EIT KIC Urban Europe Proposal wemove2zero 28 May 2018 eseia Team 1 28-May-18
2 Table of Content EIT Knowledge and Innovation Community on Urban Mobility: wemove2zero 1. Vision, Approach, Structure and Thematic Focus 2. Roles of HUB and CLCs 3. Austrian Consortium members 4. International Consortium Members 5. Cooperation Models 6. Resources 7. Action Plan 28-May-18
3 1. wemove2zero Vision of Zero Emission EU Cities 28-May-18
4 1. wemove2zero Systemic Approach • Local, regional and European • EU Cities and Regions regulations • EU Citizens • Infrastructure (built •Int’l business and SMEs infrastructure, charging • HEI und ROs stations) Technologies Actors • OEMs • Vehicle • ICT • tech integration wemove2zero the European Urban Mobility Innovation System Intervention Mobility Modes Paths • Public transport • Knowledge sharing • Individual mobility • Citizens involvement • Car sharing • Business acceleration • Bicycles • Training and education The wemove2zero partnership shares the vision to create zero emission cities in Europe by developing smart mobility solutions for urban regions. To address the actual challenges of mobility wemove2zero aims to focus on providing affordable, fast, inclusive, sustainable, entertaining, and personalised mobility solutions for European citizens . 28-May-18
1. wemove2zero Structure&Thematic Focus 5 CLC Central CLC Central European covering Europe, Graz, AT Austria, Slovenia, Slovakia and Italy Knowledge Management, CLC Western European Logistics, e- covering Germany, The mobility Citizen Entrepreneurial Netherlands, Ireland, Engagement technologies Education Iceland, Scotland and UK CLC Western eseia Brussels CLC Eastern Europe, Dublin, Europe, IE Hub – One-Stop-Shop – CLC Brasov, RO Mobility as a Integration Systems Service Governance & Corporate Identity Integration Urban Planning IPR & Business Development European Academy for CLC Eastern European Entrepreneurs covering Romania, Innovation Technical Integration of CLCs Business Hungary, Greece and Projects Creation International Partnerships Bulgaria; CLC Baltic, CLC Iberian, Gdansk, PT Lisbon, PT CLC Baltic covering Lithuania, CLC Iberian covering Cizitens needs, Implementation Estonia and Poland Spain and Portugal participation and of good practice open innovation EIT Community 28-May-18
6 1 . wemove2zero Focus wemove2zero will add value to citizens life by • enhancing eco-mobility , eco-mobility supports citizens’ quality of life, increases travel choices, and promotes social cohesion; • socially inclusive, and environmentally friendly transport options , including and integrating walking, cycling, public transport and other climate and people-friendly innovative modes of transport; • enabling citizens and organizations to access goods, services, and information in a sustainable manner; • multi-disciplinary approach , including all emissions (noise emission, light emission); • simple and efficient goods delivery without emissions; • waste management ; • awareness rising; • we move to zero with all burdens of sustainable urban mobility (focusing on pollution, security, accident rates, environmental aspects); as a result, wemove2zero will create a better environment for citizens. 28-May-18
7 1. wemove2zero Thematic Focus Feasibility study Austria Volume ongoing Volume planned Total in Mio. € projects in Mio. € projects in Mio. € CLC Central Europe 139,5 6,5 143 56.5 285 228,5 Total Topics ongoing projects Topics planned topics Mobility concept Integration of new vehicle and infrastructure Autonomous car technologies into urban transportation systems Assistance Systems Logistics and distribution in and public spaces urban areas e-Mobility systems – potential evaluation of best Electric vehicle practises from different regions (autonomous Safety in urban environments driving) Urban development and automated mobility Mobility and Gender Mood Enabling/ Dependant smart environment Navigation Pedestrians Public transportation Concepts and services for bikes IT-services in the fields of integrated mobility and mobility-as-a-service (MaaS) Emissions reduction Traffic simulation and optimization Cross-section safety 28-May-18 Knowledge management, big data, AI
