welcome to our year 9 information evening

Welcome to our Year 9 Information Evening Tradition Mr Ferguson - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome to our Year 9 Information Evening Tradition Mr Ferguson Deputy Head The Performing Arts Centre - 2017 Progressive The Pavilion 2018 Welcoming Pride The Science and Computing Block - 2018 Kindness The War Memorial Library

  1. Welcome to our Year 9 Information Evening Tradition

  2. Mr Ferguson – Deputy Head

  3. The Performing Arts Centre - 2017 Progressive

  4. The Pavilion – 2018 Welcoming

  5. Pride

  6. The Science and Computing Block - 2018 Kindness

  7. The War Memorial Library - 2019

  8. A Place to Inspire… The Academic Hub at the Heart of MGS

  9. The 3G Rugby and Football Pitch – 2019/20

  10. Purpose built, dedicated area for the CCF. Repurposed Classrooms. Dedicated areas to archive our history and celebrate the growth of the arts. And…

  11. The Second Floor of the Pavilion Welcoming

  12. Making these projects a reality… The Goal - 100 New Donors

  13. How should Maidstonians conduct themselves inside and outside the classroom? Miss Johnson – Deputy Headteacher

  14. Movement around the school Start of lesson routines Seating plans for every lesson A focus on good speaking and listening skills A new MGS Student Code of Conduct

  15. More frequent and more explicit praise from staff A focus on rewards – ‘Congratulations Cards’ for Years 9-13 Parentmail when a ‘Congratulations Card’ is issued Parentmail when a detention is issued Monitoring the Conduct Card Monitoring Attitude to Learning Marks

  16. 1- Outstanding 2- Good 3- Requires improvement 4- Inadequate

  17. Extra curricular involvement: Opportunities available in sport, drama, debating, school clubs, CCF etc. The Duke of Edinburgh Award Super curriculum engagement: Subject reading and research above and beyond taught courses Super curriculum reading list – KS3+KS4

  18. Mr Ferguson – Deputy Head

  19. All students receive an ALPS Target Grade for each of their subjects based on their KS2 Data. They have an ‘End of Year Target’ and an ‘End of Key Stage Target’. If you hit the first, it means you are on track to achieve the second. Target for End For example: of Year 11 = Target for End Level 7 of Year 10 = Level 6 Target for End of Year 9 = Level 5

  20. We track students against these grades with every piece of assessed work. We formally review the progress of the cohort four times a year. th We have now introduced formal exams in the hall for Year 9 (20 April-24 th April 2020)

  21. Maidstonians are CURIOUS Maidstonians understand and seek to EXPLORE . that their subjects are Greater learning is truly CONNECTED and can MAKE Inspire to Learn unlocked when we all ask LINKS between the SKILLS and TERMINOLOGY within CHALLENGING QUESTIONS and PERSEVERE when them… striving to find answers… Maidstonians are Maidstonians are EFFECTIVE INDEPENDENT and The Four MGS in their use of ASSESSMENT . RESILIENT learners. They They know how to REFLECT Learning Habits are able to IMMERSE and are supported with themselves in their studies, DIFFERENTIATED learning DISTIL complex information to make rapid progress… and REVISE effectively…

  22. How did students perform against targets over time in Year 9 last year? On average, students got to the Summer of Year 9 with an average ATL of 1.8 and finished the year above target (+0.1) On average, students got to the Spring of Year 9 with an average ATL of 1.8 and less than half a grade On average, students below target (-0.3) got to the Christmas of Year 9 with an average ATL of 1.9 and just over half a grade below target (-0.8).

  23. → English Language 1 – Unseen 19 th Century Fiction and Creative Writing. → English Language 2 – Non-Fiction and Transactional Writing. → English Literature 1 – Post 1914 Text and Shakespeare. → English Literature 2 – 19 th Century Text, Poetry and Unseen Poetry.

  24. Year Vital Event 9 Start your GCSEs. 10 Study for three year GCSE course. 11 Take the final GCSE exams. 12 Begin the Sixth Form and A-Levels. 13 Apply to university, or for work placements. Take final A-Level exams.

  25. Works consistently most days and Does most homework. Seems rushed evenings. Not perfect, but trying to be on a Sunday night. Works in the best they can be. disorganised mess. Often drops out of things he signs up Remains committed to school, always to. Blames others for his lack of attending CCF/rugby, demonstrating interest. great character. Doesn’t really want to talk about his Likes History. Has a subscription to subjects, or doesn’t have the chance the BBC History Magazine and has to. Doesn’t do anything to further an the chance to talk about it at home. interest. Electronic devices are far Maybe attends an exhibition or two a more enticing… year in London? Reads nothing. On phone in bed Reads in the evening. Maybe until late. Historical Fiction to begin with?

  26. Integrity

  27. Eldest child Younger sibling of a student who did well Younger sibling of a student who did poorly Respect

  28. There is no guide on how to parent The fear of doing it wrong is very high Parental anxiety can be passed on to students This can lead to arguments Parents have your best interests at heart Home

  29. Get them to trust you. Show them what and how you are doing. Talk to them. Be organised. Revise little and often. Systematic work is key! Focus revision on activities not time. Show your parents what you have done. If you are using exam questions, mark them and show them the score/grade. Gaudeamus

  30. It is important that students continue their hobbies as it good for their mental health. Being organised reduces stress and anxiety – parents can help by teaching their sons to be organised at home. Make sure they sleep properly – lack of sleep causes under- performance. Use of mobile phones late at night can prevent sleeping Safe

  31. Parents, Students and Teachers all want the same thing – the student to perform as well as possible and keep all their options open. If you are struggling – be honest and talk to someone Don’t cheat yourself. Using other people’s work only masks areas you need support with that would have otherwise have been picked up by staff. Don’t leave assignments to last minute and make sure you respond to the feedback we give you. Pride

  32. Integrity

  33. Tradition

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