what does this notation mean anyway

What Does this Notation Mean Anyway? BNF-Style Notation as it is - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

What Does this Notation Mean Anyway? BNF-Style Notation as it is Actually Used D. A. Feller J. B. Wells S. Carlier F. Kamareddine Heriot Watt University July 5, 2018 David Feller (Heriot Watt University) What Does this Notation Mean Anyway?

  1. What Does this Notation Mean Anyway? BNF-Style Notation as it is Actually Used D. A. Feller J. B. Wells S. Carlier F. Kamareddine Heriot Watt University July 5, 2018 David Feller (Heriot Watt University) What Does this Notation Mean Anyway? July 5, 2018 1 / 22

  2. What is MBNF? Math-BNF (MBNF) is sometimes called “abstract syntax.” We avoid that name because MBNF is in fact a concrete form. It consists of production rules roughly of this form: • ::= ◦ 1 | · · · | ◦ n David Feller (Heriot Watt University) What Does this Notation Mean Anyway? July 5, 2018 2 / 22

  3. What is MBNF? Math-BNF (MBNF) is sometimes called “abstract syntax.” We avoid that name because MBNF is in fact a concrete form. It consists of production rules roughly of this form: • ::= ◦ 1 | · · · | ◦ n Unlike BNF, MBNF production rules contain chunks of mathematical text and themselves stand for abstract mathematical structures. David Feller (Heriot Watt University) What Does this Notation Mean Anyway? July 5, 2018 2 / 22

  4. BNF and MBNF A BNF rule “ P ::= P ⋆ P ” replaces an occurrence in a string of P by P ⋆ P . The star can only be a symbol. The language of the non-terminal P is the set of non-terminal-free strings reachable from the string P by the grammar’s rules. An MBNF rule “ P ∈ S ::= P ⋆ P if C ” requires for P 1 , P 2 ∈ S that if the condition C (which can use the full power of mathematics (WCUTFPM)) holds, then the object P 1 ⋆ P 2 belongs to S. The star can be any mathematical operator (WCUTFPM), or it can form part of an arrangement. Such arrangements are identified up to user-declared equivalences (WCUTFPM). Usually, the sets declared by a MBNF grammar are the unique smallest sets satisfying the rules, if such a choice of sets exists. David Feller (Heriot Watt University) What Does this Notation Mean Anyway? July 5, 2018 3 / 22

  5. What is Math-Text? The omission of some parentheses is inherited from Math-Text. ( λ x . (( x y ) z )) = λ x . x y z David Feller (Heriot Watt University) What Does this Notation Mean Anyway? July 5, 2018 4 / 22

  6. What is Math-Text? The omission of some parentheses is inherited from Math-Text. ( λ x . (( x y ) z )) = λ x . x y z x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x ′ , x ′′ , . . . David Feller (Heriot Watt University) What Does this Notation Mean Anyway? July 5, 2018 4 / 22

  7. What is Math-Text? The omission of some parentheses is inherited from Math-Text. ( λ x . (( x y ) z )) = λ x . x y z x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x ′ , x ′′ , . . . ∞ a , b x ⊙ a 2+1 � − f n � c ↓ ˇ p � v ′′ x + y · fj + s i − − → ˆ a i =0 David Feller (Heriot Watt University) What Does this Notation Mean Anyway? July 5, 2018 4 / 22

  8. What is Math-Text? The omission of some parentheses is inherited from Math-Text. ( λ x . (( x y ) z )) = λ x . x y z x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x ′ , x ′′ , . . . ∞ a , b x ⊙ a 2+1 � − f n � c ↓ ˇ p � v ′′ x + y · fj + s i − − → ˆ a i =0 MBNF requires us to interpret some pieces of math text which stand essentially for themselves: 1 + 3 Stands for 4 λ x . x Stands for λ x . x David Feller (Heriot Watt University) What Does this Notation Mean Anyway? July 5, 2018 4 / 22

  9. MBNF Allows Arbitrary Operators Inside Production Rules Chang and Felleisen [CF12, p 134] give the following MBNF grammar : e ::= x | λ x . e | e e A ::= [ ] | A [ λ x . A ] e David Feller (Heriot Watt University) What Does this Notation Mean Anyway? July 5, 2018 5 / 22

  10. MBNF Allows Arbitrary Operators Inside Production Rules Chang and Felleisen [CF12, p 134] give the following MBNF grammar : e ::= x | λ x . e | e e A ::= [ ] | A [ λ x . A ] e A = [ ] [ λ x 1 . [ ] ] x 2 @ [ ] x 2 [ ] λ x 1 [ ] David Feller (Heriot Watt University) What Does this Notation Mean Anyway? July 5, 2018 5 / 22

  11. MBNF Allows Arbitrary Operators Inside Production Rules Chang and Felleisen [CF12, p 134] give the following MBNF grammar : e ::= x | λ x . e | e e A ::= [ ] | A [ λ x . A ] e A = [ ] [ λ x 1 . [ ] ] x 2 @ @ λ x 1 x 2 [ ] x 2 [ ] [ ] λ x 1 [ ] David Feller (Heriot Watt University) What Does this Notation Mean Anyway? July 5, 2018 5 / 22

