welcome to academia ecum nica de liderazgo

WELCOME TO ACADEMIA ECUMNICA DE LIDERAZGO Ecumenical Leadership - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

WELCOME TO ACADEMIA ECUMNICA DE LIDERAZGO Ecumenical Leadership Academy A Latino leadership school growing an Active, Genuine, and Transforming faith . WHAT IS THE ACADEMIA ECUMNICA DE LIDERAZGO It is a resource that consists of

  1. WELCOME TO ACADEMIA ECUMÉNICA DE LIDERAZGO Ecumenical Leadership Academy A Latino leadership school growing an Active, Genuine, and Transforming faith .

  2. WHAT IS THE ACADEMIA ECUMÉNICA DE LIDERAZGO It is a resource that consists of fourteen videos in SPANISH in different fields of mission, experienced in group, to develop and multiply lay leaders.

  3. HYBRID METHODOLOGY -Videos online, but but no not t “Online Courses” -In presence group classes but but “Virtual Instructors”

  4. COURSES PRODUCE BY LUTHERANS: - Mission and - Introduction to the Evangelism Bible - Mission and - History of the Church Discipleship and the Reformation - Preaching - Lutheranism - Liturgy - Christian Education - Helping our Neighbour - Stewardship in Time of Need 4

  5. COURSES PRODUCE BY EPISCOPALIANS: - Evangelism in the 21 Century - Sacramental Life - History of the Anglican Church - Our Common Prayer If you are a facilitator trained and authorized by the Academy you have access to all these courses. 5


  7. THANK YOU Deacon Aura Suárez, Coordinator 954-592-6555 info@academialuterana.org www.academialuterana.org


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