welcome to your home church 584 individuals served

Welcome to your home church! 584 individuals served 895.0 3,900 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome to your home church! 584 individuals served 895.0 3,900 lbs. distributed 797.7 786.9 758.8 652.8 147 125 118 108 86 We Need Your Help to reach our community! The Final Judgments Revelation 16 I. THE FIRST SIX BOWL

  1. Welcome to your home church!

  2. 584 individuals served 895.0 3,900 lbs. distributed 797.7 786.9 758.8 652.8 147 125 118 108 86

  3. We Need Your Help… …to reach our community!

  4. The Final Judgments Revelation 16

  5. I. THE FIRST SIX BOWL JUDGMENTS (16:2-12). 1. Painful sores (2). 2. Contamination of the sea (3). 3 . Rivers turned to blood (4-7) 4. Scorching hot sun (8-9). 5. Kingdom of the beast darkened (10-11) 6. The Euphrates dries up (12).

  6. II. ARMAGEDDON (16:13-16). A. Armies from the east gathered. B. They gather to attack Jerusalem.

  7. III. THE 7 TH BOWL: FINAL JUDGMENT (16:17-21). A. The bowl poured out into the air (18a). B. “It is done.” C. The terryfying calamities (18b-20). 1. Powerful lightening and thunder 2. A great earthquake 3. Huge hailstones

  8. Hebrews 4:7 – “Today if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts.”


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