what is a district plan

What is a District Plan? Sets high-level framework for planning, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

What is a District Plan? Sets high-level framework for planning, design & development of a complete community Sets a holistic vision and serves as a guide for multiple stakeholders to coordinate development and investment efforts.

  1. What is a District Plan? • Sets high-level framework for planning, design & development of a complete community • Sets a holistic vision and serves as a guide for multiple stakeholders to coordinate development and investment efforts. • An area specific plan which provides direction for additional study/planning updates.

  2. Frameworks: 1. Positioning the Brock District globally within a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve 2. Setting the Brock District in the Niagara Escarpment 3. Gateways to the Brock District 4. Sustainable Urban Brock District 5. Balanced Circulation in the Brock District 6. A Green Brock District 7. The Brock District is a Complete Community

  3. Gateways

  4. HQ 6 Projects 2 Underway 4 1 3 5

  5. Regional Headquarters Civic Park

  6. Demonstration Plan

  7. Brock Technical Advisory Committee The TAC is tasked with implementing the recommendations and action items of the District Plan, including project and policy coordination. Membership includes: • Regional staff • Local municipal staff from Thorold and St. Catharines • Brock University representatives • NEC, Hotel Dieu Shaver and others

  8. Recommendations The following guidance material will be developed to realize the vision of the District Plan: • Brock District Placemaking Manual • Brock District Green Energy Infrastructure Plan • Brock District Green Building Standards • Regional Headquarters Master Plan • Conformity review and updating of relevant local plans, policies and zoning by-laws • Other studies/work as identified by the TAC

  9. Questions? More information can be found at www.niagararegion.ca/districtplans Kirsten McCauley, MCIP, RPP Senior Planner, Secondary Plans Planning and Development Services, Niagara Region Phone: 905-980-6000 ext. 3532 Email: kirsten.mccauley@niagararegion.ca


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