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What We Will Address: At the conclusion of this session, we will: - PDF document

Identifying Your Own and Others Work Related Gifts: Feedback From The Work Preference Indicator You Make A Everyone I s Difference! A Winner! What We Will Address: At the conclusion of this session, we will: 1. Learn more about what

  1. Identifying Your Own and Others’ Work Related Gifts: Feedback From The Work Preference Indicator You Make A Everyone I s Difference! A Winner! What We Will Address: At the conclusion of this session, we will: 1. Learn more about what drives us (and those with whom we work) to learn and perform 2. Improve our understanding of one another 3. Gain insight about ourselves and others so we may lead and work with them better 4. Learn how to leverage the unique differences of our employees to gain competitive advantage 5. Enhance our ability to develop and motivate others 6. Have some FUN as we do it! The Key To Your Success “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what your are doing, you will be successful” Albert Schweitzer 1

  2. As A Leader: The One Thing You Need To Know…. By Marcus Buckingham, Can you guess what it is? From his book, “The One Thing You Need To Know” Learn What Those On Your Team Would Love To Do And then Encourage, them, Develop them, and Give them opportunity to become productively involved in these areas so they can Excel The Competitive EDGE What Is The Relationship Between Work Interests And Job Performance? People learn more effectively about subjects in which * they have high interest/personal appeal Learning is associated with job performance * As job performance improves, individuals * experience greater job satisfaction and self esteem, and organizational productivity improves John Dewey 2

  3. The Preference-Learning- Performance Chain Performance Learning Work Preference The chain link to organizational productivity…. Scientific Studies Are Clear The greater the fit between the individual’s work interests and characteristics of the work environment, the better the employee’s work satisfaction, morale, job commitment, and employee productivity From Many Come One….The WPI Focuses On Employees’ • Work values • Learning styles • Vocational interests • Personal temperament 3

  4. Prediger’s: Things, People, Data And Ideas • Things • Data • People • Ideas Rank each of these four interest areas in terms of your highest to lowest area of work preference Work Interests May Fall Short Things People Data Ideas Intense Motivation/Passion/Skill The Work Preference Measures Include More Specifics That Matter: • Results Orientation • Flexible-Spontaneous • Job Fulfillment • Dealing in Facts • Career Ladder • Working with Data • Written Material/Visual • Mechanical Interests • Aural Learning • Focus on Ideas • Taking Control/Lead • Liked by Others • Work Independence • Helpful to Others • Task Specificity • Working In Teams • Time Management See, Gilbert, G. R., Sohi, R., and McEachern, A., (2008). Measuring work preferences: A multidimensional tool to enhance career self-management. Career Development International . Vol. 13 (1), 56 - 78 4

  5. You Are The Leader • Look at the results of Mr. Nor on the next slide – What are his strengths? – What type of role (job fit) might he play in your organization? – What might you do to enable him to develop and to reach his potential within your organization? Treblig Nor’s WPI Results: The Individual Factors Treblig Nor’s WPI Results: The Individual Factors 5

  6. Treblig Nor’s WPI Results: The Individual Factors Within Your Organization: Right bus and seat? Wrong bus and seat? Jim Collins, “Good to Great” Conduct Your Own Self Review…. • Look at the next slide and identify the areas where you think you would be particularly high or low • What are the implications of your work preferences in terms of the type of work that you are now doing? • What would be your worst work related assignment? • Share your results with the other members of your team 6

  7. The Work Preference Indicator Measures Include: • Results Orientation • Flexible-Spontaneous • Job Fulfillment • Dealing in Facts • Career Ladder • Working with Data • Written Material/Visual • Mechanical Interests • Aural Learning • Focus on Ideas • Taking Control/Lead • Liked by Others • Work Independence • Helpful to Others • Task Specificity • Working In Teams • Time Management A Tip for Interpreting Scores…. • Some of us have very • Some have very clear preferences with broad based both high and low preferences. scores. • We are likely to have • Our interests are a wide range of more narrowed and interests and less we are likely to go likely to go as deep deeper into them into any one area— “A Jack of All Trades” Rules To Follow When Learning Of One’s WPI Results 1. Look for gifts, not faults or limitations 2. No score is a bad score; they are just different “sortings” of gifts we have. (When we find it strange how others view things, it is likely we are witnessing genius without knowing it) 3. Do not use the scores to “limit” yourself or others, but to find added potential in yourself and others to excite will and skill 4. Laugh at Ron’s jokes! 5. The results are not Ron’s fault 6. When in doubt, Reread Rule # 5 7

