wellbeing in the tech

Wellbeing in the Tech Industry Dr Michelle OSullivan What to - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Managing for Mental Wellbeing in the Tech Industry Dr Michelle OSullivan What to Expect 1. Learn about the impact of mental ill-health in the workplace 2. Tips for managing employee mental ill-health and occupational psychosocial factors

  1. Managing for Mental Wellbeing in the Tech Industry Dr Michelle O’Sullivan

  2. What to Expect 1. Learn about the impact of mental ill-health in the workplace 2. Tips for managing employee mental ill-health and occupational psychosocial factors 3. Tools and where to get help Managing for Mental Wellbeing 02 March 2020 @DrMichelleOS 2

  3. When you’re working at your best It was an accident I got this It will work out I can trust them Said ’yes’ They are trying their best Problem solving This will pass Eating well I’m competent Collaborated Helped others Challenge appropriately Boundaries Motivated Meeting deadlines In the zone Strong Sleeping well Energised Managing for Mental Wellbeing 02 March 2020 @DrMichelleOS 3

  4. When you’ve been struggling at work They ’ re out to get me I’m worthless I can’t trust them I’m a failure I can’t do this This is never going to end Withdrawn Loss of pleasure hopeless Eating? Anxious Sad Going out more/less Irritable Overworking? Underworking? Exhausted Unmotivated Sleeping? Sweating Aches and pains Stomach problems Numb Heart racing Managing for Mental Wellbeing 02 March 2020 @DrMichelleOS 4

  5. What is Mental Wellbeing? Managing for Mental Wellbeing 02 March 2020 @DrMichelleOS 5

  6. Managing for Mental Wellbeing 02 March 2020 @DrMichelleOS 6

  7. How many of the tech workforce have symptoms of a common mental health condition in any given week? 1 in 7 1 in 4 1 in 3 Managing for Mental Wellbeing 02 March 2020 @DrMichelleOS 7

  8. What % of people are comfortable talking to their employer about their mental health? 69% 40% Managing for Mental Wellbeing 02 March 2020 @DrMichelleOS

  9. Why Should You Care About Mental Health as an Employer? Managing for Mental Wellbeing 02 March 2020 @DrMichelleOS

  10. Managing for Mental Wellbeing 02 March 2020 @DrMichelleOS

  11. Managing for Mental Wellbeing 02 March 2020 @DrMichelleOS 11

  12. Managing for Mental Wellbeing 02 March 2020 @DrMichelleOS 12

  13. What Makes Up Workplace Wellbeing Support Relationships Control Role Workplace Change Demands Wellbeing Managing for Mental Wellbeing 02 March 2020 @DrMichelleOS

  14. Mind’s Wellness Action Plan Impact of mental health on performance What keeps someone well at work Workplace triggers Early warning signs Steps for the line manager to take Steps for the individual to take Support measures and workplace adjustments Managing for Mental Wellbeing 02 March 2020 @DrMichelleOS

  15. Support Available ➢ EAP provider ➢ Local IAPT Service ➢ Occupational Health ➢ Able futures ➢ Local GP ➢ Samaritans ➢ Mind Infoline 0300 123 3393 (or text 86463) Managing for Mental Wellbeing 02 March 2020 @DrMichelleOS

  16. What to do next? ▪ Assess psychosocial risks ▪ Make a plan that includes management of workplace risks ▪ Train your line managers on managing mental wellbeing ▪ Get a senior leader champion - storytelling Managing for Mental Wellbeing 02 March 2020 @DrMichelleOS

  17. Thank you Email: michelle.o’sullivan@rssb.co.uk www.linkedin.com/in/dr-michelle @DrMichelleOS Managing for Mental Wellbeing 02 March 2020 @DrMichelleOS 17

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