Proline – What have we learnt this year? Keith Norman Technical Director Velcourt Ltd October 20 th 2005
What is Velcourt Velcourt’s principal activities are:- Farm Management 52,500 has in UK, approx 42,000has in Russia and Ukraine Independent, agronomic advice, over 40 clients covering more than 20,000 has Overseas consultancy in France, Spain and Germany Dedicated R & D department. Contract trials for Agchem manufacturers, Involved in HGCA, DEFRA and EU research contracts All results fed directly into Farm Manager team
The team
Why grow Wheat?
Why grow OSR?
Graph showing world supply and demand for wheat to be inserted here ……………..
Problems facing growers – Yield is Key Confirmed resistance issues against common problems. Diseases – Septoria, mildew Weeds – Blackgrass, Wild Oats, Ryegrass, some BLWs Insects – Myzus persicae, pollen beetle. PGR issues – Chlormequat and mepiquat under EU review
Proline still as active as Opus Tebuconazole slipping Mixtures no benefit
Triazole Resistance Project – Velcourt - 07 6.83 Untreated - - 9.46 Opus 0.8 Opus 0.8 Opus 0.5 9.89 Proline 0.64 Proline 0.64 Proline 0.4 7.91 Folicur 0.8 Folicur 0.8 Folicur 0.5 7.7 Poraz 0.72 Poraz 0.72 Poraz 0.48 8.15 Poraz 0.72 Poraz 0.72 Opus 0.5 8.38 Poraz 0.72 Poraz 0.72 Proline 0.4 8.41 Poraz 0.72 Poraz 0.72 Folicur 0.5 8.14 Folicur 0.8 Folicur 0.8 Opus 0.5 9.94 Proline 0.64 Proline 0.64 Opus 0.5 9.64 Opus 0.4 + Poraz 0.36 Opus 0.4 + Poraz 0.36 Opus 0.5 8.41 Folicur 0.4 + Poraz 0.36 Folicur 0.4 + Poraz 0.36 Opus 0.5 9.28 Folicur 0.4 + Opus 0.4 Folicur 0.4 + Opus 0.4 Opus 0.5 9.8 Opus 0.4 + CTL 1.0 Opus 0.4 + CTL 1.0 Opus 0.5 9.67 Proline 0.32 + CTL 1.0 Proline 0.32 + CTL 1.0 Opus 0.5 9.35 Folicur 0.4 + CTL 1.0 Folicur 0.4 + CTL 1.0 Opus 0.5 9.23 Poraz 0.36 + CTL 1.0 Poraz 0.36 + CTL 1.0 Opus 0.5 9.51 Opus 0.4 + Comet 0.5 Opus 0.4 + Comet 0.5 Opus 0.5 9.88 Fandango 0.75 Fandango 0.75 Opus 0.5 9.33 Tracker 0.75 Tracker 0.75 Opus 0.5 6 7 8 9 10 5% LSD 0.631 CV 5.0%
Fungicide Trials – Wheat – T1
T1 Fungicide Comparison - Alchemy (18/04) P Value 0.01 – CTL 1.0 applied @ T0 (27/03) LSD 0.451 CV 3.1 – Opus 0.75 + CTL 1.0 applied @ T2 (03/05) 10.83 10.52 10.51 10.41 10.39 10.33 10.31 10.28 10.23 10.17 10.14 9.99 9.88 BAY-07-01b Ashfield, Suffolk Alchemy
T1 Fungicide Comparison - Zebedee (12/04) Septoria and Brown rust present equally P Value 0.01 CTL 1.0 applied to all treatments @ T0 (14/03) LSD 0.352 CV 2.4 Opus 0.75 + CTL 1.0 applied to all @ T2 (23/05) 10.46 10.44 10.38 10.34 10.34 10.33 10.30 10.30 10.28 10.12 10.09 10.08 9.42 BAY-07-01c Drax, Dorset Zebedee
Factorial - Variety / Fungicides Programmes Fonthill, Wiltshire 5% LSD 0.167 9.74 9.68 9.65 9.56 9.53 T1 Proline T1 Ceando T1 Tracker T1 Ceando flb Managed T2 Tracker+Opus
