welcome to prospective students

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Welcome to Prospective Students Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling Prospective Students Information Session Spring 2020 Entry 1 EPC Department Masters Programs Offer both M.A. and M.S. programs All are regionally

  1. Welcome to Prospective Students Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling Prospective Students Information Session Spring 2020 Entry 1

  2. EPC Department Master’s Programs  Offer both M.A. and M.S. programs  All are regionally accredited by WASC.  Two M.S. program options are also nationally accredited.  Fall admissions only for counseling programs  M.A. Programs may admit for Spring  Must select one option only for application  Application period:  University : Opens October 1  Department : November 1 – Early winter 2021 ( TBA ) 2

  3. EPC Master’s Program options  Counseling  College Counseling and Student Services  School Counseling Master  Career ( not currently admitting ) of Science  Marriage & Family Therapy  School Psychology  Early Childhood Education Master of Arts  DLI&E ( not currently admitting ) 3

  4. Common Characteristics of Counseling Master’s programs  Prerequisite courses required  Must be completed before beginning any of our graduate programs  Must have been completed within seven (7) years of semester applied for  Grade earned must be B- or higher  Equivalent courses often available at other institutions  Pre-approved Prerequisite Substitution List  May request approval for classes not listed 4

  5. Common Characteristics of Counseling Master’s programs  Competitive Entry – not all those who meet the minimum qualifications will be accepted  Maintains small class sizes  Meets accreditation standards  Provides individualized attention to students’ needs and interests 5

  6. Common Characteristics of Counseling Master’s programs  Cohorted with 1 p.m., 4 p.m., & 7 p.m. courses offered annually by option  Counseling (SC & CCSS): Monday/Wednesdays  School Psychology : Tuesday/Thursdays  MFT : M/W or T/Th based on fieldwork placement  Daytime classes scheduled as necessary  Fieldwork hours variable  Schedule depends on placement site needs 6

  7. Common Characteristics of Counseling Master’s programs  Core of counseling coursework  Fieldwork Requirements  Begins in first year for most programs  800 hours minimum for MFT, College Counseling, and School Counseling programs  1,650 for School Psychology as required by California Commission on Teacher Credentialing  Require a culminating activity:  comprehensive exam, thesis, or project 7


  9. M.S. in Counseling with Areas of Specialization Specialization in either School Counseling or College Counseling &  Student Services Minimum of seventy-one ( 71 ) units  48 units counseling core  No elective options  Approximately Three ( 3 ) year, full-time program (includes some  summers - optional) Includes afternoon and evening courses  Desirable applicant characteristics and experiences:  Strong grades (over 3.0 overall or last 60 units GPA)  Most or all prerequisites complete at time of application  Experience with diverse populations (historically marginalized groups, differently-  abled students, etc.) 9

  10. M.S. in Counseling with Areas of Specialization  Desirable applicant characteristics and experiences:  Strong grades (over 3.0 overall GPA)  Minimum for eligibility 2.75 GPA  Most or all prerequisites complete at time of application  Experience with diverse populations (historically marginalized groups, differently-abled students, among others)  Experience in field of study 10

  11. M.S. in Counseling with Areas of Specialization  FIVE (5) Prerequisite courses required:  EPC 451 - Introduction to Counseling Psychology ( not Clinical Psychology)  EPC 430 – Developmental Psychology  EPC 600 - Statistics  PSY 310 – Abnormal Psychology  SPED 400 – Introduction to Special Education 11

  12. Specialization in School Counseling Of note to School Counseling Applicants:  Experience in the P-12 Public School Setting – volunteer or paid  experience acceptable. Students should have an interest in developing traditional  counseling skills CBEST scores or other documentation of having met basic skills  requirement must be included with departmental application Students graduate with M.S. in Counseling, with a  Specialization in School Counseling and a California Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) Credential in School Counseling. Upon degree completion, students may apply to the State  Board for associate registration, pursue post-master’s clinical hours, and complete written exams to earn LPCC state licensure. 12

  13. Specialization in School Counseling Core of counseling coursework plus instruction related to :  History and current issues in school counseling  Multidisciplinary team collaboration & leadership skills development in the field of school counseling  Development of intervention and program evaluation skills to address students’ personal, social, economic, and institutional challenges from a culturally responsive pedagogical process  800 hours of fieldwork minimum 13

  14. Specialization in School Counseling School Counseling Mission Statement, Themes, and Curricular Focus  Social Justice  Advocacy  Leadership  Multicultural Awareness  Community  Development and Learning  Teamwork  Use of Data 14

  15. Specialization in School Counseling  Prepares students for a career in the state of California as a school counselor in grades P-12.  Trains students to be change agents who promote educational equity and student academic achievement.  Develops professionals able to create comprehensive, results-based school counseling programs. 15

  16. Specialization in School Counseling  Transformed School Counselors  Act proactively rather than reactively  Collaborate and work together with the larger school community  Work both individually and systemically 16

  17. School Counseling Program Contacts  Dr. Shyrea Minton  shyrea.minton@csun.edu  818-677-4976  17

  18. Specialization in College Counseling & Student Services (CC/SS)  Of note to CC/SS Applicants:  Students have an interest in developing traditional counseling skills  Experience in the student affairs field – may be paid or volunteer experience.  Experience in a counseling-like role – may be paid or volunteer experience.  Students graduate with an M.S. in Counseling, with a specialization in College Counseling & Student Services  Upon degree completion, students may apply to the State Board for associate registration, pursue post- master’s clinical hours, and complete written exams to earn LPCC state licensure. 18

  19. Specialization in College Counseling & Student Services (CC/SS) Core of counseling coursework plus instruction related to :  Student development theory and application  Administration, management, & leadership skills in the field of student affairs  History and current issues in higher education  Development of intervention and program evaluation skills  800 hrs. of fieldwork minimum 19

  20. Specialization in College Counseling & Student Services (CC/SS)  Emphasizes counseling in the college setting.  Prepares students for careers in Student Affairs roles on College and University campuses.  Trains students to apply counseling and student development principles and models across a variety of professional roles.  Develops professionals able to provide holistic support to a highly diverse student population throughout the college experience. 20

  21. Specialization in College Counseling & Student Services (CC/SS) Prepares students to work in college and university settings in a variety of roles  Residential Life  Academic Advisement  Admissions  University Student  Career Center  Student Discipline  Counseling Centers  Student Government  Financial Aid  University Student Unions  Greek Life  Etc.  Orientation 21

  22. College Counseling & Student Services Program Contact  Dr. Shyrea Minton  shyrea.minton@csun.edu  818-677-4976 22

  23. School Psychology Program Of special note to School Psychology applicants: GRE scores required for ALL School Psychology applicants  regardless of GPA or existing master’s degree Submit three (3) letters of recommendation on recommender’s  stationery ( Do NOT use department form) Acquire experience working with students in a P-12 public  school, special education setting before applying Conviction to advocate for children with exceptional needs  essential Strong writing skills needed  23

  24. School Psychology Program  Seventy-two ( 72 ) units required for the Master of Science degree in Counseling and PPS credential in School Psychology  Three ( 3 ) years full-time including summers  Students admitted on a full-time basis only  1,650 fieldwork and internship hours required by State of California for PPS credential in School Psychology  Students graduate with M.S. in Counseling with a Specialization in School Counseling and a California Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) Credential in School Counseling 24

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