westminster food and nutrition forum 21 sept 2017 helen

Westminster Food and Nutrition Forum 21 Sept 2017 Helen Munday, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Sup upporting porting fo food od pr prod oduction uction an and d man anufacturing ufacturing th thro rough ugh Bre rexit xit Westminster Food and Nutrition Forum 21 Sept 2017 Helen Munday, CSO and Director, Regulation, Science

  1. Sup upporting porting fo food od pr prod oduction uction an and d man anufacturing ufacturing th thro rough ugh Bre rexit xit Westminster Food and Nutrition Forum 21 Sept 2017 Helen Munday, CSO and Director, Regulation, Science and Sustainability, Food and Drink Federation

  2. Th The Fo Food d and Drink nk Fe Federat ration ion

  3. “If you can’t feed a country then you haven’t got a country.” Ian Wright CBE Director-General, FDF

  4. Wh What t fo food and drink nk must st get t fr from Br Brexi xit  Access to EU workers  Easy future trade with the EU  Certainty over food regulation including environmental considerations  Same safety and quality standards for consumers  An open border in Ireland  Clarity – soon – over transitional arrangements  New opportunities for growth

  5. Im Imports orts and exp xports orts will l be ke key • 61% of our food and drink exports go to the EU. • UK is only 60% self-sufficient in food; • 70% of what we import comes from the EU • Food is part of our critical national infrastructure. Just in Time (JIT) supply chains mean empty shelves in four days or fewer if supply is delayed or interrupted. • Most food has a limited shelf life and some is highly perishable. Retailers expect a guaranteed minimum shelf life from suppliers. • Regulatory and non-regulatory factors facilitate the movement of goods.

  6. Fu Future ture fo food d sa safet fety, y, se secu curity rity & re & regulation ulation • Our food regulation – covering production, safety, movements, labelling etc. – has come from Europe for 40 years. • FDF has called for: • Continuity at the point of departure • Carefully planned divergence – where appropriate - taking into account the effect on trade • Caution about intra-UK divergence • Common regulatory and legal requirements informed by sound science and evidence, allow companies to do business and trade on a level playing field, while also protecting consumers. • Government has committed to no reduction in food safety/quality standards for consumers, or in animal welfare standards.

  7. Fo Food od sa safet fety y and regulatory ulatory iss ssues ues • Risk assessment and management • No more access to European Food Safety Authority???? • Potentially Food Standards Agency will need to ramp up risk assessment role • Importance of access to RASFF and intelligence sharing • Phytosanitary rules and checks could act as non-tariff barrier – delays at borders • EU resources in third party countries for importation checks – impact on Defra? • EU food operatives in UK including veterinarians • Health and nutrition claims • Pivotal role of EFSA – again • Has the bar been set right? • Is it helping consumers make good choices? • Labelling • Front of pack • PGIs

  8. En Environmental vironmental Legislation islation Implications for manufacturers including food operators • Industrial Emissions Directive (2010/75/EU) • Medium Combustion Plant Directive (2015/2193 EU) • National Emissions Ceiling Directive (2016/2284) • Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive (1994/62/EC) • Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC) • Water Framework Directive

  9. Climate imate Change nge and En Energy rgy policy icy Implications for manufacturers including food operators • 2030 Package – emission reduction targets • Effort Sharing Decision (406/2009/EC) • Renewable Energy Directive (2009/28/EC) • Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU) • EU Emissions Trading System (2003/87/EC) • Taxation of Energy products and electricity directive (2003/96/EC) • F-Gas Regulations (517/2014/EC) • Internal Energy Market

  10. The food industry after Brexit… hopefully • Still seamlessly connected to its biggest export/import markets. • New opportunities to access high quality ingredients / raw materials. • The UK still a beacon for providing consumers with a wide range of high quality, safe, sustainable and affordable food at all price points. • Driven by talented people from wherever, operating at all skill levels. • Free to operate and innovate without undue regulatory burdens, whilst providing consumers with confidence that we are well regulated. • Connected to excellence in research and supported by accessible funding.


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