what s next for the 2016 2017 budget

Whats Next for the 2016-2017 Budget May 25, 2016 Problem - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Whats Next for the 2016-2017 Budget May 25, 2016 Problem Statement: The budget override was not successful, with 58.8% of the voters supporting an override. Our charge is to determine how best to proceed given this, and everything

  1. What’s Next for the 2016-2017 Budget May 25, 2016

  2. Problem Statement: The budget override was not successful, with 58.8% of the voters supporting an override. Our charge is to determine how best to proceed given this, and everything discussed so far in the process.

  3. Given that a 60 % “yes” vote was not achieved, what choices does the Board have? Same Budget $0 in add’l cuts New Budget, still above Yes the tax levy cap $0< add’l cuts <$2.85MM New Budget, at or Does the BOE want below the tax levy cap a 2 nd Budget Vote? $2.85MM< add’l cuts<4.35MM Contingency No $4.34 MM in add’l cuts

  4. Allowable Tax Levy Cap and Contingency Scenarios Total Proposed, Failed Budget: $129,654,885 Potential Scenarios Additional reductions would be To achieve a budget at: needed in the amount of: the allowable tax levy cap level ($2,846,836) the contingency level ($4,345,411)

  5. What’s Are the Possible Routes to Cuts/Reductions? Choice Impacts Notes & Thoughts Budget Cuts (and Adds) Some might be necessary, Already Presented and They were unpalatable to begin given where the budget costs Discussed, but Rejected (or with, and are no more so now. are situated (80% staffing). Added) Hard to achieve the amount we Across-the-board line item Can be arbitrary, but the math are looking for, and can have reductions is convenient. unintended consequences. Gives building and department “Fairly” distributes the impact, Proportional Reductions Across stakeholders most affected Schools and Departments more balanced. more influence over decisions. These items will become budget Non-sustainable reductions (will A few “big ticket” items makes a adds in subsequent years, and need to come back subsequent dent quickly in the bottom line. might include non-contingent year, or eventually) items.

  6. Previously determined cuts- May 17 budget Budget Item Amount Pre-Kindergarten ($231,038) Elementary Class Sections (at max BOE Policy) ($540,000) Custodial Duties- Partial Outsource ($133,000) Clerical Staffing- All Levels ($93,500) Central Office Restructuring ($313,000) School Aide Positions ($78,000) School-Based Administration ($190,000) Safety and Security ($80,000) Professional Development ($230,000) Additional Admin & Support Restructuring ($350,000) Health Plan TPA Change ($1,500,000) Adjusted MS Staffing ($54,000) Transportation- Anticipated ($110,000) Elementary PE, Art, Music (assoc. w/Elem Class Sect.) ($135,000) Miscellaneous (textbooks, summer, C&I, benefits adj) ($143,618) Total ($4,271,156)

  7. Previously determined adds- May 17 budget Budget Item Amount Adds to the Budget (SPED tuition contingency, 1 $358,872 Elem. Sect., BOCES capital projects principal) Adj. for Sup't Compensation, CPSE Chairperson $91,800 return to general fund from County Total $450,672

  8. Position Eliminations- May 17 Budget Position Title Group FTE BH BV MK PR WP FLMS FLHS District Ass’t Sup’t HR/Dir. of PD consolidation Admin 1 1 Directors PPS/SPED Consolidation Admin 1 1 Secondary Ass’t Principals Admin 2 1 1 Elementary Classroom Cert 7 x x x x x Elementary Pre-K Cert 1 1 Elementary Music (.25) & Art (.25) Cert .5 x x x x x .5 Elementary PE Cert 1 x x x x x 1 MS Math (.4), MS World Lang. (.2) Cert .6 Special Education (Pre-K) Cert 2 2 Clerical- Building and Central Office Class 4.5 Instructional Assistant (Pre-K) Class 1 Teacher Aide Class 9 x x 6 x x Safety Monitor Class 2 1 1 Total Admin 4 Total Certified 12.1* Total Classified 16.5* *These reductions include Pre-K reductions, decided early on in the process and not always presented this way in prior slide decks.

