Welcome Parent Volunteer Orientation SLHS PTSA 2011-2012
www.southlakesptsa.org PTA Meetings are the second Wednesday of every month (except December)
Maria L. Harris, Theatre Arts Director, Performing Arts Chair
Directed by Maria L. Harris, Theatre Arts Director, Performing Arts Chair
Directed by Maria L. Harris, Theatre Arts Director, Performing Arts Chair
Directed by Maria L. Harris, SLHS Theatre Arts, Performing Arts Chair
South Lakes Band Boosters Who we are and what we do . . .
We are a group of volunteers working to help fund and initiate the activities that enhance the band program. The Band Boosters is a non-profit organization and votes for a board each year.
Your Band Boosters Board Claire Cyncynates - President Carol Burns - 1st Vice President / fundraising Maria Robles - 2nd Vice President / hospitality Pat Osbon - Treasurer Melissa Gifford - Recording Secretary Elizabeth Koozmin - Corresponding Secretary
Why do we need Band Boosters? The money earmarked for band programs in Fairfax County only covers the salary of the Band Director and very little beyond that. To be able to compete, travel, buy uniforms, hire professional coaches, buy new instruments, help students pay for travel and activities they might not otherwise afford and parties and social activities, money must be raised. That is where the Band Boosters comes in!
Fundraising Activities Carol Burns, 1st VP Tag Day - Immediate need!! This is the biggest fundraiser of the year. BB & T - Open an account and we get $25! Pick up a coupon today! Citrus Sale White House Ornaments Car Washes Corporate Fundraising
Did you know . . . • Your student will directly benefit from fundraising: An hourly wage or percentage of proceeds will be credited toward the Spring Trip balance.
Uniforms Sarah Birmingham Provided beautiful, new uniforms - $60,000 - NO PUBLIC FUNDING! Maintain Organize help students at marching band activities
Hospitality Maria Robles, 2nd VP Organizes all parties and events requiring food Provides tail gate dinners for all students at home games Provides a full, delicious dinner for all students at 8th Grade Band Night You can help with donations, set-up at events, clean-up at events and planning.
Chaperones We need Chaperones at ALL competitions and trips. Chaperones have the pleasure of seeing the students outside of the school. Students love having their parents come along, despite their pleas to stay home:-)
Pit Crew Tom Ryczek Immediate Need - Men LOVE this job! Pit Crew is a group of strong, energetic, highly appreciated volunteers who: move equipment on and off the field in games Load luggage and instruments on tours Load instruments for competitions If you ever dreamed of working back stage at Carnegie Hall, then this job’s for you!
How to volunteer Once you sign up this evening, you should expect to be contacted within the week. This will assure we have entered your information correctly. Wait for emails from ‘Volunteer Spot’ and respond accordingly. This is very easy to use! Read Grace Notes , our Band newsletter.
If you have no time . . . If you can afford to do so, go to our band web site and click on donate! It is tax deductible and makes a big difference to a great organization Thank you in advance! http://southlakesband.org/
Special thanks to . . . We love our • Erika Kammerer name tags!!
Where to find more information http://southlakesband.org/
ACADEMIC BOOSTERS www.southlakesptsa.org/academicboosters.htm • Celebration • Honor Roll Breakfast (600+, 3x/yr) • Bringing Up Grades (2x/yr) • Academic Letter Ceremony (Nov) { • Academic Support • College Application Essay (Oct/Dec) • TOK Essays (Oct/Nov) • Mock SAT/ACT Tests (Fall/Spring) • Reality Store Staffing (April) • Scholarships (May/June)
ORCHESTRA BOOSTERS www.southlakesstrings.org How Can you Help Checklist?