  8. As We Start Seeing Our Scores • With each dimension discussed, think in terms of the implications for you, the leader, of these types. • What are the things you can do as a leader to encourage the person’s potential on the job and in her/his career? • What might you do to stifle it? • How might your own scores affect your leadership style? The Three Way Split Relationship Oriented Technical Achievement Oriented Oriented Achievement Types These employee types prefer to experience high job satisfaction. They seek to be key players in organizations where they themselves are instrumental in contributing to the success of the organization. They value self-reliance and self-direction. They are company- oriented employees who seek success for both the company and themselves. Above all, career accomplishment is what lights this type of employee’s fire. 8

  9. Relationship Types These employee types prefer to work effectively with others. They seek to achieve through teamwork and mutual supportive behavior with their colleagues. It is important for them to be well liked and to work well with others on the job. They seek to be of assistance to those with whom they work on a personal and professional basis. Technical Types These types of employees prefer to work with things and data. They also prefer to learn through visual means. They seek to work with the nonhuman, more logical and rational aspects in the organization. They like to learn about how things work, analyze trends and gain keener understanding of how things work. They tend to be more concrete in the way they think and value things at work. Making Sense Of Your Overall Scores…. Your relative strengths of preference for each of the * three major areas ( e.g. Achievement, Relationship and Technical) have been identified. * They are ranked in order. * From this order, we can estimate six grand types of employee career and work preferences. * Each has a critically important contribution to make in a high performing work team. 9

  10. The Six Grand Types Goal Oriented Thinker “Team Strategist” ACH REL ANA 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 The Grand Types (Ideas About People) * Goal Oriented Thinker - Team Strategist Donald Trump, Ed Harris as Chief of Mission Control in Apollo 13, Carly Fiorina (CEO, H-P/Compac), John Kerry * Results Oriented Team Player - Team Captain Diane Sawyer, Jack Welch, Colin Powell, Arnold Schwartzenegar, * Upward Mobile Analyst - Technical Expert Alan Greenspan, Sherlock Holmes, Bryant Gumbel, Bill Gates, Donald Rumsfeld * Technically Competent Team Player - Team Coach Tom Hanks in Saving Private Ryan, Jodie Foster in Silence of the Lambs, Dick Cheney, Al Gore * Social Oriented Thinker - Team Planner Condoleeza Rice, Robin Williams in The Dead Poet’s Society, Laura Bush, * People Oriented Achiever - Team Facilitator Oprah Winfrey, Richard Simmons, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Rudy Guiliani, Gloria Estafon Priorities Associated With The Six Grand Types • Team Strategist: Ach, Tec, Rel • Team Facilitator: Rel, Ach, Tec • Team Captain: Ach, Rel, Tec • Team Coach: Tec, Rel, Ach • Technical Expert: Tec, Ach, Rel • Team Planner: Rel, Tec, Ach 10

  11. In Teams of Three • Describe the results from the WPI that best fit you • How does the profession you have chosen and the work you do in it fit your WPI profile? • What else can you do as a professional to leverage your strengths? Take four minutes for disclosure of each person. (Keep the focus on the person) We Have Correlated WPI Scores with College Major and Work Choice You can also see your own compatibility scores by returning to www.gilbertems.com. Then go into “Already have an account?” and input your email address used to register and your password. Then go to “academic compatibility view” and there it is! Not a certainty, but an association. Business Administration (n=1119) 0.5 99% 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 50% 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 1% RSLT JOBF LEAD TASC TIMM FLEX FACT WRIT INDE CLAD DATA MECH IDEA LKBL HELP TEAM ORAL 11

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