  12. MBNF Mixes Math Stuff With BNF-Style Notation Sometimes production rules are written in the form v ∈ S ::= · · · Germane and Might [GM17, pg 20] give the following MBNF grammar: u ∈ UVar ucall ∈ UCall ::= ( fe ∗ q ) ℓ k ∈ CVar ccall ∈ CCall ::= ( q e ∗ ) γ lam ∈ Lam = ULam + CLam e , f ∈ UExp = UVar + ULam ulam ∈ ULam ::= ( λ e ( u ∗ k ) call ) q ∈ CExp = CVar + CLam clam ∈ CLam ::= ( λ γ ( u ∗ ) call ) ℓ ∈ ULab call ∈ Call = UCall + CCall γ ∈ CLab ucall ∈ UCall ::= ( fe ∗ q ) ℓ David Feller (Heriot Watt University) What Does this Notation Mean Anyway? July 5, 2018 6 / 22

  13. MBNF Has at Least the Power of Indexed Grammars Inoe and Taha [IT12, pg 361] use this MBNF rule: E ℓ, m ∈ ECtx ℓ, m ::= · · · | �E ℓ +1 , m � | ˜ E ℓ − 1 , m [ ℓ > 0] | · · · n David Feller (Heriot Watt University) What Does this Notation Mean Anyway? July 5, 2018 7 / 22

  14. MBNF Allows Arbitrary Side Conditions on Production Rules Chang and Felleisen [CF12, p 134] give the following MBNF rule: E = [ ] | E e | A [ E ] | ˆ A [ A [ λ x . ˇ where ˆ A [ ˇ A [ E [ x ]]] E ] A ] ∈ A David Feller (Heriot Watt University) What Does this Notation Mean Anyway? July 5, 2018 8 / 22

  15. MBNF “Syntax” Can Contain Very Large Infinite Sets Toronto and McCarthy [TM12, p 297] write: e ::= · · · | � t set , { e ∗ κ }� Later they tell us { e ∗ κ } denotes “sets comprised of no more than κ terms from the language of e ”. It seems as though κ is intended to be an inaccessible cardinal, i.e., a truly big infinity. David Feller (Heriot Watt University) What Does this Notation Mean Anyway? July 5, 2018 9 / 22

  16. MBNF Allows Infinitary Operators Fdo, D´ ıaz and N´ u˜ nez [LDN97, p 539] write an MBNF grammar with the following operator, which the authors state is infinitary: P ::= · · · | � P i | · · · i ∈ I David Feller (Heriot Watt University) What Does this Notation Mean Anyway? July 5, 2018 10 / 22

  17. MBNF Allows Co-Inductive Definitions Eberhart, Hirschowitz and Seiller [EHS15, p 94] intend the following MBNF grammar to define infinite terms co-inductively: P , Q ::= Σ i ∈ n G i | ( P | Q ) G ::= a � b � . P | a ( b ) . P | ν a . P | τ. P | ♥ . P David Feller (Heriot Watt University) What Does this Notation Mean Anyway? July 5, 2018 11 / 22

  18. Our Proposal: Syntactic Math Text (SMT) Plus a Definition of Production Rules David Feller (Heriot Watt University) What Does this Notation Mean Anyway? July 5, 2018 12 / 22

  19. SMT: Arrangements and Objects Example Arrangements: 1 ⊙ x O · P ♣ O a ∗ b O q , r x ↑ · y p x , y a − b O a − − → M ♥ . P p b c λ x . xy P | Q { a , b } 0 � · � ˜ E David Feller (Heriot Watt University) What Does this Notation Mean Anyway? July 5, 2018 13 / 22

  20. SMT: Arrangements and Objects Example Arrangements: 1 ⊙ x O · P ♣ O a ∗ b O q , r x ↑ · y p x , y a − b O a − − → M ♥ . P p b c λ x . xy P | Q { a , b } 0 � · � ˜ E Example Objects: { λ x . x y , λ z . z y , . . . } {{ a , b } , { b , a } , { a , a , b } , { a , b , b } , . . . } { P | Q , P | Q | 0 , Q | P , . . . } {♣} � Pointers to objects appear in arrangements. Objects and arrangements may be nested within one another. David Feller (Heriot Watt University) What Does this Notation Mean Anyway? July 5, 2018 13 / 22

  21. Relatively Mundane Features of our Model We define the following in what might be considered a fairly standard way: Context-hole filling. Compatible closure (congruence). The concept of free names. α -Equivalence. Capture avoiding substitution. We define name groups as an equivalence relation on the set of objects, which we write ∼ . This relation can be extended as an author requires. David Feller (Heriot Watt University) What Does this Notation Mean Anyway? July 5, 2018 14 / 22

  22. SMT: Primitive Constructor Decomposition Primitive constructors: � � � ! � � → � � λ � . � David Feller (Heriot Watt University) What Does this Notation Mean Anyway? July 5, 2018 15 / 22

  23. SMT: Primitive Constructor Decomposition Primitive constructors: � � � ! � � → � � λ � . � Primitive constructor decompositions: � (! O ) � = � � � [! � [ O ]] ( O 1 → O 2 ) → O 3 = ( � → � )[( � → � )[ O 1 , O 2 ] , O 3 ] � � � � → � � → � ! � O 3 O 1 O 2 O David Feller (Heriot Watt University) What Does this Notation Mean Anyway? July 5, 2018 15 / 22

  24. Production Rules for Defining Syntactic Sets v 1 , ..., v n ∈ S ::= e 1 if c 1 | · · · | e m if c m v 1 , ... v n are metavariables ranging over S . S is the name of the subset of object being defined. Each of the expressions, e 1 , ..., e m , is either an object level variable, a primitive constructor which is allowed to have metavariables in the place of holes. Each optional side condition, c 1 , ..., c m , is a formula with expressions in the place of holes. David Feller (Heriot Watt University) What Does this Notation Mean Anyway? July 5, 2018 16 / 22


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