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Welcome to Cockenzie Primary School To find out information about - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Curious Positive Successful Welcome to Cockenzie Primary School To find out information about Cockenzie Primary Schools transition programme from Nursery to Primary 1 Find out how you can support your child in preparing for primary 1

  1. Curious Positive Successful Welcome to Cockenzie Primary School

  2.  To find out information about Cockenzie Primary School’s transition programme from Nursery to Primary 1  Find out how you can support your child in preparing for primary 1  Meet a range of professionals  Informing parents/carers – hopefully everyone will come away with one useful piece of information

  3.  Natasha O’Connor, Deputy Head Teacher “Nursery Transition Programme”  Linzi Fowler, Speech and Language Therapist “Speech, Language and Communication Skills; Getting Ready for Learning at School”  Karyn Pollard, Senior Early Years Practitioner “Sleep”  Jacqui Mackinnon, Head Teacher “School Pay”  Maggie Livningstone, School Nurse “Healthy Eating at School and Supporting Toileting”  Natasha O’Connor and Jennifer Moodie, Primary 1 Parent “Top Tips When Preparing Your Child for Primary 1”

  4.  Familiarise the children with the school, playground and key people they need to know  Answer any questions they might have  Reduce any anxieties  Provide a support network  Be fun and a positive experience  Leave your child feeling prepared for what they will face in August

  5. The transition process takes place between March and the end of June This year all of our children will be buddied with a primary 6 pupil. From March the children go on informal visits to;  Look at infant area , cloakroom and packed lunch trolley  Visit the infant toilets  Meet the office staff  Walk around the school  Nursery and Buddies read a story / play

  6. Nursery ry to Prim rimary ry One Transit itio ion – Key Dates Da Date Tim ime Event 7 th th 14 th th & 14 1000hrs 1000 Nur ursery ry ch chil ildren & bu buddies in In Infant Pl Playground May 21 st st May 21 1025 1025hrs Nur ursery ry ch chil ildren & P1s P1s in Pl Playground 28 th th May 28 1000 1000hrs Gar Garden Part arty + + P1 P1 Par arent/C /Carer In Infor ormatio ion Talk lk 1800hrs 1800 P1 P1 Par arent/Carer In Information Talk lk 4 th th Ju June 1000 1000hrs Nur ursery ry ch chil ildren vi visit it em empty P1 P1 cla class sses & pla playtim ime 5 th th Ju June Gr Graduation Pho Photos s taken (current CPS pupils only) 10 th th Ju 10 June TBC BC Spo Sports Da Day (current CPS pupils only) 11 th th Ju 11 June TBC BC Trip ip (current CPS pupils only) 20 th th Ju 20 June TBC BC Pre-schoolers be become P1s P1s (no morning nursery) 21 st st Ju 21 June TBC BC Whole mor orning in Prim rimary ry 1 26 th th Ju Lunch (note change of date from 17 th -19 th 26 June 1100 1100hrs – Tria ial Lu 1145 1145hrs June) 27 27 th th Ju June 1000 1000hrs Nur ursery ry Gr Graduation (current CPS pupils only)

  7. Linzi Fowler, Speech and Language Therapist

  8.  Attention and listening skills  Social interaction skills  Imaginative play skills  Understanding language and following instructions  Expressive language; vocabulary, sentences, stories, etc.  Speech sounds

  9.  Focussing for a game/story  Interested in playing and talking with other children  Able to follow instructions involving a few steps  Can understand and respond to simple ‘ Wh ’ questions (Who, What, Where)  A large vocabulary of words and using a range of concept words (e.g. on/under, big/little)  Talking in sentences and can talk about things that have already happened, or are going to happen  Enjoys making up stories in play  Speech sounds not such a concern

  10.  Read books with your child / talk about what you see happening in the pictures  Ask your child questions about what happened in the stories, e.g. Who was in the story, Where did the characters go, etc.  Talking about things that you’ve done (use pictures)  Talk about how you feel and what you do to feel better  Playing turn taking games

  11.  Supporting all of the children in P1 and P2  Universal approaches  Visual supports  Signalong  Social skills interventions  Storytelling skills  Early sound awareness (phonological awareness)

  12.  Come along to our drop in; Wednesday 6 th March 8.30-9.30 or 2.15-3.15  Speak to the school  Call our telephone helpline (flier)

  13. Karyn Pollard, Senor Early Years Practitioner

  14.  Cerebral fluid  Growth Hormone produced  Learning consolidated  Muscle tissue is  Memories preserved growing and tears are  Daily To-Dos being repaired  Muscle Paralysis  Hormones are released to help joint recovery Brain Body

  15. Wind down time Set Bed time  Pack nursery/school bag Light snack & drink  Read, look at picture books, colour in  Quiet games  NO TV, iPad, consoles of any kind

  16. Bath Teeth Pjs Bed Story


  18. Jacqui Mackinnon, Head Teacher

  19. SchoolPay is a secure online payments system that allows parents/carers the ability to pay for school related items for their child(ren) online, and will offer a host of easy to use features, including the following:  Provide you with your own personal account, to pay and track all school payments, including school meals and larger items such as school trips.  Pre-order meals for your child in advance, giving you options and choice for their lunch.  Manage costs for all of your children – across nursery, primary and secondary schools - from the same account, making things easier and faster for you.  Enable you to see, at any time, what your balance information is regarding these payments.

  20. One of the major advantages is that you can discuss school lunch options with your child at home and pre-order with them at the time. Information to support you in setting up your School Pay account can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIP_OeF1rWo Please take the time to set up your School Pay account.

  21. Maggie Livingstone, School Nurse

  22. Natasha O’Connor, Deputy Head Teacher

  23. Can your child;  Dress and undress themselves  Put on/take off their coat and hang it up  Put on and take off their shoes  Wash their hands  Use a knife and fork and open any boxes and water bottles they may need  Use scissors

  24. Your child may;  mark make with a few recognisable letters  make an attempt at writing their name Has your child got a dominant hand? As your child moves into primary 1 support your child in having the correct pencil grip

  25. “The greatest early marker of a child’s future academic achievement is the number of words in their vocabulary when they start school.” Dr Sarah McGeown

  26.  Answer any questions they have realistically  Try and not make too big a deal or show your concerns  Chat over and reassure your child of any fears  Read stories that will help to prepare them for primary 1

  27. What advice do you have for parents/carers of children going into primary 1? Is there anything you wish you had known about primary 1 before hand?

  28.  This power point will be posted on the school blog https://www.edubuzz.org/cockenzie/  You will be kept up to date about further tranisiton information via the newsletter, letters and emails  Feel free to help yourself to any school clothes in the nursery  We look forward to seeing you all on the 28 th May for the P1 Parent/Carer Information Talk


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