  9. Cuts Presented but Not Included in May 17 Budget Rejected Budget Reductions Presented by Admin Amount Elementary Class Size- contractual cap (K-1 = 25, 2-5 = 28) -$990,000 Television Production -$164,500 Clerical Staffing- All Levels -$93,500 High School Course Offerings -$648,000 Middle School Team Restructuring -$144,000 Library Services Model -$356,000 Athletic Programming -$847,800 Elementary Instrumental Music; Secondary Co-Curricular -$498,500 Performing Arts -$3,742,300 Total 9

  10. Admin Recommendations for 2 nd Vote Bring budget w/in Tax Levy Cap

  11. Category: Non-Sustainable Cuts Admin Recommendation Amount Notes/Concerns Puts off repairs that will be needed sooner than Interfund transfer to capital $350,000 later Already a small portion of the budget, has to come Professional Development $170,000 back at some point Contractual obligation- amount reflects finalized EDL $49,000 costs for 2016-17 Already a small portion of the budget, has to come Conferences $70,000 back at some point Subtotal $639,000

  12. Category: Proportional Reductions • Segregate out the non-sustainable items or “must cut” items first. • Set targets for each department after accounting for school-department overlap. • Set targets for each school, based on enrollment ratios. • Hand it off to principals and directors to develop recommendations. • Vet recommendations for consistency and coherence.

  13. Proportional Reductions Amounts Building Target Amount $1,279,304 Enroll # Cert Staff % of Cert School Amt % Enroll District Department Amt Staff BH $89,551 7% 291 33.15 7.60% CO $213,646 $76,758 6% 270 30.9 7.00% $50,000 BV Athletics MK $179,103 14% 582 67.15 15.30% VPA $40,000 PR $89,551 7% 313 35.9 8.20% ESOL $83,000 WP $102,344 8% 337 36.3 8.30% Television $62,000 FLMS $307,033 24% 1007 92.7 21.10% Technology $50,000 FLHS $434,963 34% 1426 142.96 32.60% Facilities $100,000 Subtotal $1,279,304 100% 4226 439.06 100.00% Special Education $0 Library $382,500 Subtotal $981,146 Reductions using this approach will necessarily touch on some of the things taken off the table in earlier discussion

  14. Position Eliminations- Proposed 2 nd Budget Position Title Group FTE BH BV MK PR WP FLMS FLHS District English Cert +0.2 +0.2 ESOL Cert 1 0.4 0.4 0.2 Health Cert 0.4 0.4 Library Media Specialist Cert 4.4 1 1 1.4 1 1 +1 Literacy (Middle School) Cert 1 1 Instrumental Music (Elementary) Cert 1 1 Science Cert 1.56 1.56 Technology Education Cert 0.2 0.2 World Language Cert 1 1 Custodian Class 3.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 Instructional Assistant Class 3 1 2 Purchasing Agent Class 1 1 Safety Monitor Class 1 2 +1 Sec'y to School Official Class 1 1 Senior Office Assistant Class 1 1 Teacher Aide Class 1 1 Television Production Specialist Class 0.5 0.5 Totals 1.9 1.5 2.3 1.5 1.5 4 7.16 2.5 Total Certified 10.36 Total Classified 12 Total Staffing Reduction: $1,930,562

  15. Additional Proportional Reductions- Departments Proposed 2 nd Budget Department Amount Cut Items/Explanation Intramurals (all but 1x/week grade 6) HS after school weight room (coaches on own) Athletics $50,000 Limit event supervision 1 unfilled ass’t coaching position (will get by) (in previous ESOL 1 ESOL teacher (in previous slide) slide) ½ from equipment reduction (truck) Facilities $100,000 ½ from contracted services for facilities Discovery Streaming Additional time, summer time Technology $50,000 Admin computer replacement Contract services, supplies Equipment, supplies, texts, instrument repairs Concert supervision pay for staff Visual & Performing Arts $40,000 Fees and dues HS & MS musical licensing (pay via ticket sales) Total $240,000

  16. Additional Proportional Reductions- Schools Proposed 2 nd Budget School Amount Cut Items/Explanation BHES $1,719 Materials, supplies, textbooks (TBD) $1,595 BVES Materials, supplies, textbooks (TBD) MKES $3,439 Materials, supplies, textbooks (TBD) PRES $1,849 Materials, supplies, textbooks (TBD) WPES $1,991 Materials, supplies, textbooks (TBD) Supervision, Clubs FLMS $73,085 Materials, supplies, textbooks Contract services FLHS $6,805 Field Trip Funds Total $90,483

  17. Total Position Reductions: (May 17 & Newly Proposed): • 4 Administrators • 22.46 Certified • 28.5 Classified


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