What is a NEON Satellite Site (Comprehensive NSS Definitions) • The NSS is a spatial and/or aerial based ecosystem measurement station (s) whose design utilizes all or some part of the NEON physical or information infrastructures, and that through close national and international research collaboration and partnership with NEON aims to examine and study changes occurring in a wide variety of ecosystems. • The NSS is PI-centered educational and research facility that gains access to some part of the NEON physical or information technologies to support research, education and environmental management that increases NEON’s continental reach by targeting a select group of end users.
Identification of the Science Themes for the NSS Initiative The underlying theme of the SEA NSS Program’s initiatives is to provide opportunities for the underrepresented community and other organizations to develop and implement a continent‐wide connected network of NSSs across one or more of the NEON 20 domains.
Suggestions for specific themes for the research to be conducted at a NSS Themes may be centered on the seven Grand Challenges: 1. Land Use, 2. Biodiversity, 3. Invasive species, 4. Disease, 5. Climate Change, 6. Ecohydrology, and 7. Biogeochemistry.
Other Examples of Potential Science Themes 1. Geology and Geophysics 10. Invasive Species 2. Ecology of Urban Land Areas 11. The Biosphere 3. Marine Biogeochemistry 12. Human Dimensions 4. Atmospheric Sciences 13. Soils & Sediments 5. Anthropogenic contaminants 14. Paleo Climates (The study of 6. Nutrient Mobilization past climates) 7. Land Water Use & Change 15. Biological Classification 8. Climate Change Variability 16. Regional Processes 9. Extreme Events 17. Ecological Education
The Role of SEA, Inc. in the NSS Initiative In the past, SEA has taken a central role in facilitating the development and design of the NSS and hopefully, will continue to play a greater role in implementation of the NSS. In the future SEA hopes to continue to play a role of some kind in broadening the participation of MSIs and/or a diverse group of individuals and communities in “need based” large scale ecological studies.
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