
Welcome Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research International - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Sida Science Days 20-22 May 2019 Welcome Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research International Science Council www.council.science www.council.science www.council.science Sida Science Days 20-22 May 2019 Learning from and about

  1. Sida Science Days 20-22 May 2019 Welcome Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research International Science Council www.council.science www.council.science www.council.science

  2. Sida Science Days 20-22 May 2019 Learning from and about coordinating transdisciplinary research: The Transformations to Sustainability programme Sarah Moore T-Learning Change Lab workshop, Zimbabwe, 2016 www.council.science www.council.science

  3. Sida Science Days PROGRAMME AIMS 20-22 May 2019 • To inform the development of more effective, durable and equitable solutions to the problems of environmental change and sustainability; To promote the use of the best available knowledge • about social transformations by researchers, educators, policy makers, practitioners, the private sector and citizens. ISSC Report: Hackmann and Lera St. Clair, 2012 www.council.science

  4. Sida Science Days PROGRAMME PRINCIPLES 20-22 May 2019 Focus on: • The human and social in the causes of and possible solutions to environmental change and degradation → social science framing and leadership • The complexity of the environmental challenges → integrated, inter-disciplinary research • The need for relevant and usable knowledge → problem and solution-oriented research • The need to close the implementation gap → engaged, co-designed and co-produced research • The global, interconnected and often inequitable nature of problems → transnational, comparative, North – South collaboration • The need for more capability to do research of this type → capacity building www.council.science

  5. Sida Science Days WHAT WE DO 20-22 May 2019 • Supporting research projects on transformations to sustainability: • 38 seed grants (2014 – 2015) • 3 Transformative Knowledge Networks (2016 – 2018) • 12 collaborative research projects (2018- 2021) • Fostering knowledge exchange and building a research community around transformations to sustainability. • Establishing an open resource base on transformations to sustainability for the academic and practitioner community Photo credit: Andres Liévano García www.council.science

  6. Sida Science Days 3 TRANSFORMATIVE KNOWLEDGE NETWORKS, 2016-2019 20-22 May 2019 Transgressive social learning for Academic-Activist Co-produced Transformative pathways to social-ecological sustainability in Knowledge for Environmental sustainability: learning across times of climate change Justice disciplines, contexts and cultures www.council.science

  7. Sida Science Days 12 BELMONT FORUM – NORFACE PROJECTS, 2018-2021 20-22 May 2019 www.council.science

  8. Sida Science Days WHAT ARE WE LEARNING ABOUT ENABLING TD? 20-22 May 2019 • The researchers involved in TD research for sustainability are typically highly engaged – ‘activist academics’ Genuine co-design and co- production takes time… the • projects themselves have been ‘a very long beginning’ • Co-design period is critical: • Co-design already generates knowledge • Co-design serves as instrument of transformation • Proactive facilitation of knowledge exchange, networking and learning is invaluable (and challenging) • Challenge to systematically monitor and evaluate the impacts of TD research across the wide spectrum of cases, and of the programme itself, in the long term • Issues of the ‘sustainability’ of the initiatives and partnerships Special issue of COSUST, 2016, based on co-design during seed grants • A key outcome is the building of capacity to do TD research • TD research requires flexibility, attentiveness and care from funders www.council.science

  9. Sida Science Days 20-22 May 2019 www.transformationstosustainability.org transformations@council.science www.council.science


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