what is ccte course

WHAT IS CCTE COURSE A s seconda ndary y course se which ch has - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

WHAT IS CCTE COURSE A s seconda ndary y course se which ch has approved d educati tiona nal frameworks ks meet eting content nt standar ndards ds as well as leadersh ship p and emp mployability ty stan anda dards ds A c

  1. WHAT IS CCTE COURSE A s seconda ndary y course se which ch has approved d educati tiona nal frameworks ks meet eting content nt standar ndards ds as well as leadersh ship p and emp mployability ty stan anda dards ds A c course se taught ht by a c a certi tified ed CCTE E instruct nstructor or A c course se affiliated ed with th a C Career r and Techni nica cal Stude udent nt Organi nizati ation n (CTSO) O) Identi ntified fied Program m of Work rk for stud udents nts outsi tside the academic c day

  2. WHAT CCTE CLASSES DOES WOODLAND TRADITIONALLY HAVE? Agricultur cultural Pat Pathwa way Busi siness ness and Mark rketi ting M (S (Scie ience nce, Technology ology, , Engi gineerin ing, g, Math) STEM Famil ily and d Consume umer r Scie ience ce Edu duca cati tion on

  3. AGRICULTURAL PATHWAY OFFERINGS Anima mal Scienc nce Agricultur cultural mechani nics cs – beginni ning ng and adva vanc nced ed Beginni nning ng and adva vanc nced ed Met etallurgy lurgy Natural ral Res Resour urces ces Midd ddle e School Future ure Trades des Midd ddle e School Mechani nics cs Midd ddle e School Flori ricultur culture/H /Horti ticultu ulture re Flora ral Design gn and Flower r Shop Management ent

  4. BUSINESS AND MARKETING PATHWAY OFFERINGS Web Design n I & & II Office ce Communi unicati ations ns Publishin shing Entre treprene preneursh urship Comp mput uter r Applica cati tions ns Personal onal Fina nanc nce Mark rketi eting ng I & II Re Retail Operati tions ons

  5. STEM PATHWAY Woodworking king I & & II Comp mput uter r Aided d Design gn (CAD) Intr troducti duction n to Woodworkin king – Midd ddle le School l

  6. FASCE PATHWAY Life Skills Creati tive e Chef f I Creati tive e Chef f II Early y Childh dhood d I Early y Childh dhood d II Careers in Educa cati tion


  8. FUTURE FARMERS OF AMERICA (FFA) Agricul cultu tural al and STEM Pa Pathways ys CTSO SO

  9. CURRENT TECH PREP COURSES W H S C T E C O U R S E C O M M U N I T Y C O L L E G E C O U R S E Com omputer er Ap Applicati tions ons Intro. . to Busine siness ss Tech. Com omputer er Ap Applicati tions ons Web Design Web eb Desi sign gn Entrepr preneur neursh ship ip En Entrep repre rene neur ursh ship ip Beginn inning ing Met etallurgy allurgy Intro. . to Oxy-ac acetylene etylene Advanc nced ed Met etallurg llurgy Intro. . To Arc Welding ing Beginn inning ing Mechani chanics cs Intro. . to small l engine nes Advanc nced ed Mecha hanics nics Essentials ials of Mechanics nics

  10. CURRENT TECH PREP COURSES CONT. C O M M U N I T Y C O L L E G E C O U R S E W H S C T E C O U R S E Introd oducti ction on to Early rly Early rly Childh ldhood ood I Childh ldhoo ood Early rly Childh ldhood ood I Child ld Development lopment Early rly Childh ldhood ood I Prac actic ticum um I CAD Technic nical al Drawi wing CAD Introd oducti ction on to Draftin ting g CAD Drafting ting

  11. CURRENT INDUSTRY CERTIFICATIONS Micr crosof soft Office ce Specialist t (MOS) Bronze nze Certi tified d Techni nici cian n (STIHL HL) Food Handler’s Card CPR First st Aid

  12. CURRENT CROSS-CREDITED COURSES W H S C C T E C L A S S C R O S S - C R E D I T E D C L A S S WHS S Public lication ations Art Web Design ign II Art Early rly Childh ldhood ood I Healt alth

  13. NEW FOR NEXT YEAR HEALTH SCIENCES Ad Adva vanc nced ed Placement nt Biolog ogy Anatomy y and Physi siolog ogy Health h Occupa pati tion n Stude udents nts of America (HOSA)- CTSO

  14. STEM ADDITIONS Lego Ro Robot otics cs First st Tech Challenge enge Techno nolo logy Stude udents nts of America (TSA) ) – CTSO

  15. AUDIO AND VIDEO TECHNOLOGY PATHWAY WMS Publicati ations ns WHS Phot otograph raphy FBLA or TSA - CTSOs Os

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