
Welcome South S h Seminole H Height hts Civic A Ci c - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome South S h Seminole H Height hts Civic A Ci c Association, Inc. Inc. October 17, 2018 Tam ampa I a Int nterstat ate Study Sup upplement ntal E Environm nment ntal Impact Statement nt 1 St Stephen B Benso son Opening

  1. Welcome South S h Seminole H Height hts Civic A Ci c Association, Inc. Inc. October 17, 2018 Tam ampa I a Int nterstat ate Study Sup upplement ntal E Environm nment ntal Impact Statement nt 1

  2. St Stephen B Benso son Opening FDO FDOT Dis District ict Seven 2

  3. 3

  4. Our s r sol olution ons a are re more ore than th an ju just in t inter erstates es. . Active/ e/Ongo going g Studies es In Inter erstate Bike/P Bi /Ped Tr Transit Modernization Facilities Complete Transportation Freigh ght t Str treets ts In Innovation Mobility 4

  5. A New w Approa oach ch to o Transpor orta tati tion S Stu tudies es: How c Ho can w n we w work together an and thin think d dif ifferently ab about transportation s on solut ution ons? 5

  6. A N New w Approa oach Tampa I Interstate St Study S y SEIS • (Westshore t to Downtown) 6

  7. A N New w Approa oach Tampa I Interstate St Study S y SEIS • (Westshore t to Downtown) I-275 North P Projec ject D Develo lopment • & Environment S Study 7

  8. A N New w Approa oach Tampa I Interstate St Study S y SEIS • (Westshore t to Downtown) I-275 North P Projec ject D Develo lopment • & Environment S Study Regio ional T Transit P Pla lan • Vis isio ion P Pla lan & Catalyst P Proje jects 8

  9. A N New w Approa oach Tampa I Interstate St Study S y SEIS • (Westshore t to Downtown) I-275 North P Projec ject D Develo lopment • & Environment S Study Regio ional T Transit P Pla lan • Tampa St Streetcar E Ext xtensi sion St Study • (Alt lter ernatives es A & & B B) 9

  10. A N New w Approa oach Tampa I Interstate St Study S y SEIS • (Westshore t to Downtown) I-275 North P Projec ject Devel elopmen ent • & & Environment S Study Regio ional T Transit P Pla lan • Tampa St Streetcar E Ext xtensi sion • Study St y (Alternatives A s A & B) Heig ights M Mobilit ility P Pla lan • ‘Florida Ave is a ma main s stree eet , It should be optimized for local t transpor ortation on modes’. ‘There is too m oo much c cut-thru Traffic. These cars should be on I-275 but its backed up daily!’ ‘Tr Traffic c calming, W Walk/bike s safe fety & & TR TRANSIT!’ 10

  11. A N New w Approa oach Tampa I Interstate St Study S y SEIS • (Westshore t to Downtown) I-275 North P Projec ject D Develo lopment • & Environment S Study Regio ional T Transit P Pla lan • Tampa St Streetcar E Ext xtensi sion St Study • (Alt lter ernatives es A & & B B) Heig ights M Mobilit ility P Pla lan • Mult ltim imodal • Center er S Studies ies 11

  12. A N New w Approa oach Tampa I Interstate St Study S y SEIS • (Westshore t to Downtown) I-275 North P Projec ject D Develo lopment • & Environment S Study Regio ional T Transit P Pla lan • Tampa St Streetcar E Ext xtensi sion St Study • Heig ights M Mobilit ility P Pla lan • Univ iver ersity Area M Mult ltim imodal F l Feasibil ilit ity S Study • BRT C Corrido dor A Analysi ysis s – Florida A Ave ve & & Fow owler Ave • Builds off Heights Study & University Study • Optimize service network to provide true BRT • Service plan & stations on surface streets • Covers Project Development & Engineering •

  13. Transit FDOT I Invest sts i s in Transi sit i in 3 Ways: s: 1. Fundin ing f g for St Studie ies 3. Competi titi tive G Grants ts & & Res esea earch 2. F Formula-base ased (Pro roje ject-based) ) Grant Gr nts ( (Ong ngoing) Intermod odal Center S Studies 13

  14. Jef eff Novotn tny SEIS UPDATE FDO FDOT Dis District ict Seven 14

  15. SEIS U SE S Update Wher ere A e Are e We I e In T The P e Process? ALL documents r AL remain ain in in DR DRAFT f form a m and open pen f for pub ublic c comment nt unti until a after th the We are h here Public He Hear arin ing in in 2019. Publi lic Prepar arat ation Publi lic SEIS P Publi lic SEIS B Began Worksho hop of f Worksho hop Hear aring January October Documents December Summer 2017 2017 Ongoing 2018 2019 *A Preferred Alternative will be recommended after the December 2018 Public Workshop. 15

