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• If your Tribe is interested in the development of a Tribal Occupational Safety and Health Program, the following are considerations in the development of your program.
Leadership Support For an OSH program to be successful, leadership has a vital role to play. Leaders can communicate the purpose and processes of the program to all levels of the Tribe. Leaders can act as models or “champions” for the effort to achieve buy-in and support from other levels of the organization. This will create a supportive environment with management and employees. Leadership needs to dedicate the necessary resources to the effort; for example, by creating a Safety Committee. ➢ Does Tribe have a safety committee? ➢ If yes, at what level? Council, enterprise specific, employee ➢ Does Tribe partner/work with state OSHA on OSH? ➢ Does Tribe partner/work with state Health Department on OSH? ➢ Does Tribe have a written safety program? ➢ Does Tribe have a designated worker safety and health professional?
Tracking Injuries and Does Tribe track OSH data? Illnesses - What agencies track worker injuries and fatalities on the reservation? SURVEILLANCE How and who are the data reported to? What industry sectors are a priority within your tribe? OSH Surveillance tracks work- What are the leading causes of work related injury or related injuries, illnesses, illness? hazards, deaths, and exposures. This data guides efforts to Does Tribe issue periodic reports about the number and improve OSH, and to monitor type of work-related injuries and illnesses that occurred on trends and progress over time. the reservation, including recommendations for prevention?
Tribal Workforce Tribes often the largest employer in the community Limited research on worker safety and health initiatives in Tribal communities AI/AN workers have a higher injury rate compared to white workers 1 1 Steege A, Baron S, Marsh S, Menendez C, Myers J [2014]. Examining Occupational Health and Safety Disparities Using National Data: A Cause for Continuing Concern. Am J Ind Med 57:527-538.
Training and Education Training and educational opportunities are essential for employees and employers and are an important part of efforts to reduce workplace injury and death. Does Tribe provide safety training? Does Tribe have a certified safety professional (CSP)?
Workers’ Compensation Workers’ compensation systems were established to provide partial medical care and income protection to employees who are injured or become ill from their job. These systems also provide employers with incentives to reduce work-related injury and illness. Workers’ compensation data and systems can improve workplace safety and health. Does Tribe have a workers’ compensation program? Does Human Resources/Personnel department have OSH specific focus?
NIOSH AI/AN Initiative • Partner with AI/AN communities, organizations and partners to provide occupational safety and health (OSH) support. • Objectives are to identify priority needs, determine how best to provide OSH support, and conduct outreach. National workshop in August and Tribal site visits now underway. • To join the new listserv, contact edalsey@cdc.gov.
CDC/National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH) • NIOSH is an institute within the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which is agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services • U.S. federal agency that conducts research and makes recommendations to prevent worker injuries and illnesses • Mission: To provide leadership in research to prevent work-related
Shoshone-Bannock TERO/TOSHA Department • Wesley G. Edmo, TERO Director • Chris Hugues, TOSHA Inspector/ OSHA Certified Safety wgedmo@sbtribes.com (208) 478-3847 Professional • chugues@sbtribes.com (208) 478-3849 Julie Yeates, Compliance Officer/ Bureau of Apprenticeship Training jyeates@sbtribes.com (208) 478-3755 • Rick P . Edmo, TOSHA Safety Technician/OSHA Certified Outreach Trainer Samantha DeRouche, Administrative Placement Officer redmo@sbtribes.com (208) 478-3788 • sderouche@sbtribes.com (208) 478-3848
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