CHORAL ARTS MAJOR FUNDRAISING EFFORTS September through May - Great Lakes Scrip Rebate Fundraiser Rebate program with money going directly to your child to help offset personal costs throughout the year. See flier in information in package. Gift cards can be purchased throughout the entire school year. Buy all your gift cards through SCRIP and they arrive for pick up at the school. Year Round – eScrip Rebate Fundraiser This is a rebate program with rebate money going directly to your child to help offset personal costs throughout the year. See flier in information package. Rebates are related to Safeway grocery purchases, certain Visa purchases, and on-line shopping purchases. Claire’s Gourmet - September 14 - October 5 How Can you Help Checklist? Packets for students will arrive at the beginning of the school year. See products in advance at “www.clairesgourmet.com.” Students can sell items between September 14 and October 5 for delivery by October 25. Great time to buy desserts in advance for the holidays. All products freeze well and quality of products is outstanding.
CHORAL ARTS MAJOR FUNDRAISING EFFORTS (continued) September 11 - Reston Triathlon September 17 - Opera Night Fall Date TBD - Riversweet Citrus Sales October 15 - Fund Drive December 3, 10 and 17 - Reston Town Center Caroling How Can you Help Checklist? March 23, 24, 25 - Sing Strong Monthly – Restaurant Night (once a month)
CHORAL ARTS Getting It Together Night September 15 How Can you Help Checklist?
ATHLETIC BOOSTERS www.seahawkboosters.com {
ATHLETIC BOOSTERS www.seahawkboosters.com Meet people – Second Wednesday of month 6:30PM Help Students – All funds go to the Student Activities Office – Donated $70K last year Get Involved – Volunteer with Concessions or Apparel Sales { Buy a Booster Membership Pass Booster Pass money goes into annual donation Entrance to all home regular season sports events – normally $5/per person/per game Saves time – no lines to enter events
ATHLETIC BOOSTERS www.seahawkboosters.com HIGHLIGHTS OF BOOSTERS IN 2011 Seahawk Block Party – Mr. Butler and the dunk tank Consolidating to Mama Lucias Pizza – Free Awards Night Student T-shirt design contest Highlights of Boosters in Web based Volunteer sign-up Summer Camps – 1000 campers! 75% increase 2011 $10K Matching donation program
ATHLETIC BOOSTERS www.seahawkboosters.com OPEN VOLUNTEER POSITIONS Recently filled 50/50 Raffle Lead – Courtney Bulger Scoreboard Fan Message Lead – Sandy Vigen Seahawk Weekly – Amanda Owens Open Open Volunteer Positions Winter Fund Raiser Lead Summer Camp Coordinator
ATHLETIC BOOSTERS www.seahawkboosters.com HOW YOU CAN HELP Purchase Seahawks apparel at the concession stand. Lots of new items including a new student designed Hype Squad T-shirt. Purchase a Fall Program after September 2nd. These mini-yearbooks will sell for $5. Purchase a Scoreboard Fan Message. Our new stadium scoreboard enables us to post messages. You can type out a message and pay on our website. Help with the football concession stand – reach out to Kelly Kroll at duckyks@gmail.com Take sports pictures and upload them to the dedicated South Lakes/Reston Patch website at www.snapfish.com. User ID user name: Kareng@Patch.com; password: Reston. Check to see if your company can be a Corporate Sponsor. You can advertise at our How Can you Help Checklist? stadiums and in our programs. Email Pete Andrich (andriches5@verizon.net) with questions. Check out the latest team schedules at http://southlakesathletics.org/. Go to games and root for the Seahawk players!
PTSA VOLUNTEERING http://signupgenius.com/go/volunteer791 HOW YOU CAN HELP Academic Boosters: Encourage, support, and recognize academic achievement of all students. Career Center: 2 hrs/wk. _____data entry _____file/inventory materials Class Activities: ____Fundraising _____Homecoming Float _____ Prom (Jr. Class) _____ ANGP (Sr. Class) Clinic Volunteer: _____Few hrs/wk or mo. Health Screening (early Nov) Exam Proctoring (IB): May 2012 Hospitality/Teacher Appreciation: Donate Food; Help set-up, serve, clean-up at functions Teacher Appreciation Luncheon: May 2012 How Can you Help Checklist? Back-to School Breakfast: Last week of Aug. 2011 Newsletter Committee: newsletter activities need to be done once every six-weeks Student Directory: help prepare the directory for distribution (Fall) ESOL Volunteer: help in class on a weekly basis