  16. Other S Small G ll Group roup M Meetin ings gs t to date West estsh shore P Palms s – May 3 3 Old ld Semin inole le H Heig ights SE Se SE Seminole He Heights North B th Bon A Air – Ju Jun 1 n 14 Tampa H Hei eights s – Ju Jun 2 n 28 V.M. . Ybor bor So South Se Seminole He Heights East T Tamp mpa Oakfor ord Pa d Park – Jul 9 l 9 Comm. mm. Tamp mpa H Heights East T Tamp mpa C Comm. mm. P Partnership – Jul 10 10 Partner ersh ship Encore! – Jul 17 17 SE SE Semin inole le H Heig ights – Jul 17 17 Ridgewood ood Pa Park Ridgewood ood Pa Park – Jul 24 24 Colle llege H Hill ill Old ld Semin inole le H Heig ights – Au Aug 9 9 North B th Bon A Air Civi vic A Asso ssoc. Cor Corpor oration t to o Develop op Com Comm. – Aug 17 17 Trio io a at Encore! ! – Aug 21 21 Jacks Ja kson Colle llege H Hill ill Civ ivic ic Assoc. – Au Aug 2 23 Heights ts V.M. Y Ybor Neighbor orhood A ood Assoc. – 9/5 /5 Ybor bor Ch Chamber/His ist Ybor bor/East Y Ybor bor/Gary– 9/1 /11 Encore! His ist Jackson on H Heights N Neighbor borhood A ood Assoc. – 9/ 9/18 18 Ybor bor/East East st Tampa pa Com Community W Wor orking G Grou oup– 9/2 /25 Oakfor ord Pa d Park West estsh shore P Palms Ybor bor/Gary Mc McFarlane P Par ark/Armory G Gar ardens – 9/26 26 South S Sem eminole H Hei eights C s Civi vic Asso ssoc. – 10/ 10/17 Draft M Map More S Sched eduled ed Colle llege H Hill ill Civ ivic ic Assoc. N Neig igh. – 10/ 10/25 25 His istoric ic E East Ybor bor & Gary Nei eigh A Asso ssoc. – 10/30 30 16

  17. SE SEIS U S Update Ta Tampa Inter erstate e Pu Purpo pose & & Need: eed: Stu tudy ( y (TIS) S) • Improve regional connectivity • Provide multimodal corridor Supplem Su lemen ental • Meet future travel demand Envir ironmenta tal l • Relieve congestion Imp mpact S Statement • Improve safety (SEI SEIS) S) • Improve accessibility 17

  18. Safety ty 18

  19. SEIS U SE S Update What i Wha is FDOT s still c conside deri ring fo for nge? the D Downt ntown I n Intercha hang Tolled E Express ss Lanes s or Non or on-Tolled E Express ss Lanes No F o Further Acti ction B D Ori Origi gina nal TIS TIS A C Pref refer erred ed Alternat ative Fou our De Design O Option ons 19

  20. SEIS U SE S Update How will we ultimately make a decision? Environment nt Constr tructa tability ty Foll ollow t the he P Proc ocess Engineering and T Traffic Bala lance t the he Is Issues Pu Publi lic Comme mment Balanc ance t the I Issue ues *No s o single le f factor or outweighs all ot l others 20

  21. Tam ampa Inter erstate S e Stu tudy SEI y SEIS A project’s environmental impacts, engineering considerations, and public comments aid in the decision-making process. This graphic lists the various documents that FDOT will prepare as a part of this process. Draft documents will be available at the December 10 & 13, 2018 Public Workshop. Soci ciocu cultura ral Nat atural al an and Engin ineering g Pu Publ blic Effe fects Physic ical E l Effects Consid ideratio ions Outreach SCE Tech Memo (includes Air Quality Tech Memo Preliminary Engineering Public and Agency Environmental Justice and Coordination Plan Economic Considerations) Natural Resources Traffic Tech Memo Evaluation Comments and Coordination Cultural Resources Pond Siting Tech Memo Assessment Survey/Section Noise Tech Memo 106 Case Study Small Group Meeting Contamination Screening Conceptual Relocation Plan Public Workshop/ Hearing 21

  22. SEIS U SE S Update Socio iocult ltural l Effects ( (SCE) Soc ocial al Economic ic La Land U Use se Mobi bili lity Aesth theti tics Relocation on • Demographics • Business & • Land Use- Urban • Mobility Choices • Noise/Vibration • Residential Employment Form • Community • Accessibility • Viewshed • Non-Residential Cohesion • Tax Base • Plan • Connectivity • Compatibility • Public Facilities Consistency • Safety • Traffic Patterns • Traffic • Growth Trends • Community • Business Access Circulation & Issues Goals/Quality • Special Needs • Public Parking of Life • Focal Points Patrons • Special Community Designations 22

  23. Are rea of Influence Dr Draft Ma Map South S Semin inole le Heights Civic ic Associa iatio ion ½ mile ile a area o of in influ luence Draft Ma Dr Map 23

  24. South S Semin inole H ole Heigh ghts Civic ic A Associa iation ion Demographic Information from GIS Tool Draft Ma Dr Map Percent Minority Population Draft Ma Dr Map 24

  25. South S Semin inole H ole Heigh ghts Civic ic A Associa iation ion Demographic Information from GIS Tool Draft Ma Dr Map Population Below Poverty Draft Ma Dr Map 25


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