Claire – Stowell Park, Cotswolds T0 GS30 T1 GS31-32 T2 GS 39 03/04/2007 26/04/2007 30/05/2007 - Proline 0.6 Prosaro 1.2 7.53 - Fandango 1.5 Fandango 1.5 8.22 Proline 0.26 Proline 0.6 Prosaro 1.2 8.66 Fandango 1.5 Fandango 0.65 Fandango 1.5 8.74 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 Yield t/ha Bay-07-05f F-test Probability 0.008 5%LSD 0.683 CV 5.6
Zebedee, Dorset - Brown rust Flag Leaf 35 DAT Proline 0.6 applied @ T1 (12/04) P Value < 0.01 LSD 2.39 T2 treatments applied (23/05) 30.0 24.2 25.0 22.1 20.0 15.0 13.4 11.4 10.1 10.0 8.2 5.9 5.3 4.6 4.5 3.6 5.0 3.4 3.0 3.0 2.1 1.9 1.2 0.8 0.0 BAY-07-02b Drax, Dorset Zebedee
Zebedee, Dorset - Yield P Value < 0.01 Proline 0.6 applied @ T1 (12/04) LSD 0.486 CV 3.3 T2 treatments applied (23/05) 12.00 11.36 11.07 11.23 11.21 10.94 10.93 10.90 11.00 10.38 10.35 10.58 10.57 10.48 10.45 10.40 10.31 10.27 10.00 8.81 9.00 7.82 8.00 7.00 6.00 BAY-07-02b Drax, Dorset Zebedee
T2 – T3 Fungicide Sequences with Harvest Date T2 GS39 T3 GS59-63 Harvest Timing 5 th or 28 th August 20/05/2007 11/06/2007 Proline 0.6 - Early Proline 0.6 Amistar 0.3 + Proline 0.3 Early Proline 0.6 Amistar 0.3 + Opus 0.4 Early Proline 0.6 Fandango 0.8 Early Proline 0.6 Proline 0.3 Early Proline 0.6 Caramba 0.75 Early Fandango 1.5 - Early Amistar 0.3 + Proline 0.3 Fandango 1.5 Early Amistar 0.3 + Opus 0.4 Fandango 1.5 Early Fandango 0.8 Fandango 1.5 Early Fandango 1.5 Proline 0.3 Early Fandango 1.5 Caramba 0.75 Early Proline 0.6 - Late Proline 0.6 Amistar 0.3 + Proline 0.3 Late Proline 0.6 Amistar 0.3 + Opus 0.4 Late Proline 0.6 Fandango 0.8 Late Proline 0.6 Proline 0.3 Late Proline 0.6 Caramba 0.75 Late Fandango 1.5 - Late Amistar 0.3 + Proline 0.3 Fandango 1.5 Late Amistar 0.3 + Opus 0.4 Fandango 1.5 Late Fandango 0.8 Fandango 1.5 Late Fandango 1.5 Proline 0.3 Late Fandango 1.5 Caramba 0.75 Late
Factorial Brown Rust Flag leaf 32 DAT 16.00 LSD = 1.375 13.80 14.00 12.00 10.21 10.00 8.51 8.00 6.00 4.65 4.28 4.00 3.17 2.00 0.00 None Amistar 0.3 + Proline Amistar 0.3 + Opus 0.4 Fandango 0.8 Proline 0.3 Caramba 0.75 0.3 F-test P <0.001 LSD 0.256
LSD = 0.256 Factorial of Yields 10.20 10.06 9.99 10.00 9.80 9.64 9.60 9.57 9.60 9.40 9.22 9.20 9.00 8.80 None Amistar 0.3 + Proline Amistar 0.3 + Opus 0.4 Fandango 0.8 Proline 0.3 Caramba 0.75 0.3 F-test P <0.001 LSD 0.256
Factorial of T2 fungicide choice - Yield LSD = 0.148 10.00 9.83 9.80 9.53 9.60 9.40 9.20 9.00 8.80 8.60 8.40 8.20 8.00 Proline 0.6 Fandango 1.5
Factorial of Harvest date - Yield LSD = n/s 10.00 9.72 9.80 9.64 9.60 9.40 9.20 9.00 8.80 8.60 8.40 8.20 8.00 Early - Aug 5th Late - Aut 28th F-test P <0.11 LSD N/S
