what s new with cupa hr surveys everything you need to

Whats New With CUPA-HR Surveys: Everything You Need to Know to - PDF document

10/17/2017 Whats New With CUPA-HR Surveys: Everything You Need to Know to Participate October 18, 2017 Presenters Jacqueline Suzi Bowen, MS , Bichsel, PhD , Research Operations Manager, Director of Research, CUPA-HR CUPA-HR Salary

  1. 10/17/2017 What’s New With CUPA-HR Surveys: Everything You Need to Know to Participate October 18, 2017 Presenters Jacqueline Suzi Bowen, MS , Bichsel, PhD , Research Operations Manager, Director of Research, CUPA-HR CUPA-HR Salary Surveys • Administrators • Professionals • Staff • Faculty • Four-Year • Two-Year Benefits Surveys • Healthcare benefits • Nonhealthcare benefits • Paid Time Off • Tuition Reimbursement • Retirement 1

  2. 10/17/2017 Poll Question: What is your experience with CUPA-HR surveys? [Check one.] Changes for 2018 2

  3. 10/17/2017 Survey Survey Instructions Participation Position/Discipline Titles and Descriptions Integrated Upload Templates Template (SPIT): Your Go-To Login Instructions Resource for Important Links Everything Institutional Basics WHAT HASN’T WHAT’S ADDED WHAT’S REMOVED CHANGED Total expenses (from For faculty & staff, Questions on IPEDS Spring 2017 academic number of voluntary Survey) administrative separations not due Numbers/FTE for threshold, target to retirement, students, faculty, staff, increases for next number of HR staff separations due to year Questions about retirement separations Collective bargaining Required data on total expenses; student, faculty, staff FTEs MUST be provided before you can check any survey complete. Administrators Survey WHAT HASN’T WHAT’S ADDED WHAT’S REMOVED CHANGED Position # and Designation of Questions on salary faculty status for exempt status Associate/Assistant Optional Deans demographic info (year of entry, year of birth, gender, race/ethnicity) 3

  4. 10/17/2017 Professionals Survey WHAT HASN’T WHAT’S ADDED WHAT’S REMOVED CHANGED Position # and salary Nothing! Questions on administrative and Optional demographic teaching exemptions info (year of entry, year of birth, gender, race/ethnicity) Exempt status Staff Survey WHAT HASN’T WHAT’S ADDED WHAT’S REMOVED CHANGED Nothing! Position # and salary Nothing! Optional demographic info (year of entry, year of birth, gender, race/ethnicity) Four-Year Faculty Survey WHAT HASN’T WHAT’S ADDED WHAT’S REMOVED CHANGED Discipline, rank, and STRONGLY SUGGESTING Provision of pay-per- salary provision of six-digit course (adjunct) discipline information by Optional demographic discipline info (year promoted, year of birth, gender, race/ethnicity) Department head information Adjunct summary information There are no changes to the Two-Year Faculty Survey. 4

  5. 10/17/2017 Benefits Survey DATA COLLECTED DATA COLLECTED WHAT’S CHANGED THIS YEAR NEXT YEAR Paid Time Off Benefits data Healthcare collected during Tuition the same time Reimbursement period as salary Retirement surveys Systems and System Offices WHAT USED TO WHAT’S CHANGED WHY? HAPPEN Systems could provide Systems must now Allows us to classify provide data (including campuses within data for all campuses in systems appropriately one upload/entry Institutional Basics) separately for each Allows us to provide campus separate reporting/ System offices will benchmarking for submit data for system system-level positions positions only and will have special Institutional Basics section and separate designation How to Participate: Suzi’s Step-by-Step Guide to a Pain-Free Survey Experience 5

  6. 10/17/2017 Identify the Survey Data Provider Identify the Survey Data Provider Identify the Survey Data Provider Identify the Survey Data Provider http://www.cupahr.org/surveys/survey- participation/survey-data-provider-update • Only the data provider receives the survey invitation and e- mails. • Add yourself as a data provider to stay informed of your participation status. • You can have more than one data provider per survey. Check Your Participation Check Your Participation Check Your Participation Check Your Participation Status Status Status Status • Check the “will participate” box for each survey you will provide data for. • This box must be checked to open the survey for data uploads/data entry. Identify position matches Identify position matches Identify position matches Identify position matches Match CUPA-HR position descriptions to positions on your campus. • Base the match on job description and not title. • Report each employee only once. Split positions? • Report the employee in the one position where they spend the majority of their time. No match? • Simply ignore that position. 6

  7. 10/17/2017 Upload file must match template layout exactly. Upload file must be in Excel (XLS or XLSX). Column header names must match the template. Prepare Data Prepare Data Prepare Data Prepare Data Follow all instructions in SPIT file…don’t go rogue! File for Upload File for Upload File for Upload File for Upload Double-check the data in your upload file prior to uploading. Each upload is specific to each survey. Salary information is required. Demographic information is voluntary but highly encouraged. Print a PDF or Excel export of the data you’ve entered in each survey. Print •Double-check all figures for accuracy especially position number and annual base salary. Check Your Survey Check the survey status box that reads Transmit “My institution has completed this Completed survey”. This will transmit your data. You will receive a confirmation email from Confirm the CUPA-HR Research Team that we’ve received your data. • Deadline is January 12, 2018 at midnight EST. • CUPA-HR is closed between Christmas Eve and New Year’s Day. • Ask Questions at Ask Research: http://www.cupahr.org/surveys/ask- research/ • Join the Survey Participant and DataOnDemand User Group on CUPA-HR Connect. Helpful Tips Helpful Tips Helpful Tips Helpful Tips • Add @cupahr.org to your safe senders list. • Check your home page in Surveys Online for messages. • Read the survey instructions in the SPIT files. • Set aside time each day. • Don’t wait until the last minute. 7

  8. 10/17/2017 • Establish data providers early • Obtain login information • Obtain survey access • Review participation materials November: • Match positions and prepare upload file Helpful Tips for: • Upload data file or manually enter data • Double-check your entry November • Check your surveys completed December: • Enjoy the holidays! Your surveys are done! December January • You’re not done yet? • See November and December above! • The deadline is January 12 • Pre-Order survey results when you’ve completed January: the survey About research: http://www.cupahr.org/surveys/about- research/ Survey participation and SPIT files: Important http://www.cupahr.org/surveys/survey -participation/ Links Survey and publication schedule: http://www.cupahr.org/surveys/survey -participation/schedule/ Questions? Our research team is here for you. Jasper Jingyun Adam Jackie Suzi research@cupahr.org 8

  9. 10/17/2017 Thank You! “What’s New With CUPA-HR Surveys: Everything You Need to Know to Participate” October 18, 2017 9


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