welcome to the family mba entrepreneurship family business

WELCOME TO THE FAMILY MBA Entrepreneurship & Family Business - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

WELCOME TO THE FAMILY MBA Entrepreneurship & Family Business Presented By Adhiraj Mehra Presented By Adhiraj Mehra Batch : 2013-15 (Rank Holder) FAMILY BUSINESS: Tin Box Company: Metal and Steel Drum & Barrel Manufacturers CURRENT

  1. WELCOME TO THE FAMILY MBA Entrepreneurship & Family Business Presented By Adhiraj Mehra

  2. Presented By Adhiraj Mehra Batch : 2013-15 (Rank Holder) FAMILY BUSINESS: Tin Box Company: Metal and Steel Drum & Barrel Manufacturers CURRENT JOB: 1) Coralbay Advisors Pvt Ltd : BouIque Investment Bank • Working closely with Mid-sized Companies & Investors (P.Es & VCs) • Co-founder of the Start-Up Advisory PracIce, Moolah: Dealing with Start-ups & Angel Investors 2) Co-founder of “The Successful Failures” (Blog)

  3. The 4 D’s to Success

  4. The Horse

  5. Untapped PotenIal Speed AmbiIon

  6. Talent v/s A4tude Hard work beats Talent, when Talent doesn’t work hard!

  7. A T True V Visionary f y foresees a an Op Opportunity y

  8. Client Base Advising 30 Clients from 10 Different Industries Industry Big Data Hyper Local Deliveries Marketplace for AcIviIes & Events SAAS Hyper Local Financial Services Aggregators for Under-uIlized Real Estate Food & Beverage Value Retailing for Tier 2 CRM/Lead Management for Real Estate 3D Augmented Virtual Reality Art CuraIon PlaZorm Value Brokerage B2B Market Place Handicra[s & Art LogisIcs Marketplace for wedding vendors Android UIliIes App Telecom Amateur Sports NutriIon Management Brand Engagement PlaZorm

  9. Every Phase of Life will demand a different You

  10. Let’s Talk Numbers ContribuIon towards Family Business DIRECT Over Rs 50 Lakhs in Revenue 15 New Customers from 7 different ciIes Minimum Billing of Rs 1 Lakh/Month INDIRECT OpImum UIlizaIon of Space. AddiIonal Revenue of about 50 Lakhs per annum (In Process)

  11. The Golf Balls


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