8 1 . wemove2zero Focus 4 lines of Action: 1. Citizen Engagement by considering the citizens as the core of the mobility system and develop personalized solutions adapted to their needs based on needs, culture, age and gender. 2. Innovation Projects by creating a European network to foster the development and implementation of pioneer smart mobility products and services. As well as developing innovative solutions to engage citizens in the design and use of the sustainable mobility products and services. 3. Business Creation by fostering the economy in the field of Smart Mobility. Supporting high potential product and services to reach the market and the appropriate stakeholders. Develop dedicated business plans. 4. Entrepreneurial Education by offering high quality educational programs to train the next generation on sustainable mobility and empower their entrepreneurial skills. 28-May-18
9 2. Role of the Hub Functions of Hub: One Stop Shop run by eseia in cooperation with CLCs Societal • Create Open European Citizens Forum for Urban Mobility ; • Create European Academy for Entrepreneurs ; • Design and agree on implementation strategies; • Identify knowledge transfer opportunities; • Design strategic partnerships for global impact (Africa, Asia, Latin America); • Corporate identity and communication. Business • Coordinate and guide development of Co-location Centres (CLCs); • Set up necessary governance and legal structures; • Provide business creation services; • Prepare an integrated portfolio of activities in the first business plan; • Prepare Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Management framework; • Create revenue streams; • Ensure the KPIs are met; • Prepare monitoring, reporting and evaluation functions for the legal entity; Technical • Technical integration of CLCs outcomes and holistic innovations; • Set up European Open Innovation Platform on Urban Mobility; 28-May-18
10 2. Role of CLCs wemove2zero CLCs should Lead the topic Integrate regional players as a platform • Establish partnerships for international collaboration; • Follow the regional strategies in urban mobility if possible; • Support start-up creation based on innovation-driven solutions which ensure regional grouth; Cooperation with other CLCs and Hub • Support the knowlege transfer from HEI to industry through new products and services (pilot test of existing solutions, simulations for the implementation of new solutions, digitalization); • Ensure regional coordination and management; Management and administration • Sub-coordination to the Hub; • Design and agree with hub regarding opportunities of strategic partnerships for local and regional impact; • Ensure complementary funding out of KIC; • Implement KIC programmes. 28-May-18
11 3. Austrian Consortium Members Urban regions 500.000 - 1 Mio: Vienna 100 000 – 400 000: Graz, Linz, Salzburg, < 100 000: Klagenfurt, Villach, Wels Unternehmen: Spar, Urban Mobility Labs, Energie Steiermark, Siemens, Magna, AVL, BRP Powertrain, e-Mobility Graz, GEA, Bosch, EPCOS, Grupo etra, Kapsch, Prisma solutions, BMW, efkon, Strabag, Alstom, Stadler, Borealis, Wiener Linien, Holding Graz, ÖBB, eVision automotive, Invenium Data Insights GmbH, K-Zentren : KnoWCentre, LEC, Slovenian AutoCluster Hidria; LUZ d.d., ELES; ADV, BDV, Andritz, AT&S Universitäten, Fachhochschulen, Forschungseinrichtungen: eseia, AIT, TU Graz, FGM GmbH, Uni Linz, FH Joanneum , Joanneum Research , KFUG, TU Wien, AAU, BOKU Zivilgesellschaft: Stadtlabor Graz, VCÖ, Argus 28-May-18
12 3. Core Proposal Team Coordinator: Brigitte Hasewend, eseia Ramona Oros, eseia Soraya Foubert, eseia Business Team: Robert Schmied, Grazer Energieagentur and e-Mobility Thomas Klein, RCPE Sabine Sill, eseia Ideas Team: Gert Breitfuss, TU Graz Karl- Heinz Posch , FGM Arno Klamminger and Wolfgang Ponweiser, AIT Matijn Kiers, FH Joanneum CLC Team Leaders: Central Europe: Robert Schmied, Grazer Energieagentur and e-Mobility Eastern Europe: Mircea Segarceanu, Brasov Metropolitan Agency Western Europe: Anne Graham, National Transport Authority Baltic: Ian Kiciński , Polish Academy of Sciences Research Centre (TBC) Iberian: Teresa Ponce de Leão, LNEG (interim contact) 28-May-18