welcome to solidworks look at what we can do now

Welcome to Solidworks Look at what we can do now Computer-Aided - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome to Solidworks Look at what we can do now Computer-Aided Virtual Reality Stress Analysis Drafting (CAD) Compared to back when OLD (1970-1990) Technical Pen Templates Pencil (0.5 mm) OLDER (pre 1970) Ruling

  1. Welcome to Solidworks

  2. Look at what we can do now… Computer-Aided Virtual Reality Stress Analysis Drafting (CAD)

  3. Compared to back when … ๏ OLD (1970-1990) – Technical Pen – Templates – Pencil (0.5 mm) ๏ OLDER (pre 1970) – Ruling Pen – Compass – Pencil (2mm)

  4. Computer-Aided Drafting (CAD) Manufacturing (CAM)

  5. Rendering and Animation 2008: Xbox 360 2017: Xbox One X

  6. Solid Modeling ๏ Defined by: Boundary representation (B-rep) - - connected surfaces create an inside and outside of the part ๏ Have these properties: Mass - Volume - Moment of inertia -

  7. Applications of Solid Modeling (Solidworks): Engineering (perform structural, thermal, etc. analysis on model) - - FEM: Finite Element Method-breaking part into smaller, less complex parts that can be better analyzed Manufacturing (allows Computer-Aided Manufacturing program to design - the way a product will be made)

  8. Mesh Modeling ๏ Defined by: Edges - Polygonal faces - ๏ No mass property ๏ Advantages: Smoothness - Shading -

  9. Applications of Mesh Modeling (Maya) Film and Advertising Industries (animations look great with mesh models) - Medical Field (mesh models of human anatomy) -

  10. Coordinate System ๏ Cartesian

  11. Primitive Shapes ๏ Critical to know basic shapes in order to accurately represent the part that is being modeled

  12. Some Properties to keep in mind…

  13. Extruding a primitive shape allows you to make some of these 3D objects…

  14. One of the basic steps…Extrusion ๏ Linear Extrusion: starts with closed polygon (profile) drawn on a plane, and then swept along a defined path for a defined length

  15. 15 Constraints ๏ Defined as a limitation or restriction ๏ Apply constraints to any geometry drawn in Solidworks (under the discretion of the user) *Constraints in Solidworks look like this.

  16. 16 Implicit Constraints ๏ Geometric relationships implied by the way the profile is drawn and interpreted by Solidworks Note: Solidworks only makes - closed profiles, so your profiles must have closure.

  17. 17 More Implicit Constraints

  18. 18 Explicit Constraints ๏ Defined by the operator - Dimensional constraints: assigning a specific length to a line, radius to a circle, etc. - Geometric constraints: specifying the ways in which lines/shapes/features relate to one another

  19. 19 Levels of Constraint ๏ Fully constrained Every element has been completely dimensioned/specified - ๏ Underconstrained Not all elements are dimensioned/specified (leaves interpretation up to - Solidworks) ๏ Overconstrained Adding a new constraint would conflict with existing constraints (Solidworks - won’t let another dimension be added)

  20. 20 Example of an Overconstrained Sketch Center point of line Driven Dimension: is driven by the model *Changing the model changes this driven dimension value Driving Dimension : drives the model *Changing this driving dimension changes the model

  21. 21

  22. Path-based and Revolute Extrusions allow you to make some of these 3D objects….

  23. Path-based Extrusion ๏ Sweep: create a profile and define its path to be extruded along

  24. Revolute Extrusions ๏ Start with a drawn profile and define an axis of rotation about which the profile is rotated for a defined angle.

  25. Activity ๏ Complete the Lesson 1: Parts tutorial How to get there: Tutorials>Getting - Started>Lesson 1: Parts ๏ Complete Revolves and Sweeps tutorial How to get there: Tutorials>Basic - Techniques>Revolves and Sweeps Let me know if you have any questions!

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