
WELCOME Graduate Diploma in Psychology Orientation Summer and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

WELCOME Graduate Diploma in Psychology Orientation Summer and Start Year Intake 2019 Simon Cropper Graduate Diploma Program Convener Andrew Howes Academic Programs Manager Matt Barbetti & Jessie Kelly Academic Programs Officers

  1. WELCOME Graduate Diploma in Psychology Orientation Summer and Start Year Intake 2019 Simon Cropper – Graduate Diploma Program Convener Andrew Howes – Academic Programs Manager Matt Barbetti & Jessie Kelly – Academic Programs Officers

  2. Introductions Other key staff Judi Humberstone – Undergraduate Programs Convenor Geoff Saw – Timetabling Coordinator & Tutor Coordinator Paul Dudgeon – Advanced Research Methods coordinator Chris Groot – Sem 1 MBB1 & Sem 2 MBB2 coordinator Piers Howe – Director of Teaching & Learning

  3. Agenda What we will cover today: • Key websites and resources: my.unimelb, Handbook & LMS • Course Structure • Class Registration and Timetabling • FAQ & Pathways • School and Stop 1 Support • Access to Redmond Barry Building • Health and Safety • Graduate Student Association • Questions

  4. Key websites and resources ask.unimelb - https://ask.unimelb.edu.au/app/home Use this to find general information about almost anything related to the student lifecycle and student admin. my.unimelb - https:// my . unimelb .edu.au/ Use this to view your study plan, view your personal details, enrol into subjects, apply for leave, access fee statements, access results, links to your LMS, timetable, library information and to Melbo elbour urne ne Sc Scho hool ol of of Ps Psycho hologica logical l submit forms. Science Scien ces Handbook https://handbook.unimelb.edu.au/ www.psych.unimelb.edu.au The handbook contains important course information at https://handbook.unimelb.edu.au/2019/courses/340aa Each subject has an entry ie PSYC20008 Developmental Psychology https://handbook.unimelb.edu.au/2019/subjects/psyc20008 including key dates information. LMS - https://lms.unimelb.edu.au/ The LMS is the University’s online system for subject information such as readings; submitting assignments and providing feedback to students.

  5. Course Requirements Level 1 PSYC90097/10003 PSYC90098/10004 25 points Mind, Brain & Mind, Brain & Behaviour 1 Behaviour 2 Level 2 PSYC20006 PSYC20007 PSYC20008 PSYC20009 Personality 50 points Biological Cognitive Developmental and Social Psychology Psychology Psychology Psychology Level 3 PSYC40014 PSYC40013 Level 3 Elective Level 3 Elective 50 points Advanced Advanced Research Methods Psychological in Psychology Theory & Practice (Capstone subject)

  6. Course structure Start Year Part-time Year 1 Semester 1 2019 PSYC10004 Mind, Brain PSYC20008 2 x Level 1 core subjects and Behaviour 1 Developmental 50 points 25 points Psychology Year 2 4 x Level 2 core subjects OR 50 points 25 points PSYC20006 Biological 2 x Level 3 core subjects 25 points Psychology 2 x Level 3 elective subjects Semester 2 2019 PSYC10004 Mind, Brain PSYC20007 Cognitive 25 points Total and Behaviour Psychology 125 points OR PSYC20009 Personality and Social Psychology Part time students need to aim to complete within 4 years.

  7. Course structure Start Year Part-time PSYC20008 PSYC40014 Year 2 Semester 1 Developmental Advanced 50 points 2020 Psychology Research Methods OR in Psychology PSYC20006 Biological Psychology PSYC20007 PSYC40014 Semester 2 Cognitive Advanced 2020 Psychology Research Methods OR in Psychology PSYC20009 Personality and Social Psychology Level 3 Elective Level 3 Elective Year 3 Semester 1 25 points 2021

  8. Course structure Level 3 Elective options Level 3 Elective subjects Semester 1 PSYC30012 The Unconscious Mind PSYC30014 The Psychopathology of Everyday Life PSYC30017 Perception, Memory and Cognition PSYC30018 Neuroscience and the Mind Semester 2 PSYC30016 Lifespan Social and Emotional Development PSYC30019 Development of the Thinking Child PSYC30020 The Integrated Brain PSYC30022 Trends in Personality and Social Psychology

  9. Timetable & Class Registration If classes are displaying as full or if you are having issues with the registration process you will need to submit a request through the Class Registration Enquiry Management (CREM) system. If you're not sure how to use CREM, you can read more about it here.

