 37 megacities, most of them in Asia Source: UN 7
Long-term dynamics The “axis” of the world is changing Source: BBVA Research, IMF/WEO 8
Long-term dynamics The middle classes are becoming predominant in emerging countries Population (millions) Population (%) Source: BBVA Research, World Bank, UN 9
Long-term dynamics Car ownership and economic development: current situation Car fleet per 1,000population) Spain Portugal China Mexico Turkey Colombia Peru Long-term real PPP-adjusted GDP per capita (thousands) Source: BBVA Research, World Bank, UN 10
Long-term dynamics Car ownership and economic development: in the next 10 years f: forecast Source: BBVA Research 11
Short-term dynamics The current crisis has hit developed countries hard GDP per capita decrease Current 80s-90s crisis Countries below Highest-income the highest level countries of income Long-lived Not ended Source: BBVA Research, IMF, World Bank 13
Short-term dynamics Each country is exiting the crisis differently Economic growth (cyclical comparison) United States Turkey Mexico GDP per capita level Source: BBVA Research, World Bank, IMF and Angus Maddison 14
Trade protectionism unlikely on potential counterproductive effects (automobile) Index of the number of production stages for transport equipment by country (2009) Source: OECD 15
Challenges for the industry Findings and lessons from income transition in the countries Low income Middle income High income Tertiarisation, manufacturing Demographics, diversification Diversification, urbanisation, Drivers and sophistication, high investment sophistication, complexity, returns, low increasing innovation, wages in basic middle classes, welfare systems manufacturing financial deepening Factor accumulation Macro and institutional, Population aging, fiscal moderates, wages rise, social unrest, poverty, sustainability, increasing need for higher Risks basic services, inequality, excessive education, technological increasing inequality leverage Poverty Middle- skills and infrastructure trap income trap 17
Challenges for the industry How to retain demand from younger customers Spain: distribution of vehicle-purchasing households by age of the head of the family (2013) Source: BBVA Research based on INE 18
Challenges for the industry What do new consumers want? Survey: composition of car purchasers by age group (%, China) Source: Media reports citing Autohome.com.cn survey 19
Challenges for the industry Environmental issues Alternative fuel stations in the US Source: Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC) 20
Challenges for the industry More than mechanical sophistication Aging: mobility Technology: the Millennials: car as an commting & intelligent system connectivity Sustainability: alternative fuels 21
Conclusions Demographics are key to the evolution of the industry The expansion of the middle class in emerging countries will result in an explosion in the sector Relevance of the automotive sector: competitiveness Technology 23
In the next 10 years, the industry needs to focus on the emerging countries, given the expansion of the middle classes and their development into more urban societies 24
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