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A Preview of Coming Attractions Revelation 11:1-14
I . THE MEASURMENT OF THE TEMPLE (11:1-2) A. There were 2 temples in Jerusalem’s past. 1. Solomon’s temple 2. Herod’s temple B. There will be one more in Jerusalem’s future. 1. The Tribulation temple 2. The temple in heaven is mentioned (11:19).
II. THE TWO WITNESSES (11:3-12). A. They will prophecy 1260 days. B. They will be invincible (5). C. The identity of the witnesses. D. The power of the witnesses (5-6). E. The death of the witnesses (7-10). F. The resurrection of the witnesses (11-12).
III. DIVINE RETRIBUTION (11:13-14) A. One tenth of the city falls. B. Seven thousand people are killed. C. People cry out in terror and give glory to God.
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