What Is Energy Democracy? And why is it important to the climate crisis?
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https://www.publicnewsservice.org/2016-12-09/climate-change-air-quality/poll-trump-voters-strongly-favor-renewables- clean-energy/a55318-1
Ken entuckians gener enerally a agree ee abo bout c climate c e cha hang nge: e: https://factsheets.ypccc.tools/Kentucky
Ken entuckians gener enerally a agree ee abo bout c climate c e cha hang nge: e: https://factsheets.ypccc.tools/Kentucky
Ken entuckians even a en agree ee abo bout c climate A e ACTION! https://factsheets.ypccc.tools/Kentucky https://factsheets.ypccc.tools/Kentucky:Harlan_County
The c he clea ean ener energy t transi nsition i is already ha happen ening, m , mainl nly bec because i e it saves es g governm nmen ents a and d enterpr prise ses l lots o of money ey. “The report finds that an additional USD 44 trillion in investment is needed to secure a clean-energy future by 2050 , but this represents only a small portion of global GDP and is offset by over USD 115 trillion in fuel savings. The new estimate compares to USD 36 trillion in the previous ETP analysis, and the increase partly shows something the IEA has said for some time: the longer we wait, the more expensive it becomes to transform our energy system .” iea.org/newsroomandevents/pressreleases/2014/may/name,51005,en.html
Rocky M Mountain I n Institut ute: Reinven enting ng F Fire “America can unlock 5 trillion in energy savings , while supporting a 158% bigger economy by 2050, using zero energy from oil, coal and nuclear .” rmi.org/reinventingfire
The S he Solut utions P s Projec ect “Based on our findings, there are no technological or economic barriers to converting the entire world to clean, renewable energy sources. It is a question of whether we have the societal and political will.” - Stanford researcher Mark Z. Jacobson thesolutionsproject.org
Ene nergy D Dem emocracy: Why do does es thi his m s matter?
Ene nergy D Dem emocracy: Why do does es thi his m s matter? https://insideclimatenews.org/news/14082018/coal-energy-prices-appalachia-mining-electric-bill-kentucky-economy-aep-rates
In the Air: What is Environmental Justice? https://vimeo.com/216259164
In the Air: What is Environmental Justice? https://vimeo.com/216259164
In the Air: What is Environmental Justice? https://vimeo.com/216259164
What a are the implications o of such ch a a large s struct ctural s shift? If we own this energy transition, we can turn traditional power structures upside down.
So wha hat do does es ener energy dem democracy l look like? e? Wikipedia: “Energy democracy is a political, economic, social and cultural concept that merges the technological energy transition with a strengthening of democracy and public participation. The concept is connected with an ongoing decentralization of energy systems with energy efficiency and renewable energy being used also for a strengthened local energy ownership. With new green technologies available, such a transition is possibly involving new actors: prosumers, renewable energy co-operatives and municipal, community- owned power stations which replace centralized power corporations.”
So wha hat do does es ener energy dem democracy l look like? e? KY author Wendell Berry joins Interfaith Power and Light in making the connection between spirituality and sustainability. www.kentuckyipl.org
So wha hat do does es ener energy dem democracy l look like? e? KFT FTC’s E s Empo power K Ken entucky P Projec ect – A A Peo eopl ple’ e’s P s Plan
So wha hat do does es ener energy dem democracy l look like? e?
So wha hat do does es ener energy dem democracy l look like? e? https://www.cooperativesolar.com/location.php
So wha hat do does es ener energy dem democracy l look like? e? https://www.facebook.com/SolarKentucky/photos/gm.781725912296658/2509902045941132/?type=3&theater
So wha hat do does es ener energy dem democracy l look like? e?
So wha hat do does es ener energy dem democracy l look like? e? The singing nuns of Loretto say NO to the Bluegrass Pipeline. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHjT_eXsU94
So wha hat do does es ener energy dem democracy l look like? e?
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