
Welcome Public Information Evening Draft Annual Business Plan & - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

WHYALLA CITY COUNCIL Welcome Public Information Evening Draft Annual Business Plan & Budget 2020/21 Kristen Clark Acting Chief Executive Officer 05 August 2020 Acknowledgement of Land Council would like to acknowledge the Barngarla people, the

  1. WHYALLA CITY COUNCIL Welcome Public Information Evening Draft Annual Business Plan & Budget 2020/21 Kristen Clark Acting Chief Executive Officer 05 August 2020

  2. Acknowledgement of Land Council would like to acknowledge the Barngarla people, the traditional owners of the land on which we meet today and pay my respects to their Elders past and present and extend that respect to other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are present today.

  3. Public Information Evening Overview 1. Welcome and Purpose 2. Master Plans 3. Major Projects 4. Assumptions and Key Inclusions 5. Service Delivery 6. Rate Increase History 7. Funding Annual Business Plan 2020/21 8. COVID ‐ 19 Rate Relief 9. Impacts of Lower Rate Increase 10. Community Survey 11. Making a Submission 12. Questions

  4. Welcome and Purpose Informal information evening to provide information on the review of Council’s Draft 2020/21 Annual Business Plan and Budget. Please be advised no formal submissions will be received this evening. Information on how to make a formal submission can be found later in this presentation or in the summary document handout.

  5. Proposed Master Plans

  6. Major Projects ROAD RESEAL PROGRAM – 2020/21 Three Year Road Delivery Program A Three Year Road Delivery Program to address maintenance and backlog work including Horwood Street road resurfacing, kerbing, pavement patching, asphalt & spray sealing to 43.8km over 40 roads. 2020/21 is the second year of this three year road delivery program in accordance McDoua with Council’s 10 year Asset Management Strategy. ll Stuart Ave Major roads to be addressed in 2020/21 include; Hincks Avenue Sharp Street Barson Street • • • Peters Street Wallack Terrace Broadbent Terrace • • • Randall Street Walls Street Darling Terrace Total Capital • • • Budget of $21.8 Year two of the program focuses on roads requiring extensive repairs leading to a million smaller number of roads addressed compared to year one and three. Offset by funding of $5.2 million 2020/21 Budget: $3,423,800

  7. Major Projects VALLEY ONE STORMWATER Stage One This is stage one of five for one of the key projects included in Council’s Stormwater Management Plan. Horwood Street McDouall Stuart Ave 2020/21 Budget: $1,400,000

  8. Major Projects NEWTON STREET FLOOD MITIGATION 2020/21 Budget: $787,500 BROADBENT TCE FLOOD MITIGATION 2020/21 Budget: $105,000 STORMWATER LEVEE REPAIR AND EXTENSION 2020/21 Budget: $189,500 RECONSTRUCTION OF WALL ST AND DARLING TCE 2020/21 Budget: $787,500

  9. Major Projects AIRPORT TAXIWAY AND RUNWAY SAFETY UPGRADE The Federal Government is investing $100 million over 4 years to help owners of regional airports right across Australia deliver safer runways and taxiways. Council has been successful in securing $2.455 million for airside upgrades to the apron and taxiway that will separate Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) from other users, significantly improving safety. 2020/21 Budget: $5,710,000 JUBILEE OVAL TOILET AND TRAINING FACILITY This project includes construction of a new facility at the Jubilee Park precinct that will involve amenities and changing facilities, which will benefit sporting groups looking to utilise this precinct for training. This project is subject to 50% external funding. 2020/21 Budget: $230,000

  10. Major Projects FOOTPATH EXPANSION 2020/21 Budget: $100,000 STREET TREE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM 2020/21 Budget: $100,000 HMAS WHYALLA 2020/21 Budget: $104,000 SHARED BIKE PATH PROGRAM 2020/21 Budget: $160,000

  11. Major Projects NATURAL CONSERVATION IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS 2020/21 Budget: $116,000 TANDERRA HALL AND KITCHEN 2020/21 Budget: $104,000 OLD AIRPORT HANGAR REFURBISHMENT – STAGE 2 2020/21 Budget: $165,000

  12. Assumptions

  13. Key Inclusions

  14. COVID ‐ 19 Rate Relief Council are implementing measures to support the community through this uncertain time. For further information please see the COVID ‐ 19 Information page on Council’s website www.whyalla.sa.gov.au RESIDENT IAL C O MMUNIT Y Co unc il c an C O MMERC IAL G RO UPS pro vide assistanc e Busine sse s L e ase c o sts fo r inc luding fle xible ne gative ly c o mmunity payme nt impac te d may be o rganisatio ns have arrange me nts e ligible fo r partial be e n waive d fo r six unde r its e xisting rate re mittanc e mo nths up to F inanc ial Hardship upo n applic atio n. Se pte mbe r 2020. Po lic y.

  15. Service Delivery Council spends 50% of budget delivering those services that relate to maintaining Council’s assets Focus on moving Airport and Child Care towards full cost recovery Future focus on better cost recovery for services that allow this

  16. Rate Increase History Fluctuate between 0% and 9.2% and average 4.7%. Council’s aim is to avoid these fluctuations.

  17. Funding the Annual Business Plan 2020/21 The operating deficit is driven by a loss of income related to COVID ‐ 19, as well as the one ‐ off rate relief being prosed. The Long Term Financial Plan returns to target range in 2021 ‐ 22 and break ‐ even by 2023 ‐ 24. 2021 PRO PO SED BUDG ET Total Loan Borrowings projected $26.4m returning to $18.2m by Council remains sustainable 2029 ‐ 30 over the term of the Long $8.5m of this years loans relate to the Term Financial Plan Airport, which is proposed to be self funded

  18. Impacts of Lower Rate Increase Future 3 Years Average Increases Rate Increase 2020/21 Savings Ongoing Savings 3.6% (LTFP) 3.9% $ ‐ $ 85,000 2.4% (CPI) 4.3% $ 195,000 $ 110,000 1.2% (Half CPI) 4.7% $ 355,000 $ 140,000 0.0% 5.1% $ 355,000 $ 190,000 Council have considered the possibility of adopting a lower rate increase. This will lead to higher rate increases being required in future years as well as reductions in service delivery, in addition to the efficiencies required to offset the rate relief being provided. This reduction in community capacity and rating stability was considered to be a negative outcome for the city.

  19. Community Survey •Pride Our People •Safe, Healthy & Connected •Activated Our Places •Attractive & Creative City •Sustainable Environment •Prosperous Our Economy •Growing •Learning, Working & Staying •Belonging – Living Our Image •Belonging ‐ Business Our •Strategic; Engaged Leadership •Accountable; Modern We would love to hear from you – go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/annualcommunitysurvey

  20. Making a Submission Written Submissions • Via consultation page on Council’s website (preferred) • Email to: council@whyalla.sa.gov.au • Mail to: PO Box 126 WHYALLA SA 5600 Please submit by Friday 21 August 2020 Verbal Submissions General Council meeting on Monday 17 August 2020 commencing at 5:30pm subject to COVID ‐ 19 restrictions If you would like any questions answered, please forward these in writing at as per Council’s Public Question Time process

  21. Questions?


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