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Welcome to the World of ENERGIES WHY AM I SUFFERING - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome to the World of ENERGIES WHY AM I SUFFERING http://www.who.int/peh-emf/publications/facts/fs304/en/ www.radiationsresearch.org http://ehtrust.org/cell-phones-radiation-3/international-policy-actions-on-wireless/

  1. Welcome to the World of ENERGIES


  3. http://www.who.int/peh-emf/publications/facts/fs304/en/ www.radiationsresearch.org http://ehtrust.org/cell-phones-radiation-3/international-policy-actions-on-wireless/ http://www.parentsforsafetechnology.org/wifi-free-schools.html

  4. International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of the World Health Organization (WHO) Classified "Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields” emitted by wireless communication devices as Type 2B Possible Carcinogen (possible cancer risk to humans). The WHO report concluded that "additional research is important" and advised the public, particularly young adults and children, to "take pragmatic measures to reduce exposure". As affirmed by Dr. Robert Baan of IARC, this classification 2B, possibly carcinogenic, is not limited to cellphone radiation, it “holds for all types of radiation within the radiofrequency part of the electromagnetic spectrum, including the radiation emitted by base-station antennas, radio/TV towers, radar, Wi-Fi, smart meters, etc."

  5. IARC - Website for WHO

  6. ARPANSA - Website of Australian Government

  7. ARPANSA - Website of Australian Government

  8. SCHOOL.ORG.UK - Website of Schools of UK

  9. SCHOOL-AUSTRALIAORG.ORG - Website linked to Regulation of Schools Authority of AUSTRALIA

  10. SAFEINSCHOOL.ORG – website of latest report of School safety

  11. 100% of people who get SECONDARY CANCER. 95% of people who get CANCER were sleeping &/or working in a GS place before or at the time the cancer was diagnosed. 95% of children who are HYPERACTIVE, have LEARNING DISABILITIES or are DIFFICULT TO CONTROL. 80% of parents/caregivers who ABUSE CHILDREN 80% of DIVORCES are by one or both partners being Geopathically Stressed. 80% of couples who CANNOT HAVE BABIES, one or both are GS. 80% of women who have a miscarriage. 80% of babies who died of COT DEATH 70% of M.E. (Post Viral Fatigue) sufferers. 70% of people who are ALLERGIC TO FOOD/DRINK Geopathic Stress has been found to be the common factor in most serious and long-term illnesses and psychological conditions. Scientists at Dulwich Health Society, USA, studied over 25,000 people with ill health and concluded that the following groups are Geopathically Stressed

  12.  985 people were tested and subjected to a very thorough medical examination before and after tests. Tests included blood sedimentation, electric condulance of certain muscle points, blood pressure, heart beat breathing, skin resistance and blood circulation. The people tested sat in a GS or neutral place for just 15 minutes. The harmful effect could be registered in most of people who sat in a GS place. “One can imagine the consequences which exposure to Geopathic Stress over many years could have’’ wrote Natural Medicine .

  13. SICK BUILDING SYNDROME  The World Health Organisation has recognised S.B.S for over 30 years and estimate 60% of offices, hotels, institutions and industrial premises have S.B.S

  14. GEOPATHIC STRESS  GEOPATHIC STRESS –“Geo” means earth and “pathos” means suffering. It means suffering from the earth which causes stress in the form of illness. It is an umbrella word that covers all forms of earth induced stress like Hartmann grids, Lay lines, Black Streams & Curry lines, etc.

  15. KATHE BACHLER SURVEY ON 3000 STUDENTS • 95% children in learning difficulties, bad behavior were exposed to Geopathic stress. • When move to stress free places they nearly all showed marked improvement often from bottom to top of their classes.


  17. The Baghdad Battery. Did ancient people ever actually create cool advanced technology? How about functional electric batteries capable of producing nearly a volt of power each? Yes, the famous Baghdad Batteries found in the 1930s in Iraq really work. Each battery (about a dozen were found) consists of a 5-inch clay jar. Inside is a copper tube wrapped around an iron rod. Acidic residue was found at the bottom of the pot, and an asphalt stopper sealed the top. They worked in much the same way as modern batteries Why was this TECHNOLOGY buried in the darkness of the History ?

  18. Six pillars that Dubai Silicon Oasis Authority talks about : Life Society Mobility Economy Governance Environment

  19.  Unpleasant sensations  Mood disorders  Apathy  Flabbiness  Worry  Unreasonable sadness  Feeling uncomfortable in your bed, or workplace without any particular reason.

  20. STAGE TWO: Negative Emotions Symptoms: • Night sweats  Anxiety • Feeling cold or shivering in bed  Lack of appetite in the morning • Impending doom  Sleep disorders • Drowsiness  Difficulty falling asleep • Dizziness  Difficulty staying asleep • Weakness  Waking too early • Headaches  Restless Sleep • Irritability  Waking frequently • Fatigue  Nightmares • Feeling depressed

  21. • Anxiety  Accelerated human heartbeat • Loss of sex drive  Increased breathing rate • Lack of interest in sex  Increased blood sugar • Helplessness  Hypertension • Temporary impotence  Depression • Migraine headaches  Muscle cramps tension, pain • Tingling in arms and legs  Numbness in arms and legs • Neck pain

  22.  irritating the large intestine  and causing diarrhea,  constipation,  cramping and bloating.   stomach ache. This happens because stress hormones slow the release of stomach acid and the emptying of the stomach.The same hormones also stimulate the colon, which speeds the passage of its contents.  Geopathic Stress may predispose some people to ulcers or sustain existing ulcers. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (spastic colon)and weight gain issues is strongly related to Geopathic Stress.

  23. • Memory problems  Diabetes • Lack of interest in doing  Inability to heal  Panic Attacks something  Difficulty • Decision-making problems concentrating • Inadequate responses to  Learning problems major changes in life  Behaviour proble situations ms • ADD (Attention Deficit  Aggression Disorder) • Chronic Fatigue

  24.  Cancer  Cardiovascular diseases  Heart attack  Arthritis  Kidney disorders  Allergies  Skin diseases  Bronchial asthma  Stroke  Infertility and miscarriages





  29. EFFECTS IN REPORTS Electromagnetic stress and vibrations with different frequencies affect the functioning of machines like CT Scan MRI and other Laboratory Electronic machines. The life of machines is even effected as the frequency interrupts the electrical circuits of machine boards and even plays with the frequency of machine which can increase the possibility to give wrong reports or interpretations.

  30. Ley lines are straight over-ground energy lines which mirror large under ground currents Houses built on ley lines can become a thoroughfare for all manner of disturbances

  31. Hartmann grids are earthing grids for cosmic rays that constantly bombard the earth Hartmann grids are associated with nervous and rheumatic disorders

  32. Or Even your Office Desk or Chair

  33. Brain signals & thought forms are Electromagnetic broadcasts To renew, maintain & control cells During sleep abnormal EEGs (Electroencephalography ) Could geopathic stress scramble the code?

  34. Phone: +971562590990 consult@poojaenergyvastu.com www.poojaenergyvastu.com Fairmont Hotel First Business Center, Office 708-05 Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, U.A.E


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