  10. Pathways & Further Study Melbourne School of APAC accredited Graduate Diploma in Psychology Psychological Sciences Become a registered psychologist in Australia Applied Psychology Career Options 1.5 Year Master of Applied Psychology (MAP) 1 Year APAC accredited Fourth Year Graduate Diploma in Psychology Students who complete the Graduate Diploma in Psychology with an (Advanced) average mark of 70% or above are guaranteed entry into the MAP 2 year APAC accredited Master of Psychology Possible career opportunities include: (Clinical Psychology) or Master of Psychology Data analyst (Clinical Neuropsychology) Human resource consultancy Applied social research Marketing Consumer research Clinical Psychologist Policy development Science communication Clinical Neuropsychologist For more information, visit psychologicalsciences.unimelb.edu.au * The Master of AppliedPsychology does notcarry professionalaccreditationandis not a pathwayto professionalregistrationas a psychologist. CRICOS Provider Code:00116K

  11. Upcoming Events Graduate Diploma Career Pathways Session • Q & A Session with former graduates • Find out what it’s like to advance further with your Psychology studies • Talk to our former students about their careers Wednesday 27 th March 2019 Time: 2.15

  12. Support Services and Key Information Graduate Diploma in Psychology information : Our website has links to the assignment extension form, policy information and the Graduate Diploma student manual: http://psychologicalsciences.unimelb.edu.au/study/graduate- diploma Census Dates : Dates listed on my.unimelb and in the handbook entry for each subject. It is your responsibility to be aware of key enrolment and withdrawal dates. Special Consideration: You may experience unexpected circumstances that significantly impact your studies, or, you may experience ongoing health conditions or official commitments that require study adjustments to assist you. The University has policies and procedures in place if you need support: http://students.unimelb.edu.au/admin/special Student Advocacy and Health Services: The Student Advocacy Service can provide help and discuss the options that might be available if you need to apply, or have applied for, Special Consideration. The University's Health Service and Counselling and Psychological Services are available to all students.

  13. Study Spaces As a Graduate Diploma student, you have access to the Graduate Study Hub on Level 10 (Rm 1010) of the Redmond Barry Building from 7am to 7pm. All Graduate Diploma students should have access to this space. If you cannot get in to the Graduate Study Hub, please contact Mitchell Old, Enquiries Officer on Level 12 of Redmond Barry.

  14. General course FAQs Graduate Diploma in Psychology FAQs are available on the School’s resources website including Lab Report Writing and Statistics Resources via LMS. All students should have access to the LMS page by the end of this week.


  16. WE REPRESENT YOU Our Council of elected graduate students represents your views and needs on campus.

  17. WE CAMPAIGN ON WHAT COMMITTEE MATTERS REPRESENTATION Our Fares Fair PTV campaign is fighting for public GSA acts as the graduate student voice in the room, transport concessions. helping shape the University’s decisions.

  18. RESEARCH SUPPORT 24/7 FACILITIES We’ve got Thesis Bootcamps, Shut Up & Write The 1888 Building is accessible for graduate sessions and the Graduate Researcher Network to students 24/7. help you! We have computer labs, silent study spaces, You can even apply for a long-term office in the 1888 lounges, kitchens, bookable meeting rooms and a Building. family space.

  19. GSA LEAD Join our revolutionary leadership development program. Develop your leadership skills in a supportive and engaging environment. Applications open online!

  20. ART PRIZE You don’t have to be an artist to express yourself: the GSA Art Prize celebrates creativity outside of your studies. Coming in semester two, with big cash prizes.

  21. REGULAR ANNUAL SOCIAL EVENTS GRADUATE BALL Food, drinks and activities all year round: Orientation | Every September, we hold the largest cross-faculty Garden Party | Septemberfest social event of the year: our Annual Graduate Ball. Plus weekly barbecues during semester.

  22. BACK TO SCHOOL FAIR Join us on Thursday 7 March for our biggest ever orientation event: Back to School with GSA! Meet friends, win prizes, share food: it’s a whole day of social events and activities.


  24. JOIN THE GRADUATE COMMUNITY! /GraduateStudentAssociation 24/7 access to the 1888 Building @GSA_UniMelb Gate 8, Grattan St (near Stop 1) gsa.unimelb.edu.au Weibo: search for 墨 尔本大 学研究生会

  25. OHS In Induction Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences • Swaved Marcinski 27

  26. Introduction What is Safety? “The condition of being protected from or unlikely to cause danger, risk, or injury” – Google definition OHS Policy and Procedures The University has in place an OHS Policy that governs its commitment to safety, supplemented by various procedures and guidelines making a system, which aims to provide a safe place of work and study.