T1 Fungicide Programs in Winter Wheat – 2006 11.5 12.5 13.5 14.5 Fandango 1.5 12.67 87.8 Fandango 1.0 12.7 79.8 Tracker 1.0 12.59 59.2 Opus 0.75 12.61 74.5 Opus 0.5 12.49 69.4 Proline 0.8 12.76 87.9 Proline 0.6 12.69 89.6 Proline 0.4 12.57 80.1 (Utd = 9% Septoria on leaf 2 44 DAT 2) Untreated 0 12.05 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Bayer-06-1a % Septoria Control F-test Probability 0.153 Eau Brink Farm 5%LSD 0.537 Yield t/ha CV 3.0 % Winter Wheat cv Gladiator
T1 Fungicide Programs in Winter Wheat 2006 11.5 12.5 13.5 14.5 Proline 0.4 + Unix 0.5 kg 12.67 71.7 Proline 0.4 + Flexity 0.25 12.66 87.4 Proline 0.6 + CTL 1.0 12.77 92.5 Proline 0.4 + CTL 1.0 12.36 91.3 Proline 0.8 12.76 87.9 Proline 0.6 12.69 89.6 Proline 0.4 12.57 80.1 (Utd = 9% Septoria on leaf 2 44 DAT 2) Untreated 0 12.05 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Bayer-06-1a % Septoria Control F-test Probability 0.153 Eau Brink Farm 5%LSD 0.537 Yield t/ha CV 3.0 % Winter Wheat cv Gladiator
2006 - T2 Prosaro Programs in Winter Wheat 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Filan 0.65 + Proline 0.6 11.57 92.3 Tracker 1.5 11.56 94.7 Proline 0.6 + Amistar 1.0 11.43 92.6 Prosaro 1.0 + Comet 200 0.25 11.62 93.4 Opus 1.0 11.34 95.3 Prosaro 1.0 + Swift 0.25 + CTL 1.0 11.25 93.9 Prosaro 1.0 + Swift 0.25 11.54 96.1 Prosaro 1.0 + CTL 1.0 11.34 92.5 Prosaro 1.0 11.32 95.1 Prosaro 0.75 + Swift 0.25 + CTL 1.0 11.35 91.6 Prosaro 0.75 + Swift 0.25 11.6 93.5 Prosaro 0.75 + CTL 1.0 11.45 93.5 Prosaro 0.75 11.19 85.5 Opus 0.75 + CTL 1.0 11.31 95.7 Opus 0.75 11.04 88.9 Untreated @ T2 10.82 79.8 Fully Untreated 0 9.82 0 20 40 60 80 100 Bayer-06-2b % Septoria Control F-test Probability <0.001 SNCF Kent 5%LSD 0.356 Yield t/ha Winter Wheat cv Consort (T1 = Proline 0.6 l/ha) CV 2.2 %
Stem base fusarium control – 1 st wheat after peas Kent 2002 – T1 options 11 10 9 8 7 6 LSD 0.36 t/ha 5
1 st wheat Kent 2005 – T1 options 11.5 11 10.5 10 9.5 9 8.5 8 LSD @ 5% 0.3 t/ha
Summary Dose rates of all triazoles used in the field, have had to increase to 75% doses to maintain level of disease control whether septoria or rusts. Period of persistency for a given dose rate has decreased from a max of 7 weeks to more like 4 weeks for septoria and rust control. Think carefully about the use of CTL – it can reduce the curative effects of Proline No evidence this year from the benefit in septoria control by adding Prochloraz in mixtures or sequences. The benefits of Spiroxamine are questionable.
Summary Clear dose rate response to Proline between 0.4 and 0.6 Tracker is not a threat. Strobs have found a place in programmes again for rust control Prosaro looks very effective in high rust situations, equal to triazole+Strob combinations T3 applications are now default – either for late foliar rust or septoria control and ear disease. Proline a good option. Proline effect on stem base disease control still very clear.
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